Nutrients Carbohydrates, fats, protein, water, vitamins, minerals

Carbohydrates, fats, protein, water,
vitamins, minerals
1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 calories
55-65% of daily calories
preferred source of energy
Simple- sugars (fructose) fruit, (lactose) milk,
(sucrose) sugar cane
• Complex – starches –must be broken down to
simple sugars to be used for energy (whole
grains, (bread, pasta, cereal) legumes, beans,
peas , tubers
• Body converts all carbohydrates to glucose
• Glucose that your body does not use gets
stored in the liver and muscles and converted
to glycogen- when more energy is needed
your body converts glycogen into glucose
• If you take in too much carbohydrate it will be
converted and stored as fat
• Indigestible complex carbohydrate
• Tough, stringy, part of vegetables, fruit, and
whole grains
• Fiber cannot be digested and used as energy
• 20-35 grams daily
• Fruits, vegetables, edible skins, whole grain
products, beans, nuts, and seeds