Biochemistry I Lecture 9 February 1, 2013 Lecture 9: Protein Stability. Assigned reading in Horton - 4.9, 10. Nelson -1.3 and 4.4 Key Terms: OLI Quiz: 3 Thermal Denaturation Native state TM Ho, So Determination. Thermodynamics N→U Description ΔHo HBOND = HU-Hbond - HN-Hbond The enthalpy change due to H-bonds is positive; heat is required to break the H-bonds in the folded protein. ΔHoVDW = HU-VDW - HN-VDW The enthalpy change for vdw is positive; heat is required to break the vdw interaction in the folded protein ΔSoCONF = SU-CONF - SN-CONF The entropy change of the chain is positive, and very large. The unfolded state has more disorder. ΔSoSOLV = SU-SOLV - SN-SOLV The entropy change of the solvent is negative, due to the exposure of the hydrophobic groups during unfolding. Stabilizes Native The features of folded globular proteins are a consequence of the thermodynamics forces that stabilize the folded form of the protein, listed in order of significance, from left to right. Conformational entropy has been left off of this chart, remember it is very destabilizing for the folded state. Feature of Tertiary Structure Driven by Thermodynamic Factors Hydropho -bic Effect 1. Hydrophobic residues in core. 2. Well packed core. 3. Hydrogen bonded secondary structures. Interplay between 1o, 2o and 3o structure. If α-helices and β-sheets are equally stable from the perspective of vdw and H-bonds between mainchain atoms, why is one favored over another? 1 van der Waals H-bonds Stabilizes Unfolded Biochemistry I Lecture 9 February 3, 2012 Thermal Denaturation of Proteins: The relative energy of the native and unfolded state can be changed with temperature: G 0 H o TS o 1 0.9 Fraction Unfolded 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 Temp (K) G 0 H o TS o G 0 RT ln K EQ K EQ [U ] EQ [ N ]EQ Obtaining H0: The temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant can be used to determine Ho. Equating the two expressions for Go: G o H o TS o RT ln K EQ ln K EQ This is the equation of a straight line, if lnKEQ is plotted versus 1/T. 6 Slope = -Ho /R or Ho = -slope R This plot is referred to as a van't Hoff Plot. 4 Steps: 1. Vary temperature, record T & fraction native. 2. Convert temperature from C to K (C+273). 3. Calculate fraction unfolded, fU = (1-fN). 4. Calculate KEQ = fU/fN 5. Plot ln(Keq) versus 1/T (K). 6. Use the graphing wizard in Excel (Scatter plot). 7. Select plotted data with mouse. 8. Under Chart options, select "Add Trendline". 9. Use linear, under "Options" select "Display equation on chart". 0 H o 1 S o R T R y = -24188x + 72.202 2 lnKeq 2 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 0.0027 0.0029 0.0031 1/T 0.0033 Biochemistry I Lecture 9 February 3, 2012 Obtaining So: Once the enthalpy is known, the change in entropy can be calculated from the TM and from Ho. At the melting temperature, TM, the energy difference between the native and unfolded states is zero (fN = fU) , therefore: 0 = Ho - TMSo, So = Ho/TM giving: Example Question 1: Given Ho and So, predict the fraction unfolded at any given temperature. You work for a company that uses an enzyme to make the amino acid Lysine, an important amino acid in dinosaur food at Jurassic park. Your supervisor tells you to increase the production of lysine. The reaction is normally run at 290 K (~ room temperature). You know that the rate of the reaction, and therefore the Lysine production, will increase at higher temperatures. Consequently, you increase the reaction temperature to 310K (37o C). Given the following thermodynamic properties of the unfolding of the enzyme used in the reaction: Ho= +300 kJ/mol, So= +1000 J/mol-K, have you just lost your job? (RT=2.57 kJ/mol at 310 K). [N ] [ N ] [U ] fU [ N ] /[ N ] [ N ] [U ] [N ] [N ] fN fN 1 1 K EQ [U ] [ N ] [U ] [U]/[N] [N] [U ] [N] [ N ] K EQ fU 1 K EQ i. Calculate Go at the required temperature, Go=Ho-TSo Go = 300 – (310)x(1.0) = -10 kJ/mol ii. Calculate KEQ at the required temperature: K EQ e G o / RT = e+10/2.57 = e4 = 48.9 iii. Calculate fU using KEQ: fu = 48.9/(1+48.9) = 0.98. CH3 Example Question2: The denaturation curves for both wild-type and mutants of a protein were measured to obtain Ho and So. Explain the effects on both Ho and So. H N OH O Threonine(Thr) Wild-Type 210.0 kJ/mol 616 J/mol-deg H So o Mutant 206 kJ/mol 611 J/mol-deg Denatured (Unfolded) Native (Folded) Wild-type O Thr 53 H=+210 kJ/mol CH3 O O O O CH3 O O H H O Thr 44 H S=+616 O O CH3 O Altered Protein Met53 S CH3 O O H=+206 kJ/mol O S CH3 O O H S=+611 O O Thr44 O CH3 O 3 H N S O Methionine(Met) CH3