EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICAN MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE (ESAMI) In Partnership with STRENGTHENING SUPPLY CHAINS THROUGH MONITORING AND EVALUATION COURSE Application Form (Course Dates) Please submit a duly completed application form to one of the addresses listed on the course announcement or e-mail it directly to Marketing Department through e-mail mbd@esamihq.ac.tz. PART ONE: BIO DATA Name of Applicant: Dr. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Current Position/Title: Employer Organization: Address of Employer: Contact Land Phone: Fax: Mobile: Fax: Mobile: Town and Country of Residence: Town and Country of Birth: Contact details E-mail Address: Name of Institution/Organization sponsoring your participation: Contact Address if different from employer address Address of Employer: Land Phone: Fax: Mobile: 2 PART TWO: WORK EXPERIENCE 1. How long have you been employed in your current position? 2. Administrative level: Circle the administrative level at which you principally work. Central Regional/Provincial District Other: please explain 3. In order for participants to benefit fully from this course, they should have previous training in logistics, have you completed: The three-week Supply Chain Management for Commodity Security Course ___Yes ___No (If yes, date of the training)______________________ OR have you completed The one week Overview Course in Supply Chain Management for Commodity Security ___Yes ____ No (If yes, date of the training)______________________ 4. If you answered NO to question 3 above, yet have had previous training in logistics, please describe this training. 5. Have you received training in monitoring and evaluation previous to this course? ______Yes _______ No If yes, please indicate the year and describe the training you received. 6. With which health program(s) do you principally work? (For example, reproductive health, AIDS Control, Expanded Program for Immunization, etc.) 7. Please describe your specific job responsibilities as they relate to monitoring and evaluation of logistics systems. 8. What are the two most serious problems you have observed in the logistics system(s) of the institution(s) where you work? (Please be as specific as possible) Note: Application / Nomination forms are due three weeks before course commencement 3 a. b. 9. Please describe how you think the course will better enable you to manage or improve monitoring and evaluation of the logistics system with which you work. 10. Are there any specific aspects of your job that you would like to see this workshop address? PART THREE : SKILLS AND INVOLVEMENT 11. Language skills: Circle your level of fluency in English (speak/read/write) Beginning Intermediate Advanced Note: Application / Nomination forms are due three weeks before course commencement Native Speaker 4 The chart found below lists the M&E activities covered during the course. To the best of your ability, please check the appropriate column to indicate your current skill level and involvement in the activities using the rating scales provided. SKILL LEVEL INVOLVEMENT LEVEL 1 = cannot perform this task with the skills I currently possess 2 = can perform this task with assistance 3 = can perform this task without assistance 1 = not involved in planning/implementing this task 2 = infrequently involved in planning/implementing this task 3 = routinely involved in planning/implementing this task Task Skill Level 1 Describe basic M&E concepts and principles as they relate to supply chain management and improvement Identify M&E’s role in strengthening logistics system performance and ensuring commodity security. Select appropriate logistics indicators for evaluating product availability and forecasting, procurement, warehousing, and distribution performance. Identify M&E tools that can be used to measure logistics system performance, including the most appropriate ones to use for differing situations. Compare the benefits and challenges of routine data monitoring versus annual or semi-annual data evaluation. Utilize logistics information and data to make decisions and take action to improve system performance List key components of an M&E plan Develop an M&E plan for a supply chain challenge Propose follow-up actions to ensure that M&E plans are implemented Note: Application / Nomination forms are due three weeks before course commencement 2 Involvement Level 3 1 2 3 5 PART FOUR: ADMINISTRATIVE CONCERNS 1. ESAMI has hotel facilities. Full board and lodging fees per day per person is US $45 only. Bed and Breakfast costs US$36 per day. Indicate your preference below I will lodge at ESAMI facility on full board I will lodge at ESAMI on bed & breakfast only Alternatively, there are several hotels in Arusha town offering low to high class services where course participants can choose to lodge. Detailed information on hotel rates can be provided on request. 2. If you have any other administrative questions or concerns, please list them below. Signature…………………………………….. Date………………………………… Note: Application / Nomination forms are due three weeks before course commencement 6 PART FIVE: SPONSOR: I ……………………………….. in my capacity as …………………………………………… Nominate …………………………………………………………….to attended the above programme and I commit my organisation to pay to Eastern and Southern African Management Institute (ESAMI) the total programme fees of US$.................................... On understanding that the fee does not include full board accommodation for the period involved. Signature…………………………………….. Date………………………………… FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date Received………………… File Name………………………. Accepted/Rejected Date acknowledged………………………… Date confirmed/Advised………………… Signature……………………………… Date……………………………… Note: Application / Nomination forms are due three weeks before course commencement