I. Causes of the American Revolution (1776 – 1781)

Causes of the American Revolution (1776 – 1781)
Long Term Development:
1. Colonial Development (3 type of colonies)
-King owns the land
-King grants land to an individual or group
-Governor app.’s by King
-Proprietor appoints Gov.
-Most colonies (NY, NJ,
-Most middle colonies (religious groups,
VA, + Southern colonies)
ex., PA. Wm. Penn/ Quakers).
-King Grants land to a Company
-Gov. elected by colonists
-New England Colonies, most
Rebellious b/c given the most
Autonomy. (MA. Mass. Bay Co.)
Geography played a role in colonial development:
Southern Colonies: Fertile land good for Plantations = cash crops (cotton + tobacco)
Middle Colonies: some farming + fishing. Fed the colonies “Bread Colonies”.
Northern Colonies: Poor land but good harbors = commercial shipping + trade.
*Although the colonists came from the same English origins, by 1700, the Chesapeake and New England
colonies developed differently. (PERSIA).
2. Salutary Neglect (Beneficial Neglect)
England and its relaxing of it mercantilist policies (ex. Navigation Laws), did not restrict American colonial
trade because of the Atlantic Ocean that separated them from their mother country. Colonies established
assemblies such as the “House of Burgesses” in Virginia which had the “power of the purse”.
Turning Point Event: The French and Indian War 1756- 1763 (aka as the 7 years War)
Cause for the war: The French moved into and took territory around the Mississippi river. Skirmishes
between the French and the colonists in the Ohio Valley. George Washington’s failed attempt at taking Fort
Duquesne (Pittsburgh, Pa).
Result: A British American Colonial victory ended a colonial threat.
Colonial Threat: The French -
The Indians
the British Land and Trade restrictions.
Land Restriction= Proclamation of 1763 (No expansion past the Appalachian Mountains)
Trade Restrictions= No Manufacturing in the colonies and the enforcement of the Navigation Acts.
Pontiacs Rebellion (1763- 1766) – following the French and Indian War Indians were upset of the loss of
their ally, the French. English dominance in the Northeast meant more English forts and colonists in their
territory. Indians had a historically poor relationship with the British. Pontiac leads a coalition of tribes in
a raid on Fort Detroit and Fort Pitt, unsuccessfully. British counter attacks caused the coalition and threat
to wane. The effects were the Proclamation of 1763, the British regulars were most successful in their
battles, and racial conflicts occurred between the frontiersmen and the Indians (The Paxton Boys)
The Paxton Boys, Scots-Irish men from Paxton, PA, were angered by the lack of attention by the colonial
government of the threat to their frontier settlement during Pontiac’s rebellion. A group of Paxton Boys
raided Indian villages, many which were friendly tribes, by capturing and murdering them. Some Indians
fled to Philadelphia for protection causing a showdown with the raiders and the colonial government.
Benjamin Franklin and other colonial leaders were instrumental in negotiating a settlement. The
significance of these events was that white settlers concluded that the races could not live together and
removal and extinction of the Indians was the only solution. (The Paxton Boys – Philadelphia conflict was
one many events that will reveal the separation between urban and rural peoples, the haves and the havenots.)
Immediate Cause of the American Rev:
1. Changes in Colonial Policy (Salutary Neglect)- The British look to tax the colonists for war debt. An
increase in population of colonial cities but there were no increases in revenue. Britain realized they needed to
enforce laws.
Closing of the Frontier (Proclamation of 1763) – Colonists looking for new farm land and speculators
looking to sell land for profit lost out.
Events Leading Up to the American Revolution
Enforcement of the Navigation Acts ---- the colonists to smuggle their goods.
Sugar Act (Rum manufacturing) ---colonists ignore.
Currency Act --no colonial made money, would destabilize the economy, united colonists
*James Otis raises the issue of “No taxation without representation”, Boston merchant boycott
Quartering Act / the Stamp Act (Direct tax)---colonists convene Congress and Br. repeals tax.
Patrick Henry’s Virginia Resolution “no taxes” and Boston’s Son’s of Liberty are formed.
Declaratory Act—Br. Parliament can legislate the colonies
Townshend Acts (Tax on tea and many other items) ---colonist boycott
John Dickinson, "Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British
Colonies." Pamphlet= Br. tax illegal, Townshend Act unconstitutional, Br. threat to colonial liberties.
