Name _________________ Period_______________ Unit One: Discovery and Settlement Test Review

Unit One: Discovery and Settlement Test Review
1. How did the first people arrive in North America?
Name _________________
2. What continent did they come from?
3. What did the Hohokam build to allow them to farm in the desert?
4. What was the most significant change for early Native American societies?
5. What was the most important crop grown by Paleo-Indians?
6. What was the Mississippian Mound Building culture most advanced in?
7. What was Columbus determined to prove?
8. What caused the death of a large percentage of the Native population after
contact with Europeans?
9. List three ways European contact impacted Native American culture.
10. Who do you think benefited most from the Columbian Exchange, Native
Americans or Europeans? Why?
11. Define indigenous.
12. What was the importance of Christopher Columbus?
13. What was the importance of Jacques Marquette?
14. What was the importance of Henry Hudson?
15. Which Europeans developed good relations with the Indians because of their
knowledge of fur trapping?
16. What was the Spanish word for the men who were primarily responsible for
Spanish conquest of the New World?
17. What was the name of the first permanent European settlement established in
the New World in 1565?
18. What are colonies?
19. Describe Spanish colonization of the Americas.
20. Describe French colonization of the Americas.
21. Describe English colonization of the Americas.
22. How did John Smith help Jamestown survive?
23. How did the Headrights system work?
24. What was Jamestown’s cash crop?
25. Describe the Puritans.
26. What was the name of America’s first legislature or law making body?
27. What did the Mayflower Compact establish?
28. Describe the Quakers.
29. What was the southern agrarian (agricultural) economy dominated by?
Northern Colonies:
Middle Colonies:
Southern Colonies:
Matching Key Colonial Figures:
John Smith:
John Rolfe:
John Winthrop:
Roger Williams:
Anne Hutchinson:
William Penn:
30. Compare Jamestown to Plymouth. How were the two colonies similar and how
were they different?
31. What effects (positive and negative) did the French and Indian War have on the
Colonists in America?