Chapter11 Neural Tissue



Neural Tissue

Nervous Tissue

Body perceives and responds to multiple sensations

– Controls multiple muscle movements

Others movements without voluntary input

• e.g., beating of the heart

Nervous System

Controls and interprets all these sensations and muscle movements

Nervous system

Body’s primary communication and control system

Integrates and regulates body functions

Uses electrical activity transmitted along specialized nervous system cells

Introduction to the Nervous System:

General Functions

Nervous system activities

Collects information

• specialized nervous structures, receptors

• monitor changes in external and internal environment, stimuli

• e.g., receptors in the skin detecting information about touch

– Processes and evaluates information

• then determines if response required

Initiates response to information

• initiate response via nerves to effectors

• include muscle tissue and glands

• e.g., muscle contraction or change in gland secretion

Introduction to the Nervous System:

General Functions

Structural organization: central versus peripheral nervous system

Central nervous system

• anatomic division of the nervous system

• includes brain and spinal cord

• brain protected in the skull

• spinal cord protected in the vertebral canal

Peripheral nervous system

• other anatomic division

• includes nerves , bundles of neuron processes

• includes ganglia , clusters of neuron cell bodies

The major components and functions of the nervous system

Central Nervous System

The central nervous system

(CNS) consists of the brain and spinal cord and is responsible for integrating, processing, and coordinating sensory data and motor commands.

Information processing includes the integration and distribution of information in the CNS.

Peripheral Nervous


The peripheral nervous system

(PNS) includes all the neural tissue outside the CNS.

The motor division of the

PNS carries motor commands from the CNS to peripheral tissues and systems.


The sensory division of the PNS brings information to the CNS from receptors in peripheral tissues and organs.

The somatic nervous system

(SNS) controls skeletal muscle contractions.

The autonomic nervous system

(ANS) provides automatic regulation of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands, and adipose tissue.

Somatic sensory receptors provide position, touch, pressure, pain, and temperature sensations.

Special sensory receptors provide sensations of smell, taste, vision, balance, and hearing.

Visceral sensory receptors monitor internal organs.

Receptors are sensory structures that detect changes in the internal or external environment.

Skeletal muscle

• Smooth muscle

• Cardiac muscle

• Glands

• Adipose tissue

Effectors are target organs whose activities change in response to neural commands.

Figure 11 Section 1

Introduction to the Nervous System:

General Functions

Functional organization: sensory versus motor nervous system

Sensory nervous system

• also known as afferent nervous system

• responsible for receiving sensory information from receptors

• transmits information to the CNS

• further divided into somatic and visceral sensory

Functional organization: sensory versus motor nervous system

- Somatic sensory

• detects stimuli that we consciously perceive

• receptors include:

– eyes and nose

– tongue and ears

– skin

– proprioceptors (receptors detecting body position)

Visceral sensory

• detects stimuli we do not consciously perceive

• receptors include:

– structures within blood vessels

– structures within internal organs

• e.g., detecting stretch of organ wall

Functional organization: sensory versus motor nervous system

Motor nervous system

• also known as efferent nervous system

• initiates and transmits motor output from CNS

• transmits information to the effectors

• may be further divided into the somatic and visceral parts

Somatic motor

• transmits motor output from CNS to voluntary skeletal muscles

• effector consciously controlled

– e.g., pressing on accelerator of your car

Autonomic motor

• transmits output from CNS without conscious control

• transmits to cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, glands

Organization of the Nervous System (Figure 12.1)

Central nervous system (CNS)

Structural organization

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Functional organization


Spinal cord

Sensory nervous system detects stimuli and transmits information from receptors to the CNS

Motor nervous system initiates and transmits information from the CNS to effectors

Peripheral nervous system (PNS)



Somatic sensory

Sensory input that is consciously perceived from receptors (e.g., eyes, skin, ears)

Visceral sensory

Sensory input that is not consciously perceived from blood vessels and internal organs

(e.g., heart)

Somatic motor

Motor output that is consciously or voluntarily controlled; effector is skeletal muscle

