July 11, 2016 David Chi Stanford University 476 Lomita Mall McCullough Bldg, room 203 Stanford, CA 94305 Subject: TXRF Report, CEA #C03H0107 Dear Dr. Chi: Attached is the final report on TXRF analysis of a 75 mm diameter Si wafer containing a thin Hafnium Oxide film. Number of Samples: Date Received: Analysis Request: TXRF Analysis Date: Fax or Email Date: Analysis Cost: Priority Surcharge (none) Total Cost: Purchase Order #: Sample Disposition: One 04/29/03 TXRF 04/29/03 05/02/03 $375 $0 $375 WG8283 Return after storage period Please note that your samples will be retained for 8 weeks after their receipt. After this time they will be disposed of unless you have specifically requested otherwise. Current instructions are listed in the table above. We will maintain copies of the data and report for three years. Thank you for using the analytical services of Charles Evans &Associates, a division of the Evans Analytical Group. We appreciate your business and welcome any suggestions you may have for improving the quality and efficiency of our service. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions regarding this work. Sincerely, Lori A. McCaig, Ph.D. Manager TXRF Analytical Services (Phone: 408 530-3732) TOTAL REFLECTION X-RAY FLUORESCENCE (TXRF) SURFACE ANALYSIS REPORT CEA #C03H0107 Prepared for: David Chi Stanford University 476 Lomita Mall McCullough Bldg, room 203 Stanford, CA 94305 Prepared by: _______________________________________ Lori A. McCaig, Ph.D. Manager, TXRF Analytical Services Reviewed by: _______________________________________ Lori Bisaha Scientist, XRF and TXRF Analytical Services TOTAL REFLECTION X-RAY FLUORESCENCE (TXRF) ANALYSIS REPORT CEA#C03H0107 Requester: Analysis Date: David Chi 04/29/03 PURPOSE OF ANALYSIS The purpose of this analysis was to measure metal contamination on the surface of a 75 mm diameter Si wafer containing a thin Hafnium Oxide film. The sample is identified by the description on the wafer carrier. SUMMARY OF RESULTS All results are shown in Table 1. Ca, Ti, Cr, Fe and Cl are observed in spectra from the wafer. Results will include contamination in the Hf film and at the Si interface. PROCEDURES AND DISCUSSION Analytical: TXRF measurements were made using a TREX 610-T TXRF instrument. The following measurement conditions were used: Source: W Rotating Anode Beam Power: 30 kV Beam Current: 50 mA Incident Angle: 0.04º Integration Time: 1000 seconds Due to its small size, the wafer was mounted on a carrier wafer for analysis. Measurements were made on the polished front side of the wafer, at locations shown graphically on the data printouts and in the diagram below. Flat or Notch TXRF Analysis Report CEA #C03H0107 David Chi Stanford University Page 2 Analysis area is 10 mm in diameter, and analysis depth is ~50Å for polished silicon surfaces (using W primary beam). Analysis depth for this HfOx/Si sample is not known. Analyses were performed with the samples in a nitrogen ambient at ~1 Torr. Results and Discussion: Results are summarized in Table 1. Ca, Ti, Cr, Fe and Cl are observed in spectra from the wafer. Signal from the Hf in the film interferes with measurement of several other species that are measured by TXRF on Si surfaces, as discussed below. The intense Hf peaks from Hf L-lines interfere with detection of Co, Ni and Cu due to overlap between the Hf L-peaks and the K-peaks for these elements. It is possible that Co may be present in these spectra. The software fitting of the Hf Ll line is improved if Co is included. However, unambiguous identification of Co is impossible due to the interference from the overlap of the Hf Ll peak with the Co K peak and the overlap of the Hf L peak with the Co K peak. Overlap of Fe K and Hf Ll peak interfere with quantification of Fe, making Fe results more uncertain. Values reported here will overestimate true contamination levels of Fe due to this interference. The intense Hf M-lines interfere with measurement of S. The detection limits for other elements on this film are also higher than typically observed for a polished Si surface due to the higher background observed from the HfOx film and the reduced power of TXRF analysis necessary due to the intensity of the Hf fluorescence. The presence of Ar and the Hf sum peak also increase the detection limits for K. The film thickness was given as 5 Å. The analysis depth for a polished Si surface using a W primary beam is ~50Å under normal power and angle conditions. The analysis depth for a Hafnium Oxide film under these reduced power and angle conditions is not known, but should be less than this (50Å). Still, the analysis results here will include the HfOx film as well as contamination on the Si interface below. It is not possible to sort out the contribution from each in this data using the signal due to Si K-peaks and signal due to Hf M-peaks due to overlap of the Si K and the Hf M-peaks and the instrument software difficulties in fitting M-peaks. Quantification of TXRF data depends on the index of refraction at the surface of the sample. Since the results will include both the film and Si interface, results were calculated using two quantification factors. The results for this wafer are reported using quantification factors estimated for a thick Hafnium Oxide surface (top half of Table 1) and for a Si or Si oxide substrate (bottom half of Table 1). In both cases, the quantification is based on standards of known impurity on a Si wafer. These values provide a range for contamination estimates. Other techniques might be useful