Samuel Adams, Mass “Circular Letter’s” on no taxation sent to all colonies.
Boston Massacre ----colonists resist increase in British troops.
Townsend Act repealed except for the tax on tea----Boston Tea Party
Gaspee Incident--colonist attack Br. schooner, if caught will have trial in Br., upsets colonists
Committee of Correspondence/ Samuel Adams/ Communication throughout the colonies
Tea Act gives BEICO monopoly + under sells American merchants.
Boston Tea Party and an increase in activities by the “Sons of Liberty”
Coercive or Intolerable Acts= martial law closed down ports and increase in Br. Troops
Boston Port Bill—shuts down port until tax paid on tea destroyed during the “Tea Party”
Quebec Act—Canada in control of territory claimed by Mass., Conn., +Va., upsets colonists
Renewed Q’tring Act---1st Continental Congress/ boycott, embargo, + no slave trade.
New England prepares for war, Committee of Safety/ Minute Men / Arms build up
Battles of Lexington and Concord---Paul Revere, William Dawes, and the Minute Men.
“Shot Heard Around the World”
2nd Continental Congress=Washington Cmdr of Continental Army/Battle of Bunker Hill/
Olive Branch Petition / rejected by the King who declared the colonies in rebellion.
Thomas Paine writes a pamphlet called “Common Sense” in order to rally colonial support.
Declaration of Independence created July 2nd and approved July 4th.
Visit this website: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/collections/continental/timeline.html
Declaration of Independence (1776)
Thomas Jefferson (and John Adams) this is an argument that villainies the King. It is
based on Enlightenment ideas. John Locke- Natural rights must be protected by government. An unjust
govt. may be abolished.
-All men are born w/ natural rights
-Life, liberty, and right to property
-“throw off” despotic governments
- Inalienable rights
-Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
-“alter or abolish” unjust govt.
Turning Point Battles
Battle of Saratoga (1777) U.S. General Horatio Gates defeats British Gen. Burgoyne who is
forced to surrender. **Victory encourages France to aid colonists
2. Battle of Yorktown(1781)17,000 American and French troops defeat Cornwallis’ 8,000 British
and Hessian troops. French ships stop British from escaping. Br. lost hope of winning war.
Aid by Foreign individuals:
a. Marquis de Lafayette (France) trusted aid to General George Washington.
b. Casimir Pulaski (Poland) Calvary officer who died in battle 1780.
c. Thaddeus Kosciuszko (Poland) engineer
Friedrich von Steuben (Germany) army officer who drilled patriots @ Valley Forge for
Juan de Miralles (Spain) representative who urged Spain, Cuba, + Mexico to send
financial aid to the colonies.
Peace of Paris (1783)
1. U.S. delegation Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay.
2. British recognize American independence and evacuation of all British troops.
3. Western border expands to the Mississippi River, doubling the size of the U.S.
Post Revolution America
Central govt. in debt (they borrowed money from States + foreign govt.’s to pay servicemen)
Depreciation of currency (decrease in value)
British troops still east of the Mississippi + refuse to leave
Spain closes New Orleans to U.S. shipping
Economic depression === increase in unemployment, decrease exports, increase debt.
Slave issue (States outlaw or heavily tax the importation of slaves, except Ga. + So. Carolina
1787 Virginia Law= Manumission or freeing of individual slaves.
1788 Moratorium on anti slave legislation in the House of Representative
1808 importation is outlawed.
Articles of Confederation (1781)
Adopted by the 2nd Continental Congress. (Confederation = weak national govt. and strong State govt’s)
Authority to:
conduct foreign affairs, issue currency, borrow money, and maintain armed forces.
No authority to: regulate trade, draft soldiers, and impose taxes. No chief executive to enforce laws.
Unicameral Legislature- 1 State = 1 vote and must be unanimous (all 13)
VIII. Northwest/Land Ordinance 1787 (Wisc., Michigan, Indiana, +Ohio)
1. Plan of government by dividing western territories into townships + creation of states
2. Allows Statehood if population is over 60,000 equal to the original 13 states
3. Freedom of religion, trial by jury, public education.
2. No slavery in these territories
IX. Constitutional Convention 1787
Federalists v. Anti-Federalist
The Federalist Paper : Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, + John Jay defend a Constitution.
Ratified in 1788
Compromise with the Bill of Rights = 1st ten amendments