Autonomic motor

Motor output that is not consciously or is involuntarily controlled; effectors are cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands

Nervous Tissue: Neurons

Two cell types in nervous tissue

– Neurons

• basic structural unit of the nervous system

• excitable cells that transmit electrical signals

Glial cells

• nonexcitable cells that primarily support and protect neurons

Special characteristics of neurons


• responsive to stimulation

• most respond only to binding of molecules, neurotransmitters


• electrical charges propagated along membrane

• can be local and short-lived or self-propagating

– Secretion

• release neurotransmitters in response to electrical charges

• given neuron releasing only one type of neurotransmitter

– may have excitatory or inhibitory effect on target

– Extreme longevity

• most formed before birth still present in advanced age


• mitotic activity lost in most neurons

• not always the case (e.g., occasionally in hippocampus)

Nervous Tissue—Neurons:

General Characteristics

Components of neurons

Cell body

• enclosed by plasma membrane

• contains cytoplasm surrounding a nucleus

• neuron’s control center

• conducts electrical signals to axon

• cytoplasm within cell body

• free and bound ribosomes

• gray color of gray matter

– due to chromatophilic substance and lack of myelin

Components of neurons

– Dendrites

• short processes branching off cell body

• may have one or many

• receive input and transfer it to cell body

• more dendrites = more input possible

– Axon

• longer process emanating from cell body

• makes contact with other neurons, muscle cells, or glands

• first part, a triangular region, axon hillock

• gives rise to side branches, axon collaterals

• branch extensively at distal end into (axon terminals)

• at extreme tips, expanded regions, synaptic knobs

• knobs containing numerous synaptic vesicles

– contain neurotransmitter


– Composed of microfilaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules

Intermediate filaments, termed neurofilaments

• aggregate to form bundles, neurofibrils

• provide tensile strength through the neuron

Structures in a Typical





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Cell body

Chromatophilic substance Axon hillock







Axon (beneath myelin sheath)


Neurofibril node

Axon collateral


Myelin sheath


Synaptic knobs


Synaptic vesicles containing neuro transmitter

Synaptic cleft

Postsynaptic neuron

(or effector)


Chromatophilic substance


Cell body

Axon hillock

Nucleus of glial cell

Axon b: © Ed Reschke

Nervous Tissue—Neurons:

Classification of Neurons

Structural classification

– Structural classification of neurons

• according to number of neuron processes

Multipolar neurons

• most common type

• have many dendrites and a single axon

Bipolar neurons

• have two processes extending from cell body

• one dendrite and one axon

• limited, e.g., in retina of the eye

– Unipolar neurons

• have single short neuron process

• emerges from cell and branches like a T


Classification of Neurons



Nervous Tissue—Neurons:

Classification of Neurons

Functional classification

– Sensory neurons ( afferent neurons )

• neurons of the sensory nervous system

• conduct input from somatic and visceral receptors

• most unipolar, few bipolar

• cell bodies usually in posterior root ganglia, outside CNS

Motor neurons (efferent neurons)

• neurons of the motor nervous system

• conduct motor output to somatic and visceral effectors

• all multipolar

• most cell bodies in CNS

Nervous Tissue—Neurons:

Classification of Neurons

Functional classification (continued)

Interneurons (association neurons)

• entirely within the CNS

• receive stimulation from many other neurons

• receive, process, and store information

• “decide” how body responds to stimuli

• facilitate communication between sensory and motor neurons

99% of neurons

• generally multipolar

Skin receptors

Functional Classification of Neurons (Figure 12.3)

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Posterior root ganglion

Cell body of sensory neuron

Spinal cord

Sensory input

Motor output

Sensory neuron


Motor neuron

Skeletal muscle

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Blood vessels




Structure of a Nerve and









(a) Blood vessels


Cell bodies

Axons Nerve




Epineurium Blood vessels Axons b: © Dr. Richard Kessel & Dr. Randy Kardon/Tissues & Organs/Visuals Unlimited

Nervous Tissue—Neurons:

Relationship of Neurons and Nerves

Classification of nerves (continued)