in evaluation of these thin Hafnium Oxide films. A wet chemical or vapor method may be useful for dissolving the film or leaching contamination from the surface. Jim Norberg (operations coordinator) would be the contact person to discuss analysis of this type. TOFSIMS may also be used to look at these surfaces. The contact person to discuss this technique is Dr. Ian Mowat (manager, TOF-SIMS Analytical Services). TXRF Analysis Report CEA #C03H0107 David Chi Stanford University Page 3 7/11/2016 Table 1. TREX 610-T TXRF Results for W source measurements (units of 1010 atoms/cm2). S Cl Hf MOS-11 5A Hf Assuming thick Hf Oxide Center <6500 2700 11,-11 <3500 1270 -11,11 <3700 1350 Assuming dominated by Si or Si oxide Center <2800 1160 11,-11 <1500 540 -11,11 <1600 570 K Ca Ti Cr Mn Fe Ni Co Cu Zn Ar <170 350 90 290 <84 1350 I <50 270 32 160 <50 780 I <80 240 60 110 <36 780 I I I I I <15 7300 I <10 4000 I <11 4000 <70 150 38 124 <36 580 <20 114 14 67 <21 330 <35 103 26 47 <15 330 I I I I I I I I I <6 3100 <4 1700 <5 1700 Hf fluorescence interferes with any practical detection of Ni, Co, and Cu. Detection limits for S and Mn are also increased due to interference from Hf. Overlap of Fe K and Hf Ll peak interfere with quantification of Fe, making Fe results more uncertain (values reported here overestimate true contamination). Uncertainty values (±) reported are 1 standard deviations calculated from instrumental reproducibility and background signal-to-noise ratios. These numbers do not include uncertainties from interferences, if any. Practical detection limits (indicated by <) are calculated for each spectrum and may vary between analyses. Elements in the ranges S-Zn and Mo-Hf can be detected by W-source TXRF. If an element in this range is not reported in the table, it was not detected. X-ray lines for elements in the range Mo-Hf overlap x-ray lines for elements in the range S-Zn, making identification and/or quantification difficult if they are present at high levels. For example, it is not possible to distinguish S and Mo; what is reported as sulfur may be in part molybdenum. Correction factors: corrections have been applied to Fe and Cu to compensate for detector background. Measurement locations: Locations are given in mm from the center of the wafer, assuming that the wafer is oriented with the notch at the bottom. Positive values are to the right and up, and negative values are left and/or down from the wafer center. I indicates the presence of an interference. TXRF Analysis Report CEA #C03H0107 David Chi Stanford University Page 4 7/11/2016 Appendix A Brief Explanation of the Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence (TXRF) Technique Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence (TXRF) is a nondestructive method of analyzing flat, smooth samples. It is a survey technique, measuring a range of elements in a single analysis. detector primary wafer beam X-rays from a primary beam impinging on the surface of a flat, smooth sample at a low angle (less than the angle of total external reflection) excite impurity atoms on or near the surface of the sample. The excited atoms emit x-ray photons of characteristic energies which are detected and recorded by a largearea Si(Li) detector and the associated electronics. The photon energies are used to identify the elements present. The intensity of the x-ray fluorescence for each element is used to quantify the areal density of that atomic species. Reflection of the primary x-ray beam from the sample surface is maximized by use of mirror polished samples. Less penetration of the primary beam into the sample results in fewer excited matrix atoms and a proportionally larger number of photons from surface impurity atoms, leading in turn to enhanced detection capability. Analysis of rough surfaces such as wafer backsides, unpolished wafers, and patterned wafers, is possible however. Degradation of detection limits, accuracy, and precision of the analysis depend on the roughness of the sample. TXRF analysis is performed on unbroken full wafers from 100 to 300 mm in diameter. Smaller samples and partial wafers can be analyzed by mounting on carrier wafers. At Charles Evans & Associates, TXRF samples are handled and analyzed in a Class 10 environment to minimize chances of accidental contamination. The range of elements that can be analyzed in a single analysis depends on energy of the primary beam. TXRF instruments used at Charles Evans & Associates use either a rotating W anode or a fine focus Mo x-ray tube, each with a monochromator, to produce and refine the primary x-ray beam. The two primary beams excite different ranges of elements: Tungsten source (W L) - sulfur through zinc, molybdenum through the lanthanide series Molybdenum source (Mo K) - gallium through bromine; tantalum through lead. TXRF Analysis Report CEA #C03H0107 David Chi Stanford University Page 5 7/11/2016 Appendix B Quantification, Detection Limits, Precision, and Accuracy QUANTIFICATION Quantification is based on the measurement of a reference sample with known areal density of impurity atoms on the surface. However, no universally accepted standards for TXRF quantification exist. Each laboratory must develop and provide its own reference wafers, which may lead to inter-laboratory discrepancies. Quantification for TXRF is based on measurement of one element (or several elements) present at a known areal density. Levels of all elements on the unknown sample are calculated using measured photon counts for each element on the