Critics of the New Deal


Critics of the New Deal

VIII. Critics of the New


A. Opposition to the New Deal

Some critics thought the New Deal went too far.

1. Socialism?

– Some saw the New Deal as socialistic

– Thought the federal government had gotten to large

2. Financial Concerns

– Some believed the New Deal programs would bankrupt the country

3. Roosevelt a Dictator?

– The conservative

Liberty League thought the powers of the presidency had gotten too large

– They thought

Roosevelt was becoming a dictator


Supreme Court – Parts of the NIRA and the

AAA were found to be unconstitutional.

– FDR tried to change the Supreme Court by adding six more justices. Congress didn’t go for the plan.

B. New Deal not Enough

– Other critics thought the New Deal did not go far enough

• Dr. Francis Townsend – Wanted FDR to do more for the older people in the country.

1. Nationalization of American Resources

– Father Charles E. Coughlin (Catholic Priest)

– He called for the Nationalization of American wealth and resources

• All businesses and all wealth controlled by the government

– Used his weekly radio show to promote these ideas

2. Huey Long

– Louisiana Senator

– Called for a more equal distribution of wealth in


– Proposed a “Share the

Wealth” program

• Every family would receive

$2,500 income a year

• Would be paid for by higher taxes on the


– Long was assassinated in


IX. The Election of 1936

A. Republican Party

1. Presidential


– Alfred M. Landon

(Governor of


2. Republican Support

– Most of their support came from the business community

– Problems with labor unrest, the continuing depression, and Supreme Court opposition to the New Deal also helped the Republicans

B. Democratic Party

1. Presidential Candidate

– Franklin D. Roosevelt

2. Democratic Message

– Roosevelt said the

Republicans had given the Americans:

• “Nine crazy years at the [stock market] ticker and three long years in the breadlines.”

3. Democratic Support

– A majority of Americans supported Roosevelt

– Richard Wright wrote:

Where I come from, they’re all singing

‘Roosevelt! You’re my man!

When the times come

I ain’t got a cent,

You buy my groceries

And pay my rent.

Mr. Roosevelt, you’re my man.’

C. Outcome

– Roosevelt won an even bigger victory than in


– Roosevelt: 523 Electoral Votes

– Landon: 8 Electoral Votes

X. Evaluating the New Deal

A. The New Deal Revolution

– Changed many aspects of American life

– Expanded the Role of the Federal Government

– Increased the power and role of the President

B. Did the New Deal end the Great Depression?

1. Maybe Yes

– New Deal programs prevented a total economic and political collapse of the US

– It created agencies and programs to help prevent future depressions

2. Maybe No

– It never brought full economic recovery

– The US suffered another small depression in

