Centres, Institutes, Technology Stations and Incubators (CITSIs) Centres Centre for Environmental Health Faculty of Science Purpose: To develop and provide Short Learning Programmes (SLPs) and other Environmental Health related activities to relevant industries. Mr JL Bekker Tel: +27 12 382 5280 Fax: + 27 12 382 5262 E-mail: Bekkerjl@tut.ac.za Centre for Training and Development Faculty of Management Sciences Purpose: The Centre for Training and Development strives through continuing professional training and development programmes as well as other consultation services to address the needs of industry, business and communities regarding the development of people. 1 All services rendered are client centered with the final outcome being high quality people development Gina Nieuwoudt Tel: +27 12 382 5630 E-mail: nieuwoudtg@tut.ac.za Centre for Entrepreneurship Faculty of Management Sciences Purpose: The Centre for Entrepreneurship contribute, according to international standards, in a value-added and practical way to the promotion of entrepreneurship in Southern Africa in order to make a relevant contribution to the social and economic progress in the region. The Centre does not only set the stage for realizing its own entrepreneurial potential, but also creates new potential that is explored and utilized to establish, enhance and build a reputation as the leading entrepreneurial centre in higher education in Southern Africa. Mr Jan Grundling Tel: +27 12 5621 E-mail: grundlingjp@tut.ac.za 2 Centre for Tissue Engineering Research and Innovation Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Purpose: The Centre for Tissue Engineering aims to provide the local medical fraternity with researched and developed human allograft and to assist in the education and training of tissue engineers. Its priority is to obtain tissue, to pursue excellence by supplying the best possible product, quality and services to clinicians in South Africa who routinely use such products and services. This function includes the biological engineering of allograft growth factor type implants designed for clinical applications. Dr Nicholaas Duneas Tel: +27 12 382 6268 E-mail: duneasn@tut.ac.za Centre for New Venture Creation Faculty Management Sciences Purpose: The main aim of the Centre is to facilitate the creation of new business ventures and is mainly aimed at previously disadvantaged communities to facilitate their entrance into the business community. Participants are trained in the successful start-up and operation of a business. Prospective entrepreneurs are encouraged to address the needs of the local economic development strategy of the Limpopo province. Ms Charlotte Vlok Tel: +27 15 287 0712 3 E-mail: vlokc@tut.ac.za Centre for Open Source Technologies (COST) Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Mrs Joey Jansen van Vuuren Tel: +27 12 382 5640 E-mail: jvvuuren@tut.ac.za Centre for Creative Technologies (CCT) Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Purpose: The Centre for Creative Technologies focuses on the research and development of interactive simulation training systems for mining industry. This work is based on an NRF Thuthuka-supported project: improving mine safety training virtual reality. Mr Etienne van Wyk Tel: +27 12 382 5558 E-mail: vanwykea@tut.ac.za 4 Centre for Competitive Intelligence Systems Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Mr Pieter Pretorius Tel: +27 12 382 4647 E-mail: pretoriusp@tut.ac.za Centre for Business Development Faculty of Management Sciences Purpose: The aim of the Centre for Business Development is to create vibrant partnerships with role players in industry to assist with realization of TUT’s Business School objectives in the area of research and innovation, community development and continues professional development. The centre further aims to address the business development needs that exist in Southern Africa by providing a range of interventions that will enhance and develop the capacity of communities and individuals in them. Mr W.L Pretorius Tel: +27 12 382 3032 E-mail: pretoriuswl@tut.ac.za Center for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies. Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment. Purpose: 5 Tool Component Design & Manufacturing, Reverse Engineering. Mr I Tlhabadira. Tel: + 27 12 382 9080 E-mail: Tlhabadirai@tut.ac.za Centre for Sports Sciences Faculty of Management Sciences Purpose: Practical application of theory and research in the field of sport performance. Mr KB de Wet Tel: +27 12 460 7402 E-mail: dewetkb@tut.ac.za Centre for Marketing Research and Development Faculty of Management Sciences Purpose: The Centre does ad hoc contract research that deals mainly with market feasibility. Such studies usually involve in-depth research of the characteristics of a specific industry, with the emphasis on an understanding of its mechanics, from the 6 technicalities of the manufacturing or supply of products, to product formulation and the marketing of those products. Mr DB Janse van Rensburg Tel: +27 12 382 4273 E-mail: jansenvanrensburgdb@tut.ac.za Centre for Polymer Technology Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Mr Bernard Reeksting Tel: +27 12 841 4926 Fax: +27 12 841 4924 E-mail: breeksting@tut.ac.za Mpumalanga Centre for Regional Development Faculty of Humanities Henk Jooste Tel: +27 13 745 3529 Fax: +27 13 745 3582 E-mail: joosteh@tut.ac.za 7 Institutes Institute for Advance Tooling Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Purpose: Work closely with the SA Manufactures and their nominated tooling service providers to improve the competitiveness of SMMEs. The Institute provides training and managing a Tooling Training Programme in cooperation with TUT, Indlela and other partners encompassing all aspects of tooling training. Mr Bob Bond Tel: + 27 12 382 9227 E-mail: bondrj@tut.ac.za Website: www.iat.co.za. Institute for Economic Research on Innovation Faculty of Economic s and Finance (IER) Purpose: IERI does policy research in the political economy of knowledge to promote sustainable economic growth, social development and political democracy. IERI provides in-depth analysis of systems of innovation, science and technology policy and local economic development. It focuses on local, provincial and national levels within South Africa; and at the regional and continental level across Africa. Through reports, publications, seminars and workshop, IERI engages in debate about policy alternatives for economic, 8 social and political development. Focus across Local, Provincial, National, and Regional & International geographies Mr Rasigan Maharajh Tel: +27 12 382 3076 E-mail: maharajhr@tut.ac.za French South African Institute in Electronics (F’Satie) Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Purpose: The development of French South African Institute in Electronics (F’Satie) results from a memorandum of understanding between the French and South African governments. Prof FLL Rocaries Tel: +27 12 382 4191 Fax: +27 12 382 5294 E-mail: Rocariesf@tut.ac.za Website: www.fsatie.ac.za 9 Technology Stations Technology Station in Electronics (TSE) Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Purpose: The TSE main focus is on electronic design, manufacturing and training. The established electronic manufacturing platforms, supported by the newly established digital design capability at the Station assist industry and academia with the design, development and construction of prototypes, pre-production models, re-work solutions for electronic assemblies, automatic optical inspection (to improve the quality of operations), as well as short learning programmes for industry and training opportunities for students and interns. Dr S.J Jacobs Tel: + 27 12 382 5039 Fax: + 27 12 382 4166 E-mail: jacobssj@tut.ac.za Technology Station in Chemicals Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Purpose: Technology Station in Chemicals (TSC) is a programme transferring chemical technology to Small, Medium, Micro Enterprises (SMME). TSC act as implementation centre for the Department of Science and Technology. Its main focus is improving and facilitating the innovative capacity and competitiveness of SMME’s in the chemical sector. 10 Mr Vincent Tau Tel: +27 12 382 0665/0789 E-mail: tauvr@tut.ac.za 11