Name _________________________________ Period _____ 51. What are plate boundaries? 52. As plates move, list the crustal changes, which occur? 53. Define subduction. 54. What does subduction result in? 55. What will occur if the collision of two continental plates resist subduction? 56. Describe what happens at a transform boundary. Code # _____ 57. Give an example of a transform boundary. 58. Where are divergent boundaries located? 59. Describe what occurs at a divergent boundary? 60. What is a rift zone? 61. What is the general direction of plate movement? 62. We cannot observe convection currents, but we observe crustal plates move past each other, separate or collide. What is also associated with zones of crustal activity? Zones of crustal activity are associated with earthquakes, volcanoes, and the slower forces of mountain building. 63. What is the relationship between Earth's temperature and depth?