Using the Bible

Using the Bible
The Bible is a collection of 73 books
It is divided into two parts:
-OLD TESTAMENT (46 books)
-NEW TESTAMENT (27 books)
Old Testament - the story of GOD'S relationship with the people of Israel
New Testament - the story of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and of his followers
Because GOD inspired the human authors of the individual books of the Bible,
GOD is the author of the Bible
When we read the Bible, we are praying
The Word of GOD moves us to become more loving, truthful, forgiving, and
It strengthens our faith, increases our understanding, and guides us in making
good decisions
How to find your way in the Bible
Matthew 12:46-50
Searching the Scriptures
Matt. 4:1-2
Luke 10:38-41
Matt. 5:1-2
Matt. 8:18-20
John 6:3-13
Luke 6:12-16
Mark 6:1-2
Mark 6:34
John 2:1-5
Mark 6:45-47
Luke 2:45-47
Luke 9:18-22