Mrs. Swingle’s 7 Grade Science Classroom

Mrs. Swingle’s 7th Grade
Science Classroom
The start of a new school year is so exciting and I am very much looking forward to this
one. We will have a great time learning and becoming closer over the next nine months. Let’s
work together as a team to make it the best school year for everyone. To do this it will take
everyone’s cooperation and willingness to learn and to do their very best.
Here is a brief overview of our year, and the policies, and procedures that we will use in the
classroom as well as how they work.
1. Respect other people and their property. Treat others as you wish to be treated.
2. Be on time and prepared for class with all necessary materials (binder, log book,
writing utensil).
3. Actively listen to others.
4. Follow directions the first time they are given.
5. Obey all other school rules and policies as stated in the student handbook.
 Not following safety rules will result in losing lab privileges.
 Three tardies = Wednesday School
 Three missing homework assignments = Detention and phone call home
This is NOT a choice! You must do your homework to be successful in science. After
three missing assignments you will receive a detention. This will require you to come in
before school, after school, or during your lunch to make up ALL of your missing work.
 Follow ALL rules
 Turn assignments in ON TIME and COMPLETED
 Follow ALL verbal and written directions
 Ask questions when you do not understand something
 Write your homework down in your assignment book as soon as you get into class
 Be responsible for your actions
 Have a positive attitude
 Try your hardest
 Have fun!
If you are absent you have as many days as you were gone to make up your work. It is
your responsibility to see me and collect the work you missed. If you miss a lab or inclass activity it will be your responsibility to come and schedule a time with me to make
this up. (Study hall, lunch, or before or after school are all options.)
You are responsible for filling in your assignment book each day. The assignments will
ALWAYS be on the board and you will need to write the assignment in your book as soon
as you are seated.
Students will receive their own science textbook this year. This will be a write-in book
and will be for the students to keep. The book can also be accessed online by going to…
Usernames and Passwords will be distributed in the next few days. These usernames
and passwords must be kept secret because students will have assignments that they
have to do online and will be graded through the book website.
Students will need a three-ringed one-inch science binder to keep all of their work.
Students will also need to have notebook filler paper, assignment book or log book and
pens or pencils.
Your science grade will be determined by using the points you have earned on
assignments in the following categories: Classwork, Homework, Labs, Projects, Quizzes,
and Tests.
 Email –
 Walnut Springs Office Phone – (614) 797-6700
 Visit our class website
 Sign up for Remind to receive class texts… text @7sciencesw to (513)445-6150.
***Please come to me anytime you have a question or do not understand something. I am
here to help and guide you. I am excited to get to know each of you better throughout
the school year!
Online Textbook
Username ___________________
Password __________________
7th Grade Science Syllabus
Unit 1: Lab Safety & Scientific Inquiry
a. Experimental Design
b. Observation vs. Inference
c. Lab Safety
d. Measurement
e. Accuracy / Precision
Unit 2: Cycles & Patterns of Earth and Moon
Hydrologic Cycle
b. Thermal-energy Transfer
c. Global Climate Patterns
d. The Atmosphere
e. Solar/Lunar Eclipses
f. Phases of the Moon
Unit 3: Conservation of Mass & Energy
a. The Arrangement of Atoms
b. The Periodic Table
c. Energy Transfer
d. Mechanical, Electromagnetic, Thermal, Electrical Energy
Unit 4: Cycles of Matter and Flow of Energy
a. Energy Pyramids
b. Biomes
c. Abiotic/Biotic Factors
d. Ecosystems
e. Survival Rates
f. Predator-Prey
Name __________________
Please sign and return this page to Mrs. Swingle by Friday August 21st.
Keep the first three pages in your science binder.
I have read and understand the above classroom expectations and will do
my very best to follow them.
Student Signature
I have reviewed the classroom expectations with my child and will
encourage him/her to meet these expectations throughout the year.
Parent/Guardian Signature