Additional Question Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each Poetry Section

Additional Question
Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each
Poetry Section
1. My Mother at Sixty Six
What is the Kind of Pain and ache that the poet feels?
Why has the poet brought in the image of the merry children spilling out of their
Why has the mother been compared to the late winter’s moon?
2. An Elementary School classroom in a stem
Why has the map been said to be a ‘Bad example’ and Shakespeare wicked?
What is there on The Walls of the classroom?
How does the poet describe some of the children in the classroom?
What does the poet want for the children of slums?
How can their lives be made to change?
3. Keeping Quiet.
What will counting up to twelve and keeping still help us achieve?
What is ‘sadness’ that the poet refers to the poem?
What symbol from Nature does the poet invoke to convey that there can be life
under apparent stillness?
What idea does the poet want to convey in the poem keeping Quiet?
What does the poet call ‘an exotic moment’ & why?
4. A Thing of Beauty.
List the things that cause suffering & pain ?
Explain – ‘Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth’?
How can you say that a thing of beauty is a joy forever?
5. Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers.
What is suggested by the image massive weight of uncle’s wedding band?
What are the ordeals Aunt Jennifer is surrounded by?
What is the meaning of ringed ?
Why do you think Aunt created animals that are different from her character?
In the story, ‘Should Wizard hit mommy’, the writer, John Updike examines the issues of parenting and
the flaws that inadvertently creep in. The adult tendency to quell the questioning mind of a child and
also the intrusion of the beliefs held by adults to represent the only valid viewpoint, are areas that find
mention in this simple yet powerful story.
Jo, the four year old daughter of Jack, has been subjected to a bedtime story telling by her father ever
since she was two years of age. As the story has a slight variation of a basic talk. It follows a simple
unchanging plot in which the various characters all bear the name of Roger and the ending is
predictable. Jack prides himself on what he thinks of as his ingenuity, and is especially proud his ability
to enact the role of the old wizard, an integral part of each story, changing his voice so much better
when Jo was smaller and would go to sleep sooner. He things of her two year old brother, Bobby,
peacefully asleep and is almost pleased that Jo has requested that the character for the night’s story
should be Roger Skunk, a new character. His creativity is momentarily stirred and he embarks on his
story, though following the same basic plot that has been used each night, for each story and each
character for the past two years.
The story of the smelly Skunk who smelt so bad that he did not have any friends follows the same course
except that in mentioning this fact, Jack is reminded of his own childhood and its humiliations and
begins to feel that he is actually telling Jo something that is true and thus is no hurry to go any faster.
When Jo interrupts, he is irritated by her and is even more so when she asks whether magic spells are
real. He is reminded that of late she has been asking many questions. This wonderful evidence of Jo’s
inquisitive progressing mind and intellect completely escapes Jack, so intent on getting on with the story
s planned by him. His answers to her questions are short and peremptory and he fails to notice that her
question about whether the old wizard could die might be assign of an inner fear. He continues with the
story and so uninvolved is he in the story that Jo has t remind him that he has referred to Roger Skunk as
Roger Fish.
In comes as a rude shock to Jack to discover that though Jo is exhibiting the desired response to each
fragment of the story, the response is insincere and even reminds him of his wife pretending pleasure at
a cocktail party. As the story that Jack is narrating comes to an end, he notices that Jo is expecting it to
end this way and this annoys him for some inexplicable reasons. He cannot bear it when women take
things for granted and he decided to continue with the story giving it a twist. In his story the wizard
could die might be sign of an inner fear. HE continues with the story and so uninvolved is he in the story
that Ho has to remind him that he has referred to Roger Skunk as Roger Fish.
It comes as a rude shock to Jack to discover that though Jo is exhibiting the desired response to each
fragment of the story, the response is insincere and even reminds him of his wife pretending pleasure at
a cocktail party. As the story that Jack is narrating comes to an end, he notices that Jo is expecting it to
end this way and this annoys him for some inexplicable reason. He cannot bear it when women take
things for granted and he decides to continue with the story giving it a twist, In his story the wizard has
changed Skunk so that he smelt of roses but mother Skunk disapproved of this and hit the wizard with
her umbrella making him change Skunk back to his old stinking self.