Functional classification

Sensory nerves

• contain only sensory neurons

– Motor nerves

• contain primarily motor neurons

Mixed nerves

• contain both sensory and motor neurons

• most named nerves in this category

• individual neurons transmitting one type of information


Where neuron functionally connected to neuron or effector

Two types: chemical and electrical

Chemical synapse

Most common

Composed of presynaptic neuron, signal producer

Composed of postsynaptic neuron, signal receiver

Between axon and postsynaptic neuron -with a dendrite

Knob almost touches the postsynaptic neuron –gapsynaptic cleft

Neurotransmitters released from synaptic vesicles within synaptic knob

Diffusion of neurotransmitter across cleft

Binding of some neurotransmitters to receptors

Electrical synapse

Much less common

Presynaptic and postsynaptic neuron physically bound together

– No delay in passing electrical signal

In limited regions of brain and eyes

Nervous Tissue—Glial Cells:

General Characteristics

Glial cells ( neuroglia )

Nonexcitable cells found in CNS and PNS

Smaller than neurons

Capable of mitosis

Far outnumber neurons

– Half volume of nervous system

Physically protect and nourish neurons

Provide physical scaffolding for nervous tissue

• help guide migrating neurons to their destination

– Critical for normal function at neural synapses

Nervous Tissue—Glial Cells:

Types of Glial Cells

Glial cells of the CNS


Starlike shape from surface projections

– Most abundant glial cell in CNS

– Help form the blood-brain barrier with capillaries in the brain

– strictly controls substances entering brain nervous tissue from blood

– protects neurons from toxins

– allows nutrients to pass

– Regulate tissue fluid composition

• control movement of substances between blood and interstitial fluid

– e.g., regulate K + concentration

Form a structural network

• cytoskeleton strengthening and organizing nervous tissue

– Assist neuronal development

Types of Glial Cells

Glial cells of the CNS

Ependymal cells

Line internal cavities of brain and spinal cord

– Form choroid plexus with nearby blood capillaries

• helps produce cerebrospinal fluid


Small cells with slender branches

– Smallest percentage of CNS glial cells

Phagocytic cells Engulf infectious agents- removes debris


– Large cells with slender extensions

– Processes ensheathing portions of axons of different neurons

Insulate axons in a myelin sheath

Prevent passage of ions through axonal membrane

Allow for faster action potential propagation through CNS


Myelinated axon

Myelin sheath (cut)

Cellular Organization of Nervous Tissue:

CNS Glial Cells (Figure 12.5a)

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Microglial cell



Perivascular feet


Ependymal cells

Ventricle of brain

(a) CNS glial cells

Types of Glial Cells

Glial cells of the PNS

Satellite cells

Arranged around neuronal cell bodies in a ganglion

– Physically separate cell bodies in ganglion from surrounding fluid

– Regulate the exchange of nutrients and waste products

• e.g., surrounding bodies of sensory neurons in a posterior root ganglion


– Also known as Schwann cells

Ensheathe PNS axons to form myelin sheath

Allows for faster action potential propagation

Cellular Organization of Nervous Tissue:

PNS Glial Cells (Figure 12.5b)



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Posterior root ganglion

Satellite cells

Neuron cell body

Neurofibril nodes


Cell body of sensory neuron Posterior root



Myelin sheath


(b) PNS glial cells

Nervous Tissue—Glial Cells:

Types of Glial Cells

Clinical View: Tumors of the Central Nervous System

Neoplasm from unregulated cell growth, tumors

Sometimes occur in CNS

Tumors originating from the brain, primary brain tumors

Typically originate in supporting tissues

• tissues with capacity to undergo mitosis

• from meninges (protective membranes of CNS) or glial cells

Gliomas , glial cell tumors

• may be relatively benign

• may be malignant, capable of metastasizing

Nervous Tissue—Glial Cells:



Process by which part of an axon wrapped in myelin

Myelin , insulating covering around axon

• consists of repeating layers of glial cell plasma membrane

• has high proportion of lipids

• gives glossy appearance and insulates axon

Completed by neurolemmocytes (PNS)

Completed by oligodendrocytes (CNS)

Layers of plasma membrane form the myelin sheath

– Its cytoplasm and nucleus is pushed to the periphery

• termed neurilemma

Myelination of PNS Axons



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Neurolemmocyte starts to wrap around a portion of an axon.




