1. period during which people shifted from hunting and gathering to producing food
2. people who moved from place to place hunting and gathering food
3. the exchange of ideas, customs, and goods among cultures
4. Egyptian ruler is called a
5. early Chinese believed their culture was the center of the Earth, so they called it the
6. the ruling family in China is called a
7. according to Chinese tradition their rulers governed
8. belief in many gods
9. belief in one god
10. May 1989 thousands of demonstrators in Beijing were killed or wounded for
demanding more rights and freedoms-this was called the
11. established a communist dictatorship in Cuba
12 nations with limited resources and without modern industrial economies were called
13. nations with modern agriculture and industries, advanced technology, and strong
educational systems were called
14. currency used in the European Union (EU)
15. organization whose goal was to control the oil industry by setting production
levels and prices of oil
16. led the Long March and established communism in China
17. another name for the Nationalist party in China
18. leader of the Nationalist party in China who tried to slaughter the communists
19. once China became communist the Nationalist party fled to this island
20. Communist China is known as
21. this Chinese communist leader allowed free market reforms in China but little
political change
22. this island was returned to China in 1997
23. led a nationalist movement in India using passive resistance and civil disobedience
24. India was divided by these two religions
25. separation of races in South Africa was called
26. African National Congress leader who was sentenced to life in prison and later
became the first president of a free South Africa
27. leader of communist North Vietnam
28. leader of South Vietnam
29. period during the 1970s in which there was an easing of tensions between the
US and the Soviet Union
30. restructuring of the government and the economy in the Soviet Union under
Mikhail Gorbachev in the mid-1980s
31. period when Europeans broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and
formed new Christian churches
32. period in the 1500s and 1600s in which scientific thinkers challenged traditional
ideas and relied on observation and experimentation
33. a period of great creativity and change in Europe from the 1300s through the
1600s –the word means “rebirth”
34. period in which production of goods shifted from using hand tools to using powerdriven machines and from human and animal power to steam power
35. period in the 1700s in which people rejected traditional ideas and supported a
belief in human reason