Share Wear Objective: Getting acquainted Group size: Any number over 12 Time: 10-15 minutes Prepare: nothing Intro: Explain the concept of “real shareware” – software that that has been created and is available free on the Internet for others to use and adapt to meet their needs. Assure the class that the share wear that they will be participating in will require much less effort and technical expertise. Instructions: 1. Divide the participants into groups of six to twelve. 2. Explain that in groups each person will have a chance to tell a story about something that they are currently wearing. For example, they may tell a story about a belt, piece of jewelry, or article of clothing that they have on. 3. Give an example by describing something that you are wearing. Be sure that you are wearing something this day that you have a good story about. 4. Explain that they will have a total of eight minutes to share their stories with each other. 5. When time is up, have each group share the best story from their team.