Direction of wrapping

2 Neurolemmocyte cytoplasm and plasma membrane begin to form consecutive layers around the axon as wrapping continues.

3 The overlapping inner layers of the neurolemmocyte plasma membrane form the myelin sheath.

Cytoplasm of the neurolemmocyte

Myelin sheath

4 Eventually, the neurolemmocyte cytoplasm and nucleus are pushed to the periphery of the cell as the myelin sheath is formed.

Myelin sheath

Neurolemmocyte nucleus


Neurolemmocyte in the PNS

Can myelinate only

1 mm of single axon

Takes many to myelinate entire axon

– Gaps between neurolemmocytes

• neurofibril nodes, or nodes of Ranvier

(Figure 12.7a)


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Neuron cell body

(a) Myelination by neurolemmocytes


Neurofibril node


Myelin sheath


Oligodendrocyte in the CNS

Can myelinate 1 mm of many axons

Extensions wrapping around axons

– No neurilemma formed

Neurofibril nodes between adjacent


(Figure 12.7b)



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(b) Myelination by oligodendrocytes

Myelin sheath

Neurofibril node

Nervous Tissue—Glial Cells:


Unmyelinated axons

Associated with neurolemmocytes

No myelin sheath covers them

Axon in depressed portion of neurolemmocyte

Not wrapped in repeated layers

– In CNS,

• unmyelinated axons not associated with oligodendrocytes

Unmyelinated axons

1 Neurolemmocyte starts to envelop multiple axons.

Unmyelinated Axons (Figure 12.8)

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Neurolemmocyte nucleus


The unmyelinated axons are enveloped by the neurolemmocyte, but there are no myelin sheath wraps around each axon.

Unmyelinated axon


(a) (b) b: © Donald Fawcett/Visuals Unlimited

Unmyelinated axons

Myelin sheath

Myelinated axon


Nervous Tissue—Glial Cells:


Clinical View: Nervous System Disorders

Affecting Myelin

Multiple Sclerosis

• progressive demyelination of neurons in CNS

• autoimmune disorder

• oligodendrocytes attacked by immune cells

• repeated inflammatory events causing scarring and permanent loss of function

• vision problems, muscle weakness and spasms, urinary and bladder problems, mood problems

- Guillain-Barre syndrome loss of myelin from peripheral nerves due to inflammation muscle weakness that begins in distal limbs advances to involve proximal muscles no specific infectious agent identified most function recovered with little medical intervention

Nervous Tissue—Glial Cells:


Clinical View: Nervous System Disorders

Affecting Myelin (continued)

Guillain-Barre syndrome

• loss of myelin from peripheral nerves due to inflammation

• muscle weakness that begins in distal limbs

• advances to involve proximal muscles

• no specific infectious agent identified

• most function recovered with little medical intervention

Axon Regeneration

Factors influencing axon regeneration

PNS axons

• vulnerable to cuts, trauma

– Regeneration possible if

• cell body intact

• enough neurilemma remains

Regeneration success more likely if

• amount of damage less extensive

• smaller distance between site of damage and structure it innervates

- CNS axon regeneration

Extremely limited growth-inhibiting molecules secreted by oligodendrocytes regrowth obstructed by scars from astrocytes and connective tissue


– Type of transport protein

Move substances against concentration gradient

Require energy

• e.g., sodium-potassium and calcium pumps in plasma membr ane

(Figure 12.10a)

Interstitial fluid


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Breakdown of ATP

(releases energy)

K +

K +

ATP binding site


Na +

Na +



Na+/K+ pump

(a) Sodium-potassium (Na + /K + ) pump

Na + /K + pump changes shape (requires energy from ATP breakdown)


– Move substances down concentration gradient

Leak channels

• always open for continuous diffusion

• e.g., sodium ion and potassium ion channels

(Figure 12.10b)


