The Pentateuch = 5 part writing Compiled:

The Pentateuch = 5 part writing
The Torah, The Law and the Book of Moses
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
The first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible, containing the
beginning of the Hebrews Salvation History.
Compiled: 1225 BCE by 4 main authors.
Lessons - God loves the human race and wants to
be in relationship with us.
- God is “Adonai”. God is Creator, God
Provides and Forgives
Contains the Creation narratives, the stories of the
Exodus and Noah and the Ark.
Joshua – 2Maccabees
 Teach about what historical events mean viewed from
a faith perspective.
 Teach our sacred history, revealing God’s message to
us and the purpose for our lives.
Compiled – 1250-161 BCE by 2 groups of authors.
Lessons – God is involved with and cares about
human experience.
- People are happiest when they follow God’s laws.
- All humans search for the meaning of life.
Contains the stories of David and Goliath and
Job – Ecclesiastiucus
 Focus on the Hebrews unique perception of wisdom.
 Contain much poetic language, all written for the
enjoyment of the reader.
Compiled – 700-181 BCE by many authors.
Lessons – The seach for life’s meaning is good.
- Goodness is rewarded and evil punished.
- Life lessons are found in everyday living.
Contains the Psalms and Proverbs
Isaiah – Malachi
 Prophets were people who challenged the Israelites
to remain faithful the Covenant.
 They were called by God to give guidance to the
POG especially in times of crisis.
Compiled – 743-455 BCE by many authors.
Lessons – Act justly
- Avoid idolatry
- Explore God’s never ending love and mercy.
- Promises hope for the future.
Contains the story of Jonah and the Whale.