Dissociative Identity Disorder(DID) Essential Question Bell ringer Notes- article, notes, etc. Videos DID test Exit Slip Agenda What is a Dissociative Identity Disorder(DID)? Essential Question Do you or someone you know alter their personality (act out) in order to get through everyday life? If so, how and why does this happen? Bell Ringer Severe mental disorder which produces lack of connection in one’s thoughts, memories,feelings,actions,or sense of identity. Hard to diagnose due to similar symptoms with psychiatric diagnosis. 20% are male and 80% are women 50% Psychiatrists deny its existence. No Cure for DID! Facts about disorder Behaviorism: behaviors can be measured, trained, and changed. So, by having therapy, their behaviors can be altered, changed, and or removed. ( John B. Watson ) Psychodynamic: Our behavior and feelings are powerfully affected by unconscious motives. Our behavior and feelings as adults (including psychological problems) are rooted in our childhood experiences. Personality is made up of three parts The id, ego and super-ego. ( Sigmund Freud) Psychological Approaches 99% starts from reoccurring trauma from early childhood( usually before 9yrs. Of age). An innate ability to dissociate easily. Repeated episodes of severe physical or sexual abuse in childhood. Lack of a supportive or comforting person to counteract abusive relative(s). Influence of other relatives with dissociative symptoms or disorders. (Genetic) Causes of Disorder Depression Mood Swings Suicidal Tendencies Sleep disorders Anxiety Alcohol/Drug abuse Compulsions and Rituals Eating disorders Headaches Amnesia Time lost Trances Hallucinations Psychological and Physiological effects Rosanne NFL Star Hershel Walker Famous People Psycho-Therapy The most common approach. To encourage communication amongst several personalities in order to solve problems and to create one single personality. Cognitive Therapy This approach changes dysfunctional thoughts. Clinical Hypnosis Uses intense relaxation, concentration, and focused attention to achieve an altered state of consciousness to explore thoughts, feelings, and memories within the sub-conscious. Treatment Plan(s) From what we have discussed, do you think that Dissociate Identity Disorder actually exists? Give evidence. Exit Slip