Psychological Disorders WebQuest There are different types of health professionals that one may visit. Here is a list of a few: Counseling Psychologist Provides help in dealing with the common problems of normal living, such as relationship problems, childrearing, occupational choice, and school problems. Typically work in schools, clinics, or other institutions Degree needed: Master's in counseling, PhD, EdD, or PsyD Clinical Psychologist Trained primarily to work with those who have more severe disorders. Usually in private practice or employed by mental health agencies or by hospitals. Not licensed to prescribe drugs. Degree needed: PhD or PsyD Psychiatrist A specialty of medicine: deals with severe mental problems - most often by means of drug therapies. May be in private practice or employed by clinics or mental hospitals. Degree needed: MD Psychoanalyst Practitioners of Freudian therapy, Usually in private practice Degree needed: MD - In the U.S. they are usually Psychiatrists who have taken additional training in psychoanalysis Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner A nursing specialty, licensed to prescribe drugs for mental disorders. May work in private practice, clinics, or hospitals Degree needed: RN - plus specialty training in mental disorders and prescribing drugs Clinical Social Worker Social workers with a specialty in dealing with mental disorders Degree needed: MSW (Master of Social Work) Pastoral Counselor A member of a religious order or ministry who specializes in treatment of psychological disorders. Degree needed: varies For your webquest today, you will visit the websites below and either read the information or watch the video to complete the worksheet for the webquest. Visit the following webpages to complete the Mood Disorders section on your worksheet: Bipolar disorder Depression Seasonal Affective Disorder Visit the following webpages to complete the Anxiety Disorders section on your worksheet: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Phobias Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Visit the following webpages to complete the Personality Disorders section on your worksheet: Narcissistic Disorder Anti-Social Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) Visit the following pages to complete the Dissociative Disorders section on your worksheet: Dissociative Identity Disorder Dissociative_Identity_Disorder.htm Dissociative Fugue