EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICAN MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE (ESAMI) In Partnership with ANNOUCES THE STRENGTHENING SUPPPLY CHAINS THROUGH MONITORING AND EVALUATION COURSE COURSE GOAL The logistics systems countries use aims to ensure clients and providers with continuous access to health commodities. Monitoring and evaluating (M & E) a logistics system verifies how well health logistics systems provide the right commodities in the right quantities and condition to the right facility at the right time cost effectively. Effective monitoring and evaluations activities produces results that can be used for continuous improvements in both system-wide and individual programme performance by regularly collecting and analyzing relevant data to provide accurate information for decision making. The M&E entails understanding the tools to use to collect data, what indicators should be used to measure progress towards program goals and objectives, and how to use monitoring and evaluation results to advocate for system improvement .The M& E results , effectively utilized , can help facilitate health facilities to ascertain strengths or weakness of the logistics system performance, The results can also be used to enhance the stakeholders’ confidence in the logistics system since reporting of results improves the overall accountability . The goals of this course are threefold: 1. Increase knowledge and understanding of how monitoring and evaluation processes can strengthen logistics system performance through the use of evidence based decision making, and ultimately contribute to commodity security. 2. Strengthen participants’ abilities to determine appropriate M&E indicators for logistics management; choose and utilize different tools to collect and analyze both data collected through routine reports and data collected through periodic surveys; 3. Develop and implement M&E plans; advocate for the use of M&E data and information to improve system performance. AREAS OF LEARNING Participants will engage in a range of activities, including case studies, demonstrations, and exercises which will provide participants with the opportunity to increase and apply their knowledge and skills in topics such as: 1. Relating basic monitoring and evaluation concepts to supply chain management 2. Linking program goals to monitoring and evaluation activities and ongoing system improvement 3. Selecting and developing appropriate indicators for various logistics functions, such as forecasting, distribution, and product availability 4. Monitoring and evaluation methods and tools for periodic and data collection 5. Developing a strategy and plan for monitoring and evaluating logistics activities 6. Using M&E results to advocate for system improvements WHO SHOULD ATTEND Individuals who have completed a basic health logistics course at the national or international level, in the public or private sectors may find this course relevant. This course is particularly relevant for mid to senior level staff who are responsible for monitoring, evaluating, planning and implementing activities to strengthen the supply chain of family planning, AIDS prevention and treatment or other health commodity logistics systems at the national level, particularly in regard to monitoring and evaluating logistics system performance. The course would be helpful to those who: Plan, conduct, and assist with monitoring and evaluation studies of logistics systems Develop or assist with the development of M&E study protocols and instruments Participate in or oversee the collection of data to monitor logistics activities Analyze and interpret logistics data Provides and/or uses information for planning and managing programs. FACILITATORS ESAMI consultants with excellent understanding of the local environment will team-up with USAID | DELIVER PROJECT facilitators who have knowledge and experience in monitoring and evaluating logistics systems and supply chain management. These facilitators have considerable knowledge of M&E, and first-hand experience assessing and designing country-specific logistics systems. VISAS Visa requirements will depend on the participant’s country of origin. Please contact your local Tanzanian Embassy for more information. COST Participants will be required to pay US$1,500 to cover tuition & training materials only. BOARD AND LODGING ESAMI has compass accommodation facilities equipped with telephone extensions connected to each room and also TV sets where participants could watch news from international channels like CNN, BBC, SKY and entertainment channels. Full board and lodging fees per day per person is US $45 only. Alternatively, there are several hotels in Arusha town offering low to high class services where course participants can choose to lodge. Hotel contact details can be provided on request. The average distance between ESAMI and Arusha is about 25 minutes by public transport and 15 minutes by taxi. Course applicants who wish to stay at the ESAMI facility MUST indicate they would like to stay at the facility in the application form. Those preferring alternative accommodation should also indicate in the application forms. DATES AND LOCATION The course will be conducted from 24th to 31st August, 2011 at ESAMI Head Quarters in Arusha, Tanzania. Participants should plan to arrive at least one day before the course begins. HOW TO APPLY Prospective participants should apply by completing the attached application form and/or be nominated by their sponsors using the same. Duly completed forms should be forwarded to any one of the addresses below. Admission of applicants to the course closes at least three weeks before the date of course commencement. Contact Addresses ESAMI HEADQUARTERS: P.O. Box 3030, Arusha, Tanzania Tel: +255 27 250 833/5/7/8 Fax: + 255 27 250 8285 E-mail: esamihq@esamihq.ac.tz E-mail: mbd@esamihq.ac.tz ESAMI – DAR ES SALAAM Country Coordinator 3rd Floor, NIC Investment House P.O. Box 22290, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Tel: +255 22 211 2670/ +255 22 2135046 Fax: +255 22 211 3686 E-mail: esami@raha.com ESAMI - NAIROBI Country Coordinator 4th Floor, International House Mama Ngina Street P.O. Box 56628-00200, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 20 253 759/ +254 20 252 936 Telefax: +254 20 248 814 E-mail: esami@esami.or.ke ESAMI – KAMPALA Country Coordinator 2ND Floor, EADB Building P.O. Box 824, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 41 4 254 222 / +256 41 4 343 397 Telefax: +256 41 4 232 168 E-mail: esamiug@africaonline.co.ug ESAMI - LUSAKA Country Coordinator Superannuation House, Ben Bella Road P.O. Box 32132, Lusaka, Zambia Tel: +260 1 222937 Telefax: +260 1 222968 E-mail: esamilus@zamnet.zm ESAMI - WINDHOEK Country Coordinator Corner Nelson Mandela/Sam Nujoma Drive HIDAS Centre P.O. Box 1836, Windhoek 9000, Namibia Tel: +264 61 236 965/6 Telefax: +264 61 249 822 E-mail: esamiwhk@mweb.com.na ESAMI - HARARE Country Coordinator No. 6 Bantry Road, Alexandra Park P.O. Box 2627, Harare, Zimbabwe Tel/Fax: +263 4 745607 E-mail: esamihre@africaonline.co.zw ESAMI - LILONGWE Country Coordinator 1st Floor, Development House P.O. Box 31127, Lilongwe 3, Malawi Tel: +265 1 774 423 / +265 1 770 253 Telefax: +265 1 770 957 E-mail: esamimw@malawi.net ESAMI MAPUTO Country Coordinator No. 657 Floor No. 1 Avenida Julius Nyerere P.O. Box 2077, Maputo, Mozambique Telefax: + 258 1 487375 E-mail: esami@emilmoz.com ESAMI – MBABANE Country Coordinator 3RD Floor, Lilunga House, Gilfillan Street P.O. Box 4234, Mbabane, Swaziland Tel: +268 40 4 8494 Telefax: +268 40 4 8495 E-mail: esamimba@realnet.co.sz