The Path of the Empire

American Pageant: Chapter 27
Our Country: Its Possible Future
and Its Present Crisis
 Written by Rev. Josiah Strong
 Anglos had a responsibility to “Civilize and Christianize”
 7 “perils”
 Catholicism
 Mormonism
 Socialism
 Intemperance
 Wealth
 Urbanization
 Immigration
Influence of Sea Power upon
History, 1660-1783
 Alfred Thayer Mahan
 Role of sea power and needs for a strong navy
 Geography
 Government
 Population
 Control of Sea = World Domination
“Big Sister” policy
 James Blaine
 1880s
 Called for an alliance between U.S. and Latin America
 Open Latin American markets to American traders
Venezuela (1895-1899)
 Richard Olney (Sec. of State under Cleveland) warned
gold hungry Britain that invading Venezuela violated
Monroe Doctrine
 Britain rejected claim but chose not to fight
Great Rapprochement 1898
 Reconciliation between Great Britain and the U.S.
 Shared interests
 Britain worried about Germany and Russia
 Britain sided with U.S. during Spanish-American War
Hawaii in the
 1840s – U.S. warned other countries to stay away
 1887 – Pearl Harbor naval base established
 Americans in Hawaii wanted it annexed to relieve
affects of tariff
 1893- Queen Liliuokalani overthrown by minority
 1898 – Annexed under McKinley
 Would not become a state until 1959
 Tariff of 1894 created hardships for Cuba
 Rebel army revolted
 Spanish were treating Cubans poorly
 200,000-400,000 died in camps
 1896- Congress recognized revolt of Cubans, but
Cleveland did not
Yellow Journalism
 Sensationalized News
 Result of Competition
 William R. Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer
 Maine incident
 Feb 15th, 1989 ship exploded
 U.S. blamed Spain, Spain said it was internal
 Publications led to U.S. people calling for war
McKinley Declares War
 Madrid already agreed to demands
 End camps
 Peace with Cuban rebels
 Declared war on April 11th, 1898 believing it was the
people’s will
 Teller Amendment
 Promised Cuban independence once Spain was defeated
Dewey and Manila
 Americans outnumbered
 5th largest navy
 May 1st, 1898 attacked 10 ship Spanish fleet
 Captured bay August 13, 1898
Attack on Cuba
 Spanish – Admiral Cervera
 “Rough Riders”
 Organized by Teddy Roosevelt
 Volunteer cowboys and ex-athletes
 Spanish fleet destroyed July 3rd, 1808
 Meanwhile General Nelson Miles takes over Puerto
 Armistice – August 12th, 1898
End of the War
 Guam and Puerto Rico ceded to the U.S.
 Foraker Act of 1900
Popular government
US citizenship in 1917
 Insular Cases
Constitution did not extend to Philippines and Puerto Rico
 Paid $20 million for the Philippines
 Manila ended day after war technically ended
 Left Cuba in 1902
 Cubans promised to lease land to the U.S. for bases