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Interstitial fluid


(b) Leak (passive) channels

Na +

Distribution of Pumps and

Channels in the Plasma

Membrane of a Neuron



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Plasma membrane of entire neuron

Chemically gated cation channel

Receptive segment

Chemically gated K + channel

Chemically gated Cl

– channel


Na + /K + pump

Cell body

Axon hillock

Na + leak channel

K+ leak channel


Initial segment


Na + channel


K + channel

Conductive segment


Na + channel


K + channel


Entire neuron



Synaptic bulb

Transmissive segment


Ca 2+ channel

Ca 2+ pump



Ultrastructure of Neurons: Distribution of

Substances and Membrane Potentials

Distribution of substances inside and outside neuron

Essential for neuron function

More prevalent within cytosol

• negatively charged phosphate ions (e.g., in ATP)

• negatively charged proteins

• K +

More prevalent in interstitial fluid

Na +

Cl -

Ultrastructure of Neurons: Distribution of

Substances and Membrane Potentials

Movement of substances and membrane potentials

Chemical concentration gradient

• unequal distribution between two areas

• each substance with own chemical concentration gradient

• e.g., K + with a higher concentration inside the neuron

• e.g., Na + with a higher concentration outside the neuron

Introduction to Neuron Physiology:

Resting Membrane Potentials

Resting membrane potential

Membrane potential in a resting, excitable cell

Relative difference in charge across membrane

Measured with a voltmeter

• microelectrodes into neuron and interstitial fluid

– Negative value, typically -70 mV

More positive ions outside a neuron than in it at rest

A consequence of the plasma membrane permeability to ions

Introduction to Neuron Physiology:

Resting Membrane Potentials

Establishing and maintaining resting membrane potentials

The role of Na





– Play relatively small role in establishing RMP

Three Na + pumped out for two K + pumped in

More significant role in maintaining gradients of K + and Na +

• following diffusion as part of neuron’s electric current

– Ions pumped back up concentration gradient by pump

– Two-thirds of a neuron’s energy expenditure

Establishing and Maintaining the Resting Membrane Potential

(RMP) (Figure 12.12)

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+ + + + + + + + + +

– – – – – – – – – –

– – – – – – – – – –

+ + + + + + + + + +

–70 mV


Na + leak channel

Na +

Interstitial fluid

Greater concentration of Na + and Cl

Plasma membrane

+ + +

– – –


Greater concentration of K + , P i

, and proteins

K +


+ +

– –


+ +

– –

P i

+ +

– –

–70 mV


K + leak channel

+ + +

– –

+ + +

– – –


Na + /K + pump

+ +


– – – –

Introduction to Neuron Physiology:

Changing the Membrane Potential

Depolarization and hyperpolarization

Opening of chemically gated channels or voltage-gated channels

Causes change in ion flow across membrane

Alters resting membrane potential


• inside of cell becomes more positive than RMP

• e.g., from -70 mV to -60 mV

• occurs when gated channels open

• movement of Na + into neuron

• causes inside of neuron to become more positive

Changing the Resting Membrane Potential: Resting

Membrane Potential (Figure 12.13a)

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Interstitial fluid

Plasma membrane


+ +

–70 mV

+ + + + + + + + + +

– – – – – – – – – –

– – – – – – – – – –

+ + + + + + + + + +

Gated Na + channel

Gated K + channel

Na +

+ + + + +

Cl –

+ + + + +

Gated Cl

– channel

+ +

– – – – – – – – – – – – – –

K +

(a) Resting membrane potential e.g., –70 mV

Changing the Resting Membrane Potential:

Depolarization (Figure 12.13b)


