Unit 1 Study Guide: Discovery and Settlement A. Hohokam:

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Unit 1 Study Guide: Discovery and Settlement
Essential Questions: Native American Cultures
1. Describe prehistoric cultures of the North American continent.
A. Hohokam:
B. Anasazi:
C. Agricultural revolution:
D. Iroquois Confederacy:
2. Describe the reasons for European exploration.
A. Christopher Columbus:
 What was Columbus actually searching for when he landed in the Americas?
 What was the main result of Columbus’s four voyages to the Americas?
B. Henry Hudson:
3. Review the reciprocal (mutual) impact resulting from early European contact with indigenous (native) peoples.
(Include the following ideas: religion, economic/trade, social, food, government, exploration)
D. Why were Native Americans more vulnerable to smallpox and measles than Europeans?
E. Why were missionaries sent to the “New World?”
F. Describe matriarchal leadership.
Essential Questions: Colonization
4. Describe the reasons for colonization of America.
A. religious freedom:
B. desire for land:
C. economic opportunity:
D. a new life:
5. Describe the development of the economy of Jamestown.
6. Compare the characteristics of the following colonies:
New England
A. colonial governments:
B. economics:
C. religions:
D. geography/resources:
7. Describe the impact of key colonial figures.
John Smith
William Penn
Roger Williams
Examine the experiences and perspectives of the following groups in the new nation.
A. property owners:
B. African Americans:
C. Women:
D. Native Americans:
E. Indentured servants:
9. Compare the lives of slaves and indentured servants.
10. Describe triangular trade.
11. Discuss how the French and Indian War impacted the American Revolution.
A. Who was involved:
B. Causes:
C. Turning points/key events:
D. Outcome/effects:
 Treaty
 Proclamation of 1763
 Salutary neglect
 Taxes
Anne Hutchinson
Unit 1 Review: Discovery and Settlement
1. The Hohokam were best known for:
2. Why were Native Americans more vulnerable to smallpox and measles than Europeans?
3. The development of __________ had the greatest impact on Native Americans before Europeans arrived.
4. What is a matriarchal society?
5. What was Columbus actually searching for when he landed in the Americas?
6. Describe the main result of Columbus’ voyages to the Americas.
7. As part of the Columbian Exchange, give three examples how Europeans impacted Native Americans.
8. Describe three reasons why England had an interest in colonization in the 16th century.
9. Henry Hudson was an English explorer, financed by the Dutch. What was he searching for?
10. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was set up as a refuge for _____________________.
11. The economy of the New England colonies was based on _____________________________________.
12. Which Southern colony served as a buffer between the colonies and Spanish Florida?
13. Which crop made Jamestown and the Virginia Company more profitable?
14. Why was the House of Burgesses important to the development of the British colonies in America?
15. The economy of the Southern colonies was based on __________________________________.
The Southern economy was dominated by ___________________________________________.
16. Roger Williams is best known in American history as:
17. In the founding of Pennsylvania, William Penn’s primary purpose was to:
18. Puritan magistrates in Massachusetts were angry with Anne Hutchinson because she believed that:
19. An indentured servant differed from a slave in that he or she:
20. Indentured servants in the English colonies included these three groups:
21. Describe three effects of the French and Indian War.
22. What treaty ended the French and Indian War?
23. What was the significance of the Albany Plan of Union?
24. Triangular Trade refers to trade between _________, ___________, ___________ and _____________.
25. Why were the French friendly with Native Americans?
26. Describe three reasons why England had an interest in colonization in the 16th century.
27. Who were four religious leaders in the early colonial period?
28. Describe the contributions of the following Enlightenment philosophers:
a. John Locke
b. Baron de Montesquieu
29. What leader saved Jamestown from total collapse by imposing strict discipline?
30. The main source of power in the colonies was ___________________.
31. Describe salutary neglect in your own words.
Extended Response: Prepare to write a paragraph on the following prompts.
1. Describe the reasons for the colonization of America.
2. Describe the differences between the New England and Southern colonies.
3. Choose two groups from EQ #8 and describe their different experiences in the “New World.”
4. Discuss how the French and Indian War impacted the American Revolution.