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Carbohydrates Worksheet: Biology 10

ACS Biology 10
Name: __________________________
Section: _____
***This is your homework – make sure you upload it to Google Classroom when it is completed!
Carbohydrates Worksheet
1. Complete the following sentences. You may use pages 46-47 in your textbook. If you would rather watch a video,
this one is very good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zm_DyD6FJ0
Carbohydrates are made of ________________, _________________, and __________________.
They have a basic molecular structure of: ___________. That means for every 2 Hydrogens there are ___ Carbon and
The two main functions of carbohydrates are _____________________ and ______________________.
Simple carbohydrates with only one sugar molecule are called ____________________. Some examples are
___________________, ________________, and ________________.
Sucrose is an example of a ___________________, another type of simple carbohydrate. (So is lactose!)
Single sugar molecules are joined together by a ___________ linkage.
Many single sugar molecules (more than 6) joined together make complex carbohydrates, also known as
Three examples of complex carbohydrates are __________________, _________________, and ________________.
2. On the following page, in the space on the left:
a) Name and briefly outline the function of the complex carbohydrate
b) Indicate where the complex carbohydrate is found
3. Carefully examine the structure depicted for each type of complex carbohydrate.
a) What are the major differences between the different structures?
b) How might the function of each complex carbohydrate be affected by their structure? We will go over this
together next class.
ACS Biology 10
Name: __________________________
Section: _____