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–60 mV

+ + + + + + + + + +

– – – – – – – – – –

– – – – – – – – – –

+ + + + + + + + + +

Gated Na + channel


+ + + + + + + + + + + + +

– – – – – – –

Na +

K +

– – – – – e.g.,

– – –

–60 mV

(b) Depolarization: Na + flows in

Action potentials

– Generated within the initial segment

Propagated along axon

Due to opening of voltage-gated channels

Threshold value

• minimum voltage change to open voltage-gated channel

• any value below this, a subthreshold value

If threshold value reached

• channels open and membrane potential reversed

• if Na + channel opens, enters the neuron

• makes inside relatively positive

• opening of voltage-gated channels in these areas

• successive opening down the axon

• followed by sequential opening of voltage-gated K + channels

• movement of K + out of neuron returns membrane to RMP

Introduction to Neuron Physiology:

Changing the Membrane Potential

Graded potentials versus action potentials

Action potentials: (continued)

– involve temporary reversal of polarity across plasma membrane

• inside becomes relatively positive

• followed by a return to RMP

– are self-propagated

• maintain intensity as move to synaptic knob

– obey the “all or none law”

• if threshold reached, action potential sent

• if not reached, no action potential sent

See Table 12.3: Graded Potential Versus Action Potential

Release of Inhibitory Neurotransmitter and

Generation of IPSP (Figure 12.15b)

Axons of presynaptic neuron

Synaptic vesicles containing inhibitory neurotransmitter

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Release of inhibitory neurotransmitter and generation of IPSP

1 Inhibitory neurotransmitter binds to either chemically gated K + channels or chemically gated Cl – channels, causing them to open.

Inhibitory neurotransmitter

Postsynaptic neuron

Chemically gated K + channel

Chemically gated Cl – channel

K +

2 Either K + flows out of, or Cl – flows into, the neuron, depending on the type of channel stimulated.

Cl –

3 Inside of neuron becomes more negative; called IPSP (e.g., –72 mV).

Cl –

4 IPSP propagates toward axon hillock.










Time (msec)

Resting membrane potential



Several Presynaptic Neurons with a Postsynaptic Neuron(Figure 12.16)


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Postsynaptic neuron

Synaptic knob

Presynaptic axons

Axons of presynaptic neuron


Cell body of postsynaptic neuron

Myelin sheath


Axons of presynaptic neuron b: © Science VU/Lewis-Everhart-Zeevi/Visuals Unlimited

Physiologic Events in the Neuron Segments:

Initial Segment


Addition of graded postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs and EPSPs)

Occurs at the initial segment

Determines if threshold membrane potential is reached

-55 mV, +15 mV from RMP

– If threshold reached

• voltage-gated channels open

• action potential generated that travels along axon

Spatial summation

• release of neurotransmitter from multiple presynaptic neurons

• action potential initiated if enough EPSPs generated

Temporal summation

• repeated release of excitatory neurotransmitter at same location

• effects added if occur within small timeframe

• action potential initiated if threshold reached



Summation at the Axon







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Spatial summation


Initial segment


Action potential


P2 P3




Axon hillock

Time (m sec)

Cell body of postsynaptic neuron


Myelin sheath



P4 P5


Axons of presynaptic neurons (P), (P1


(a) Spatial summation


Summation at the Axon




Axon of presynaptic neuron (P2)





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Temporal summation


Action potential


Time (m sec)

Postsynaptic neuron




(b) Temporal summation

Physiologic Events in the Neuron Segments:

Initial Segment

All or none law

If threshold reached, action potential propagated

If threshold not reached, not propagated

Same intensity of response to values greater than threshold

Similar to what occurs with a gun

• with sufficient pressure on trigger, gun fired

• with insufficient pressure on trigger, not fired

• travels at same velocity even if pressure is greater than needed

Nerve signal

The propagation of an action potential

Involves depolarization and repolarization

Threshold reached in initial segment

– Initiates action potential along the axon (conductive segment

Physiologic Events in the Neuron Segments:

Conductive Segment

Depolarization and its propagation

Positive change in membrane potential

Occurs only at plasma membrane

• via voltage-gated Na + channels

– Channels triggered to open when threshold reached

Rapid entry of Na +

Inside of axon made positive

Channels open briefly before closing

• change from activation state to temporary inactivation state

Physiologic Events in the Neuron Segments:

Conductive Segment

Depolarization and its propagation (continued)

