Class Limericks - Scientists of Atomic History and Structure Mrs. Jimenez

Class Limericks - Scientists of Atomic History and Structure
Mrs. Jimenez
APS Honors
There once was a man named Bohr.
About atoms he said there was more.
In the electron cloud they would stay,
And revolve in an orbital way.
Around the nucleus they do soar.
- Caroline, Steven, Marina, Kenan, & Reuben
After Thompson, we didn't know much about the nucleus.
Then came along a certain British physicist.
Ernest Rutherford was his name,
Sub-atomic particles were his game.
He shot alpha particles at some gold.
The thing he saw didn't leave him in the cold.
Some particles shot back into his face,
But most passed through, indicating space.
Dense, small, and positively charged.
Space around the nucleus is pretty large.
Electrons can be found within this cloud.
My man Rutherford, shout it out loud!
Annamaria, Kiara, Jordan, & Mike
Without the discovery by Chadwick,
The protons just would not stick.
That's when the neutrons came through,
And they all became a happy crew.
Now the nucleus was here to stay,
Because now protons wouldn't blow it away!
"Atoms are indivisible," Deomocritus said;
He came up with 'atomos' by using his head.
Like peas in a pod, they can't be split up,
Atoms stay together like coffee in a cup.
First of all, let's talk about Dalton.
When it comes to atoms, he's the sultan.
Writing the atomic matter theory,
Definitely made other scientists cheery!
He said that atoms make the element.
During this time, it was very relevant.
All atoms of the same element are exactly alike.
It's not hard to remember, just like riding a bike!
Kristina, Andrea, Victor, & Francesco
Dinesh, Jorge, Elissa, & Mike
Ayesha, Angel, Andrew, & Jessica
Thomson was smart, he wasn’t dumb.
He described electrons as puddings of plum.
He knew that in order to balance out,
There was positive with negative, there was no doubt.
Using the cathode ray experiment,
He saw how the negative and positive charges were sent.
- Amanda, Patryk, Kyle, & Kelly