Spanish American War April 25 , 1898 To

Spanish American War
April 25th, 1898
August 12th, 1898
Early American Interest: Strategic Location
a. Important as key defense base in Caribbean
b. Feared it to be in hands of Europeans
II. Causes of Spanish American War:
a. Humanitarian
1. sympathy for Cuban desire to be independent
2. outrage over concentration camps
b. Economic Interests
1. $100 million per year - American trade
2. $50 million – invested in Cuba
c. Yellow Journalism - sensational press
1. Hearst - New York Journalism
2. Pullitzer - New York World
d. DeLome Letter
1. intercepted letter from Spanish
Minister in Washington
2. Belittles President McKinley
e. Sinking of the Maine - 1898
1. American battleship - “blown up”
2. 260 Americans killed
III. Declare war in April of 1898
1. Congress approved the Teller Amendment U.S. has no desire to annex Cuba but rather
wants Cuba to be independent.
IV. War lasts four months
1. 2446 Americans lost their lives in war
2. fewer than 400 were killed in combat
3. the rest died from infection and disease
V. Treaty of Paris - 1898
1. Cuba freed of Spanish rule
2. Puerto Rico and Guam ceded to the U.S.
3. Philippine Islands purchased for $20 million
4. Platt Amendment – 1901
a. Set up terms for withdrawal from Cuba
of U.S. occupation troops
b. Granted independence
c. Granted U.S. land to place a military base
in Cuba forever.
d. Made Cuba a protectorate until 1934
b. Significances:
1. U.S. emerges as a world power
2. Gained colonies in the Caribbean
and the Pacific
Concentration camps in Cuba
Cubans suffering under
The Butcher
-called "the butcher" because of
his slaughter of Cubans
-Spanish general who was
appointed captain general of Cuba
-Used harsh methods to oppress
-American newspapers wrote
about his policies to inspire rage
against Spain
-1896 Weyler moved Cubans living
in rebellious areas to protected
-Men, women and children were
-Set up similar to a concentration
-Inadequate food and sanitation
-Many killed or died of disease
-About 25% of Cubans died in the
concentration camps from 18961898
-Anyone not in the camp would be
arrested and tried for treason
De Lome