The end of the story does not appeal to Jo who wants the wizard to hit mommy, but Jack tells her that
mommy knows what is best for her child. It is evident that the story violates Jo’s sense of fairness for
why should Roger Skunk not smell of roses and thus have more friends? It is also apparent that in a way
Jo’s authority, for do not adults knows best! Jack feels threatened by Jo’s attitude and when he finds
that she is restless after he has come downstairs, he uses the ultimate weapon of adult authority does
she want him to spank her, he asks.
Jack finds his wife painting the chair downstairs. She is expecting their third child and is wearing his shirt
ever her maternity dress. He notices that half the chair is still the old dirty colour while the other half is
the colour of ivory. HE finds himself caught somewhere in an ugly middle position. This is perhaps and
indication of the confusion that Jo’s questioning has caused. The idea is not only shocking but also quite
unacceptable to him. The reader does get the distinct impression that Jack is not used to his authority
being questioned by anyone and least of all a little child. He finds it hard to come to terms with the fact
that Ho no longer accepts what he says and is not afraid to assert her opinion. The fact that she insist on
his changing the ending of the story the following night also indicated that she has lost faith in adult
wisdom and has a mind of her won, something that Hack cannot understand or accept.
The writer brings into focus the impatience and insensitivity that adults display in their dealing with
children and the intolerance they exhibit if they feel that their authority is being questioned. HE also
high lights the adult habit of imposing their opinion on children and that of discouraging any queries. So
caught up are adults in the web of life that the lose their sense of perception which is so sharp in
children. Also, the adult viewpoint is most often colored by the intrusive hues of their various
experience in life.
Book:Vistas (S. Reader)
Lesson -1. The Third Level
Author: Jack Finney
Charley, a thirty –one years old having worked late one night enters grand Central Station from
Vanderbilt Avenue, with the aim of boarding a train home. At the station .consisting of various corridors,
and two levels catering for different trains, he loses his way. He finds himself in want he thinks is the
third level of station. He realizes that something is different there as the people as dressed differently
and the area is lit not with the electric lights of the modern time but with open gas dries. He suddenly
makes the discovery that he has somehow enter the years 1894.He seems the data on the newspaper.
The World, that has not be published for many years. The paper that his glances at bears the date June
11, 1984. HE is filled with excitement and he decides to buy two tickets for Gales bury the peaceful town
that he has grown up in.
Charles discovers that he does not have the appropriate currency of that period and is therefore unable
to buy the tickets. His wife and his psychiatrist friend, Sam as well as his other friends are quiet alarmed
when they hear his account and forbid him to seek the third level again. They treat the accident as a
figment of his imagination and attribute it to his desire to escape from the stresses of his life.
However, Charley’s friend, Sam disappears and charley find a letter from him in an old First Day Cover
dated July 18, 1894. IN the letter, Sam tells charley that he has settled down in Galesburg and urges
Charley not to give up his search for the Third Level as it is well worth the efforts .Sam is now engaged in
a nice little hay, feed and grain business .something that he has always wished that he could do .
The author leaves the readers wondering what The Third Level really is. Though charley is able to find
proof of his experience, is it really possible to make this transition back and fourth in time?
Jack Finney a writer of science fiction treats his favorite subject, Time is a new dimension. The shadowy,
eerie world that lies some where between dreams, desires, and reality is what he calls The Third Level. It
is the point where the past, the present and the future meet and here nothing is, as it seems
Answer the questions in 30 – 40 words each –
1. Why did charley go to the grand central station?
2. Where did he find himself and what did he observe there?
What do you learn about Galesburg of 1894?
Why did charley go to the ticket window?
Why was charley unable to buy the tickets for Galesburg?
How did his friend react to his account of their level?
What is the first day cover?
What is this third level and why does Charlie find himself at third level?
How did Sam make a living at Galesburg?
What strange thing was found among the oldest first day concern?
What did Charley insist on which everybody contradicted?
What was Charley unusual experience at the ticket window?
What were Sam views about Charley having found himself at third level?
What did Charley did of his hobby of collecting stamps?
What makes you believe that Charley lived in the world of fantasies?
What was Sam’s business at Galesburg?
Why couldn’t Sam go back to his old business in Galesburg Illinois?
Author: (Kalki)
This is the story of The Maharaja of Pratibandhapuram, who became known as The Tiger King .According
to legend, When he was born, the astrologers proclaimed one day he would have to die . Hearing this
Royal Prince who was then only ten days old suddenly said that it was common knowledge that anyone
who took birth would have to die and that he would acknowledge the wisdom of the astrologers if they
could predict the manner of his death .The astrologers than reply that he was born in the hour of the
bull. The tiger and the bull are enemies so his death would come from a tiger .
When the prince came of age, he decided to completely destroy the tigers in his kingdom .He was
thrilled when he shot the first tiger. He called the astrologers but the chief astrologers told him that he
might be able to kill 99 tigers in the same manner but he should be wary of 100 tiger.
When the King was short of thirty tigers to complete the shooting of a hundred tigers , he encountered a
strange dilemma . It was discover that the tiger population of his kingdom had been completely
depleted in the spam of ten years that he had been shooting .This forced him to marry a princess whose
father’s kingdom has large high population .
The King happily continued shooting tigers till he had ninety - nine skins on his walls .Now he had to shoot only one
more tiger but not a single tiger could be found. In order to keep the King in happy mood The Dewan placed a
caged tiger that he had at home in a strategic place . The King was overjoyed to shoot his hundredth tiger .He shot
it thought that he had killed it But actually he missed his mark. The Tiger was shooting by the hunter and then
dead tiger was taken in procession through the town and buried. A tomb was erected over it.
The King having fulfilled his now turned attention to his son who has just turned three. In his search for
a very special gift for the child who chanced upon a wooden tiger, which he bought for him. While
playing with his son a silver pierced his right hand . Though he removed it with his left hand it developed
into a wound and the infection spread to his whole arm. The very best surgeons who were called upon
to operate on him could not save him and he died. Thus the prediction of the astrologers came to pass
and it was the hundredth tiger that avenged the deaths of all the tigers that the king had killed in order
that he might live and also disprove prophecy of the astrologers.
Answer the questions in 30 40 words each 1.
Who came to be known as The Tiger King?
What had astrologers predicted at the time of the birth of The Maharaja of Pratibhandipuram?
What did the ten day old prince ask the astrologers to predict?
What was astrologers reply when the ten day prince ask
What did the astrologers predict about the
What did the prince do after becoming the King?
How did the King annoy the British Officer?
How did the King try to pacify the annoyed British Officer?
Why did he marry a princess whose father’s kingdom has forests that were the abode of tigers?
How did the king fulfill his desire of killing 100 tigers?
What was the king’s special gift for his child
How did he meet to his end?
Author: (Tishani Doshi)
The author was associate with a research team. They were on a Russian Vessel , ‘ Shokalaski’ .
The program ‘ Students on Ice ‘ was started by a Canadian , Geoff Green . His aim was to
provide exciting educational opportunity to the High School Students by taking them to the
ends of the world. He felt / hoped that these opportunities would make a deep impact on the
future policy makers and they wound understand the need to preserve their planet .
Green felt that the Antarctica is the most ideal place to study how small changes in the
environment can have for reaching & dangerous consequences , due to lack of bio- diversity
&simple ecosystem.
The author fells that a visit to the Antarctica is like taking a walk into history. It is the most
suitable place to study the history of the place because it is like only place that has never
sustained human life . The half million years old carbon records in the ice layers of Antarctica
are the most valuable documents of our past.
We learn at that time there was a southern super continent Gondwana . The climate was very
warm . There was a huge variety of flora and fauna . Then the age of mammal started and the
land mass was forced to separated into countries and the globe took the present shape .
We also learn how India pushed northwards and joined against Asia to buckle its crust and form
the Himalayas. South America drifted towards North America opening up the Drake Passage . It
created a cold circumpolar current which keeps Antarctica frigid & desolate.
A visit to Antarctica shows the impact of human population on environment due to the
unmitigated burning of fossil fuels . This thoughtless burning of fossil fuel has created a
blanket of carbon dioxide around the world ultimately the temperature of the globe is
increasing . The climate of the globe is also changing and it has direct impact on the ice store of
the world .
For Tishani Joshi the visit was overwhelming. There was no evidence of human like tree
,billboard and building ect. HE also got an opportunity to walk on a stretch of frozen sea along
with 52 members of the team . He also saw the seals sunning themselves on the floating pieces
of ice.
Short Answer Type Questions :
Answer the following questions in 30 – 40 words each Q1 What do you learn about the programme ‘Students on Ice ‘?
Q2 Why is visit to the Antarctica like taking a walk into history?
Q3 Elaborate ,Antarctica is a suitable place to study past and know future?
Q4 What do we learn about our present after visiting Antarctica?
Q5 What are Doshi’s opinion about human activities on the earth ?
06. What is the significance of visiting Antarctica?
07. What do you learn about ‘Phytoplankton’?
08. Mention some of the human markers Antarctica is divide of?
09. What was the effect of geological disturbances on Gondwana?
10. What do you learn about Gondwana?
11. How has man created quiet a ruckus on the earth?
Chapter : 4: THE ENEMY
Author: ( Pearl S.Buck)
The story set during the World War deals with conflicting emotions caused by those defining
moments in one’s life one when is faces with difficult choices . At times one has to choose
between assuming the role of empathetic human beings and while ignoring sentiment,
becoming patriotic citizens of a country and letting one’s nationalist feelings dictate the actions
one takes.
Dr. Sadao Hoki had spent a reasonable span of time in American Studying medicine and
specializing in the science of keeping wounds clean . It was because of his mastery over this
that he had been retained in japan and had not been sent overseas with the troops. Also the
delicate health of the old General and the possibility or his requiring medical attention was a
consideration for keeping Sadao in Japan . The latter had spent some good times in America
and has as a matter of fact met his wife , Hana in professor Harley’s house and had
subsequently married her in accordance with the traditional Japanese customs ,on their return
to Japan .
One night as the two of them stood in their verandah .they saw something being washed
ashore into the close proximity of their house and on closer inspection found that it was an
American Prisoner of War, In an unconscious state, the American seemed to have lost a lot of
blood due to a bullet wound . Sando and Hana were torn between succumbing to the human
instinct of bringing the American into their house and tending to him and the thought that as
citizens of Japan they would be breaking rules by bringing an American prisoner of war into
their home. They also realized that if they did turn him in he would surely die . They were
afraid that the servants would not approve of the latter course of action and might even give
them away to the authorities . Being a doctor , Sadao realized that the American was in need of
urgent medical attention and thus prevailed upon Hana to not only allow him to bring the man
into the house but also the disclose the facts to the servants. The baby’s maid, Yuma refused to
clean up a white man and Hana had no choice but to do so herself. Though Hana had never
seen an operation and had never before administered anesthesia, She was able to assist her
husband in the operation . Sadao Successfully managed to remove the bullet that had lodged
itself close to the kidney. Looking at the unconscious man ,Hana could not help wondering
tortured . It was then that she noticed the red scars on his neck.
The doctor made all efforts
to keep the American alive ,all the time unsure why he wanted to keep energy alive.
When the American regained consciousness , he was for a moment alarmed to see the
Japanese man and his wife and was also surprised that she spoke English. The Servants
continued to resent the presence of the enemy in the house of the master they had served for
so long and finally decided to leave on the seventh day. Sadao’s plea was that he had been
trained for so long to keep people alive and he could not possibly let this in the meantime,
Hana began to get very anxious about the bold and clearly brazen step they had taken and
when an official in uniform came to their door , she assumed that he had come to arrest her
husband. As it happened ,he had merely come to summon him to examine the old General who
had fallen ill. At this point, sadao made up his mind that for the sake of his anxious wife, he
must make a concerted efforts to get rid of the enemy . He decided to use the General’s
dependence on his medical powers and skills to his advantage. He reported what he had done
to save the man ,at the same time letting the General’s dependence on him at a time when he
was physically weak and in need of Sadao’s expert nurturing. He promised to arrange for the
enemy to be killed through a process of internal bleeding so that it did not appear to be
murder. He also promised to get rid of the body , at the same time assuring sadao that he had
nothing to fear and that nobody would know that he had been involved in the matter.
