U.S. Imperialism Objective: Isolationism to Imperialism isolationism – _____________________________________________________ imperialism ______________________________________________________ Britain, France, Germany, Italy, & Russia = all had empires U.S. started wanting to expand U.S. economy through foreign trade; i.e. Hawaii Open Door Policy ___________________________________; China = weak policy = ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________ – Chinese resented this and rebelled; 200 + killed; foreign military defeated the Boxers Spanish-American War __________________________________________________________________ U.S. trade with Cuba suffering & Americans felt sympathetic to their cause (American Revolution) ___________________________ – the American press critical of the Spanish; they exaggerated stories to attract readers; i.e. William Randolph Hearst & Joseph Pullitzer _____________________ – exploded or bombed? led to war with Spain (ex. of yellow journalism) Teddy’s soldiers = Rough Riders (specialized group) Yellow Journalism journalism that features scandal-mongering, sensationalism, embellishments = unprofessional activity _____________________________________________________________________ articles that sensationalized war & ____________________________________ Rough Riders _________________________________________________________________ Assault on Santiago & Kettle Hill & San Juan Hill – defining battle to dominate Cuba Fighting for the Ocean Islands War in Cuba! (1898) ___________________________________. Result = __________________________________________________________: U.S. imperialism (didn’t like it; war followed) Philippines: Fought for their own independence, LOST ______________________________ – link Pacific & Atlantic; 6,000 lives lost; built by the France & U.S. Hawaii perfect spot for ___________________________________ in Pacific Ocean (i.e. Pearl Harbor) In late 1800’s, America wants it… the Hawaiian League (American businessmen’s secret group) created to overthrow the Hawaiian monarch ___________________ ___________________ = king held at gunpoint to give in to American demands ___________________________________________________ In 1898, America annexed Hawaii (as a territory); in 1959, Hawaii became a state Summary: