M . N

Instructor: Mrs. Julie Neff
E-mail: jrneff@mpsaz.org
Dobson High School
Spring 2016
Room: B200
Welcome to Freshmen English!
Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,
What to Expect From This Class
The 9th grade English curriculum is interesting,
The focus of Freshmen English is to assist
fun, and challenging. It is my goal to provide
students in the development of effective
students with enriching class lessons, projects,
reading, writing, listening and speaking skills
and experiences to help them master the skills
that ensure success not only in high school, but
they need to be a successful communicator, not
in life. Over the course of the second semester,
just in high school, but in life. I want to ensure
we will be diving into literature and poetry, as
this class is positive and productive by working
well as Romeo and Juliet. Students will discover
with students and parents to establish guidelines
and analyze the characteristics of plot,
and expectations that will result in a beneficial
characters, and literary devices from several
experience for all.
nominal works and explore the effects of
decision making and human nature.
This syllabus will outline the course for the
second semester, highlight my expectations for
the year, and provide a general overview of our
objectives and activities.
Supplies Needed for the Class
· Loose Leaf College-Rule Paper
· 1 English Folder
· 1 Composition Notebook
· Blue/Black/Red Pens
· #2 Pencils with erasers
· 2-3 colors of highlighters
· Useful supplies to have at home
include a dictionary, thesaurus,
and stapler.
Behavior and Expectations
Error!have a semester as a high school
Mrs. Salce’s English
student under their belt, many of the behaviors
excepted at the beginning of school as a freshman
no longer be tolerated. Freshmen English
to teach. This is non-negotiable.
focus, dedication, hard work, and
maturity in order to be successful. Students will be
asked to use higher-level thinking skills to
Be Prompt, meaning in your seat and ready to
work when the bell rings. Three unexcused
tardies will result in a referral to administration
accomplish the rigorous coursework. Students are
encouraged to share insights and opinions with
and a call home.
each other, so a safe and positive environment is
Be Prepared for the day’s activities and class
crucial. Please apply the following guidelines for
expectations. You will be expected to arrive in
class with all needed materials for the day,
Be Respectful for yourself, others, and property at
including homework and a positive attitude.
all times. No physical or verbal harassment will be
Be Responsible for your own learning and for
tolerated. The district policy governing behavior in
this regard will be strictly enforced. Students will
your own actions. Students are expected to
conduct themselves in a mature and
refrain from any behavior that interferes with the
learning experience of other students or my ability
appropriate manner at all times. Our primary
purpose is the education of ALL students in a
positive educational setting.
The following should not be used or consumed in the classroom without my specific consent: mp3 players/iPods and
cell phones.
Electronic devices SEEN or USED in the classroom, without prior permission by the teacher to utilize,
will be taken and returned at the end of the day by the student’s administrator.
After the first offense, a parent must pick up the item in the front office. These items will be regularly
incorporated into class to enhance lessons—you will receive clear instructions as to when the use of
these devices is appropriate. Any other time, these items are a distraction to the learning environment
and must be put away.
Because the development of strong writing
Extra credit is given sparingly; only students who
have successfully completed ALL assignments may
take advantage of extra-credit opportunities, as it
is offered as enrichment beyond what is already
Grading Percentage
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
1-59% = F
skills is the major focus of this class, writing
assignments and projects will be worth a
greater percentage of points and will have a
greater impact on a student’s grade than
classwork or homework.
Late Work
Any daily assignments turned in late will be given half
credit within a week of the assignment being due.
After that, no credit will be given.
For large essays and projects, ten percent will be
deducted off the total point value each day up to fifty
percent/five days.
Absence Policy and Make-Up Work
Mrs. Salce’s English I
Homework will be assigned on a regular basis
(usually 2-3 times per week for an average of 15-20
minutes per assignment). All homework is due at the
beginning of the period on the assigned date.
Make-up work is the student’s responsibility, but I
am always available for assistance. For excused
Attendance is critical to success in this class. Try to be
absences, students will have one day to make up
here every day! Any student who accumulates 9 or
assignments for each day missed. However,
homework that was due on the day that the student
missed is due on the day of return. All tests missed
that the student was already aware of are to be made
up at lunch on the day the student returns or after
school. Arrangements must be made ahead of time.
more absences in one semester may be dropped from
the class without receiving credit.
Tutoring is available during 1st lunch in my room on
Tuesday and Thursday and after school by
appointment. There are always opportunities for help,
so don’t be afraid to ask!
Academic Dishonesty
Students are expected to abide by ethical standards. Any student who cheats on an assignment will
receive a zero for that assignment, and disciplinary action may follow. Any student who allows another
student to copy his or her work will also receive a zero.
Any work that is submitted should be the student’s own work. Any evidence of plagiarism (from any
source) will result in a failing grade for that assignment and a disciplinary referral.
All District guidelines for cheating and plagiarism will be strictly followed.
Semester at a Glance
Shakespeare- Romeo and Juliet
Poetry, including Shakespearian Sonnets
Animal Farm
Narrative Writing
Critical and Active Reading
Student-Parent/Guardian Information and Syllabus Agreement Form
Please PRINT legibly!
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Student Name: ___________________________________
Mrs. Salce’s English
Mother’s Name: __________________________________
e-mail: __________________________________
Mother’s Phone#: _________________________________
Father’s Name: ___________________________________
Father’s e-mail: ___________________________________
Father’s phone#: __________________________________
Is there anything specific that you would like me to know about your child?
I will communicate about all grade issues and any minor behavior issues promptly via your provided
e-mail address. If you prefer a different form of contact, please indicate below. Phone contact will
be done after school, and there may be some “phone tag” lapse time in communication.
I have read the syllabus, and I understand Mrs. Neff’s policies. I do not have any questions or
concerns at this time.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student Signature