AS the task had to be completed in the next few days, sadao thought that it would be
completely pointless to mention it to Hana. He, however, could not sleep each night thinking
that it would happen that very nigh and would be very relieved to see the enemy alive each
morning, and recovering rapidly. Slowly the realization began to dawn that perhaps the
General had forgotten his promise and in a way he was glad that it had turned out this way.
This circumstance gave him the opportunity to make arrangements for the American to escape.
He assisted him in all the ways that he could, giving him a boat, rations, Japanese clothes and
even a torchlight with which he could indicate in case his supplies ran out or if he did not find a
Korean fishing boat to rescue him from the island where he was to seek refuge. In the
meantime , sadao had carefully monitored the enemy’s progress and was convinced that he
was strong enough to take this chance and save his life. They parted as friends and the
American remarked that it was a second time that Sadao has saved his life.
Sadao reported the ,matter of the American’s escape to the General, who apologizes profusely for
having neglected to keep his promise offering the explanation the having fallen so ill, he had though
only of himself and his recovery and the promise to have the enemy killed had quite escaped his mind.
He wanted Sadao to know that this lapse should not be mistaken for a lack of patriotic feelings on his
part or the dereliction of duty and he hoped that should be come out into the open he would support
his explanation. Sadao understood at once that he had the General in his palm and had no cause for
worry about his own role of having given refuse to an enemy . He assured the General that he did not
for a minute question his loyalty to his country and his Zeal to fight the enemy.
Sadao noticed with satisfaction that there was no flashing light from the island which indicated that
the prisoner had been rescued.
At this moment he suddenly recalled all the white people he had encountered while in America and the
thought of most of them filled him with revulsion and reaffirmed his feelings of superiority. The face of
the American prisoner of War came to his mind and he was again filled with revulsion. This made him
wonder why he had gone to such pains to save the man.
The story thus focuses on a doctor’s sense of duty to save lives, as opposed to a patriotic citizen dutybound to hand over and the presence of a prisoner to the authorities. It also focuses on the ability of
humans to rise above narrow prejudices of race and country and emerge as sensitive and empathetic
human beings, Regardless of the lurking dangers, and the open defiance of his hitherto loyal servants,
sadao comes across as a doctor to take his role as a savior of lives seriously and is committed to
providing medical assistance to this American prisoner of war who had got washed ashore. Sadao’s wife
Hana hooves her husband dearly, is as sensitive to the situation before them and is a human first and a
Japanese woman later. Conventional by nature she is also committed to support her husband in all his
endeavors. She displays remarkable strength of character standing by her husband in his efforts to save
the American and nurturing him back to health. One also get an insight into the sensitive, soft and
caring side of her nature
Short Answer Type Questions
Answer the following questions in 30 – 40 words each -
Q1 – What do you learn about Sadao’s education and his reputation as a doctor?
Q2- When did he marry Hana?
Q3- Where did they find American soldier and why did they decide to bring him at their home?
Q4 – How did the servants react to the presence of an American soldier at home?
Q5 How did Hana help her husband to treat a patients?
Q6- Why had General not sent Sadao with other soldiers?
Q7 What assurance was given by the General to Sadao about the soldier? Why did he forget it ?
Q8- Why had sadao given refuge to the American soldier ?
Q9 - How did Sadao help the American soldier to escape?
Q10- How did the General react when sadaotold him about soldier escape?
Q11- What is the focus of the story?
In the story, ‘Should Wizard hit mommy’, the writer, John Updike examines the issues of parenting and
the flaws that inadvertently creep in. The adult tendency to quell the questioning mind of a child and
also the intrusion of the beliefs held by adults to represent the only valid viewpoint, are areas that find
mention in this simple yet powerful story.
Jo, the four year old daughter of Jack, has been subjected to a bedtime story telling by her father ever
since she was two years of age. As the story has a slight variation of a basic talk. It follows a simple
unchanging plot in which the various characters all bear the name of Roger and the ending is
predictable. Jack prides himself on what he thinks of as his ingenuity, and is especially proud his ability
to enact the role of the old wizard, an integral part of each story, changing his voice so much better
when Jo was smaller and would go to sleep sooner. He things of her two year old brother, Bobby,
peacefully asleep and is almost pleased that Jo has requested that the character for the night’s story
should be Roger Skunk, a new character. His creativity is momentarily stirred and he embarks on his
story, though following the same basic plot that has been used each night, for each story and each
character for the past two years.