unknown, photon counts for the standard element, and relative fluorescence yield factors for the different elements. Results can be quantified by extrapolation from measurement of a reference sample of known areal density, as long as the reference and the unknown are measured using the same instrument conditions. A separate reference sample for each element is not required because relative fluorescence yields are known. Signal response for a given element in TXRF analysis is sensitive to the way in which the element is distributed, as shown in Figure 1. As the glancing angle is changed, signal intensity varies by a factor of ~5 if the element is thinly plated on the surface, but remains constant within the range of angles normally used for analysis if the contamination is particulate or residue. If contamination is buried (e.g. an implanted layer), signal intensity will rise with increasing angle in a manner similar to the curve for plated contamination, but will not drop as sharply at higher angles. The matrix curve refers to signal response for the element(s) of the bulk material. Arbitrary Intensity Plated Residue Matrix 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Glancing Angle (degrees) 0.25 0.3 0.35 Figure B-1. Schematic representation of signal intensity variation with glancing angle. TXRF Analysis Report CEA #C03H0107 David Chi Stanford University Page 6 7/11/2016 CE&A procedure is to assume that all contamination is present as a thin uniformly distributed plating on the sample surface unless otherwise stated in the Discussion section of the report. If contamination is present as particles greater than 0.1m diameter, as a thick residue, or as a buried layer, reported values will be high by an unspecified factor. DETECTION LIMITS Detection limits are variable, depending on element, sample surface, analysis conditions, and interferences. Interference free detection limits for first row transition metals (Fe, Ni, Cu) may be as low as 3E9 atoms/cm2. Sample roughness and interferences from other elements adversely affect detection limits. PRECISION AND ACCURACY Precision of TXRF measurement varies with the source, level of the element measured, and measurement conditions. Using the CE&A standard conditions, precision on tungsten source TXRF measurements ranges from 1% at the 1X1015 atoms/cm2 level to ~100% at the levels near detection limit. Precision of repeat measurements on our SPC sample, which is vanadium at a level of 2X1013 atoms/cm2, is 16% over a period of more than six months. The CE&A TXRF instrument is calibrated to a nickel contaminated wafer which has been verified by a Cr standard analyzed with HIBS. Uncertainty on the HIBS measurement is approximately 10%. Precision of molybdenum source repeat measurements on the SPC sample, vanadium at a level of 2X1013 atoms/cm2, is 17% over a period of more than six months. The molybdenum source is calibrated to a wafer with plated nickel contamination. The nickel level is taken from tungsten source TXRF measurement, and verified by measurement of a commercially available spin-coated reference wafer. TXRF Analysis Report CEA #C03H0107 David Chi Stanford University Page 7 7/11/2016 Appendix C The CE&A TXRF Data Printout You will receive a data printout for each measurement made on your samples. Each printout consists of a listing of analysis identification and instrument conditions used for the measurement, graphical presentation of the data, and a data table. Analysis identification: file --- name of data file stored on disk sample --- sample name sub --- substrate. Si Wafer or GaAs wafer memo 1 --- company and name of client, CEA job identification number Analysis conditions: Slot --- position in the special cassette into which samples are loaded for analysis M --- measurement type (manual, programmed, angle scan, etc.) Size --- wafer size in inches X: and Y: --- analysis position measured in mm from wafer center Time --- integration time for the analysis X-ray Voltage --- anode operating voltage in kV X-ray Current --- anode operating current in mA X-ray Target --- anode material D.T.: --- Dead time: percent of real time that detector does not accept new data Angle: --- glancing angle at which measurement is made DP Cond: --- Name of reference file used for data acquisition and processing Element Cond: --- Name of reference file used for quantification Quant: --- Name of reference file used for quantification Spectrum: The spectrum is a graph of fluorescence x-ray energy (from 0 to 10 keV for W primary beam or 0 to 18 keV for Mo primary beam) versus photon counts per second. For analysis of silicon wafers, the large peak at the low energy end of the spectrum is the silicon signal from the wafer substrate. High counts at the high energy end of the spectrum are due to scattered primary x-rays (W L or Mo K). Characteristic x-ray peaks of elements S through Zn (K) and Rb through Re (L) (W anode) or elements S through Br (K)and Rb through Bi (L) (Mo source) have energies between the silicon peak and the high-energy scatter. Quantitative Results: Spectrum: ---symbol for the element and the name of the X-ray line used in calculation of areal density Energy keV --- energy at which the line for that element appears on the spectrum Peak Int. cps --- integrated counts per second for the identified peak Conc *E10 --- calculated areal density for the element, in units of 1010 atoms/cm2 Stand.Dev cps -- standard deviation of counts per second in peak signal BG Int cps --- background counts per second in peak region