Propagation of depolarization

Sequential opening of voltage-gated Na + channels along the axon

Flow of Na+ into cell

• causes adjacent regions to also reach threshold

• triggers voltage-gated Na + channels in these areas

Process repeated rapidly down synaptic knob

• does not go backwards

• voltage-gated Na + channels here in inactivated state

Physiologic Events in the Neuron Segments:

Conductive Segment

Depolarization and its propagation (continued)

Local anesthetics

E.g., lidocaine

Inhibit action of voltage-gated Na + channels

– Block nerve signal

Pain signal blocked from reaching CNS

Application of ice

• reduces pain sensation

• slows transmission of sensory action potentials

Propagation of Action Potential Down an Axon (Figure 12.18a)

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Axon hillock

Nerve signal: propagation of action potential

+ ++ + + + + + ++ + +

– – – – – – – – – – – –

– – – – + ++ + + + + + ++ + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + +

+ ++ +

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

– – – – – – – – – – – –

+ ++ + + + + + ++ + +

+ ++ +

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

– – – – + ++ + + + + + ++ + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + +

Repolarization Depolarization



Propagation of Action Potential: Depolarization (Figure 12.18b)

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Depolarization: Consecutive voltage-gated Na+ channels go through the following stages: open, closed (inactivation state), closed (resting state)

Interstitial fluid

Na +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +

– – – – – – – + + + + + + + + +

– – – – – – – – – – – – – –



(resting state)


(inactivation state)

+ + +30 mv

+ –55 mv


(activation state)

As threshold is reached

Na + channels open and Na + diffuses in; polarity reversed

–70 mv

– – – –


(resting state)


Physiologic Events in the Neuron Segments:

Conductive Segment

Repolarization and its propagation

Return to resting membrane potential

Voltage-gated K + channels normally closed

Stimulated to open by threshold

– Not open until depolarization has ended

Exit of K + , making inside of axon negative

Return to RMP (-70 mV)

Triggers voltage-gated Na + channels to return to resting state

Propagation of repolarization

• Opening of voltage-gated K + channels adjacent

• Open sequentially along length of axon

Propagation of Action Potential: Repolarization (Figure 12.18c)


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Repolarization: Consecutive voltage-gated K + following stages: open and closed channels go through the

K +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + – – – – – – – – – + + + + + + + +

– – – – – – – – – –70 mv


– + +

+30 mv

+ + + + + – – – – – – – –

Closed Open

K + channels open and

K + diffuses out; RMP

( –70 mv) is reestablished


Physiologic Events in the Neuron Segments:

Conductive Segment

Refractory period

Brief time period after action potential initiated

During absolute refractory period

• no amount of stimulus able to generate a second action potential

Na + channels opened then closed in inactivated state

• remain closed until potential almost to resting potential

• ensures that action potential moves in one direction only

During relative refractory period

• with greater stimulation, action potential possible

• Na + returned to resting state

• neuron hyperpolarized

• due to extended time K + channels remain open

Events of an Action Potential (Figure 12.19)











Resting membrane potential


2 3

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Time (msec)





1 The unstimulated axon has a resting membrane potential of –70 mV.



Graded potentials reach axon hillock and are added together.

Depolarization occurs when the threshold ( –55 mV) is reached; voltage-gated Na + channels open and Na + enters rapidly, reversing the polarity from negative to positive

( –55 mV +30 mV).

4 Repolarization occurs due to closure of voltage-gated

Na+ channels (inactivation state) and opening of voltage-gated K + channels. K + moves out of the cell into the IF and polarity is reversed from positive to negative

(+30 mV –70 mV).

5 Hyperpolarization occurs when voltage-gated K + channels stay open longer than the time needed to reach the resting membrane potential; during this time the membrane potential is less than the resting membrane potential of –70 mV.

6 Voltage-gated K + channels are closed, and the plasma membrane has returned to resting conditions by activity of Na + /K + pumps.

