No. 15_030 listed directly below:

The following questions concerning RFP No. 15_030 have been received and the project’s answers are
listed directly below:
Q 1: Is qualitative data required to be submitted within the 12 hours after its collection. What are the
guidelines in this regard?
A1. Qualitative data is not required to be submitted within 12 hours after it is collected. Submission of
files containing all transcripts (translated in English) and coding used for analysis is expected when
reports are submitted.
Q 2: What is the sample size of qualitative component of the assessment
A 2: We expect the sub-contractor to propose the number of key informant interviews/focus groups, as
stated on page 16 in the RFP. The selection criteria and number of focus groups should be included in
the technical proposal with appropriate rationale and budgeted accordingly. Finalization of the
qualitative framework will be done by the Awardee(s), in partnership with the project.”
Q 3: What is the sample size of the quantitative component of the assessment (using the modified
Logistics Indicator Assessment Tool)
A 3: See pages 14-16 in the RFP for sample size of SDPs and LHW for the quantitative component. In
addition as stated. Additionally, as stated on p13, the assessment will also be conducted at district
stores for each stakeholder district store. Therefore the sample size will be the number of SDPs plus
number of district stores for each stakeholder in each province.
Q 4: Based on past experience, what is the average time spent at a facility, administering the Logistics
Indicator Assessment Tool?
A 4: On average it takes between 2-3 hours for a team of two to complete the tool at the facility.