The story of the smelly Skunk who smelt so bad that he did not have any friends follows the same course
except that in mentioning this fact, Jack is reminded of his own childhood and its humiliations and
begins to feel that he is actually telling Jo something that is true and thus is no hurry to go any faster.
When Jo interrupts, he is irritated by her and is even more so when she asks whether magic spells are
real. He is reminded that of late she has been asking many questions. This wonderful evidence of Jo’s
inquisitive progressing mind and intellect completely escapes Jack, so intent on getting on with the story
s planned by him. His answers to her questions are short and peremptory and he fails to notice that her
question about whether the old wizard could die might be assign of an inner fear. He continues with the
story and so uninvolved is he in the story that Jo has t remind him that he has referred to Roger Skunk as
Roger Fish.
In comes as a rude shock to Jack to discover that though Jo is exhibiting the desired response to each
fragment of the story, the response is insincere and even reminds him of his wife pretending pleasure at
a cocktail party. As the story that Jack is narrating comes to an end, he notices that Jo is expecting it to
end this way and this annoys him for some inexplicable reasons. He cannot bear it when women take
things for granted and he decided to continue with the story giving it a twist. In his story the wizard
could die might be sign of an inner fear. HE continues with the story and so uninvolved is he in the story
that Ho has to remind him that he has referred to Roger Skunk as Roger Fish.
It comes as a rude shock to Jack to discover that though Jo is exhibiting the desired response to each
fragment of the story, the response is insincere and even reminds him of his wife pretending pleasure at
a cocktail party. As the story that Jack is narrating comes to an end, he notices that Jo is expecting it to
end this way and this annoys him for some inexplicable reason. He cannot bear it when women take
things for granted and he decides to continue with the story giving it a twist, In his story the wizard has
changed Skunk so that he smelt of roses but mother Skunk disapproved of this and hit the wizard with
her umbrella making him change Skunk back to his old stinking self.
The end of the story does not appeal to Jo who wants the wizard to hit mommy, but Jack tells her that
mommy knows what is best for her child. It is evident that the story violates Jo’s sense of fairness for
why should Roger Skunk not smell of roses and thus have more friends? It is also apparent that in a way
Jo’s authority, for do not adults knows best! Jack feels threatened by Jo’s attitude and when he finds
that she is restless after he has come downstairs, he uses the ultimate weapon of adult authority does
she want him to spank her, he asks.
Jack finds his wife painting the chair downstairs. She is expecting their third child and is wearing his shirt
ever her maternity dress. He notices that half the chair is still the old dirty colour while the other half is
the colour of ivory. HE finds himself caught somewhere in an ugly middle position. This is perhaps and
indication of the confusion that Jo’s questioning has caused. The idea is not only shocking but also quite
unacceptable to him. The reader does get the distinct impression that Jack is not used to his authority
being questioned by anyone and least of all a little child. He finds it hard to come to terms with the fact
that Ho no longer accepts what he says and is not afraid to assert her opinion. The fact that she insist on
his changing the ending of the story the following night also indicated that she has lost faith in adult
wisdom and has a mind of her won, something that Hack cannot understand or accept.
The writer brings into focus the impatience and insensitivity that adults display in their dealing with
children and the intolerance they exhibit if they feel that their authority is being questioned. HE also
high lights the adult habit of imposing their opinion on children and that of discouraging any queries. So
caught up are adults in the web of life that the lose their sense of perception which is so sharp in
children. Also, the adult viewpoint is most often colored by the intrusive hues of their various
experience in life.
Short Answer Type Questions
Answer the following questions in 30 – 40 words each -
Who is Joe?
What did Jack do make Jo sleep every evening?
How do you know that Jo involved her self in the story telling of her father?
What was the problem of Roger Skunk?
How did the wizard help Roger Skunk?
What did make Roger Skunk’s mother unhappy?
Why did Roger Skunk’s mother hit the wizard on his head?
What did Jo want her father to say?
How does Jo want the3 story to end?
What was Jack’s perspective on the Mommy hitting the wizard?
Why did Jo called Mommy Skunk a stupid?
Why do you think that Mommy skunk was justified in getting Skunk’s smell back?