Physiologic Events in the Neuron Segments:

Transmissive Segment

Activity at the synaptic knob

Calcium concentration gradient established by pumps

• more calcium outside synaptic knob than in

Voltage-gated Ca 2+ channels

• triggered by propagated action potential

• movement of calcium ions into synaptic knob

Binding of calcium to proteins of synaptic vesicles

Neurotransmitters released into synaptic cleft by exocytosis

• facilitated by numerous proteins

• diffuse across cleft

• bind to specific receptors on cell to be stimulated

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Neuromuscular junction



Release of




Ca 2+


+ + + + +

+ +


Action potential reaches synaptic knob.

Voltage-gated Ca 2+ channel

Synaptic cleft

2 Voltage-gated Ca 2+ channels open and

Ca 2+ enters the synaptic knob and binds with proteins of synaptic vesicles.

+ + + + +

+ +


3 Synaptic vesicles merge with synaptic knob plasma membrane and neurotransmitter is released by exocytosis.


Synaptic knob

Synaptic vesicle

(contains neurotransmitter)


Neurotransmitter crosses synaptic cleft and attaches to receptors on a muscle, as shown.

(Or to receptors of a neuron or gland.)



Velocity of a Nerve Signal

Factors influencing velocity of nerve signal

Diameter of axon

• larger diameter, faster the velocity of the signal

Myelination of axon

• more important factor

• faster velocity in myelinated axons

Continuous conduction

Occurs in unmyelinated axons

– Sequential opening of voltage-gated Na + and K + channels

Velocity of a Nerve Signal: Propagation

Saltatory conduction

Occurs in myelinated axons

Action potentials propagated only at neurofibril nodes

Myelinated regions

• with limited numbers of voltage gated Na + and K + channels

• well insulated, preventing ion movement

Neurofibril nodes

• with large number of voltage-gated Na + and K + channels

• lack myelin insulation

Velocity of a Nerve Signal: Propagation

Nerve signal in myelinated axon

Neurofibril node

• initiation of action potential

• diffusion of Na + into axon

Myelinated regions

• diffusion through axoplasm of axon

• relatively fast

• becomes weaker with distance as experiences resistance

Saltatory Conduction (Figure 12.23)

Neurofibril node

+ + +

– – –

+ +

– –

– – –

+ + +

– –

+ +

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Myelin sheath

+ + +

– – –

– – –

+ + +

+ +

– –

– –

+ +

K +

Na +

+ + +

– – –

– – –

+ + +

– – –

+ + +

+ + +

– – –

Action potential

Repolarization Depolarization

Diffusion of Na + through axoplasm

+ + +

– – –

– – –

+ + +

Velocity of a Nerve Signal:

Nerve Fiber Classification

Nerve fiber groups

Nerve fiber: an axon and its myelin sheath

Classified into three major groups

Group A

• conduction velocity as fast as 150 m/sec

• large diameter myelinated fibers

• e.g., most somatic sensory neurons, somatic motor neurons

Group B and Group C

• small in diameter, unmyelinated, or both

• e.g., sensory and motor visceral neurons

• group B: 15 m/sec

• group C: 1 m/sec

Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulation

Classes of neurotransmitters

Neurotransmitters, various small organic compounds

Released at synaptic cleft

Approximately 100 known

Classified into major groups

Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulation

Classes of neurotransmitters

– Acetylcholine

• excitatory or inhibitory neurotransmitter

• released in both CNS and PNS

• molecule released from motor neuron at neuromuscular junction

– Amino acids

• building blocks of proteins

• some also neurotransmitters

• e.g., glutamate, glycine, aspartate

– Monoamines

• derived from certain amino acids

• catecholamines (norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine)


• chains of amino acids

• include enkephalins and somatostatin

Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulation

Removal of neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft

Temporary association between neurotransmitter and receptor

Necessary to eliminate molecule after stimulation

– Can occur by degradation

• neurotransmitter chemically inactivated in synaptic cleft

• e.g., breakdown of ACh by acetylcholinesterase

Can occur by reuptake

• neurotransmitter reabsorbed by transport protein in presynaptic neuron

• “recycled” into another synaptic vesicle for reuse

• e.g., drugs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

– block reuptake of serotonin and used in treatment of depression
