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National Bible Month 2022: Theme, Activities, and Reflections

Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person
National Bible Month
➔ September 30, 2019: Pope Francis announced in his Apostolic Letter, Motu
Proprio “Aperuit Illis” that the 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time would be
celebrated as the Sunday of the Word of God
◆ Sunday of the Word of God 2022: January 23, 2022
◆ Theme: “God’s Love Heals A Suffering World”
➔ Official logo: the encounter with Jesus on
“The Road to Emmaus”
➔ It is timely that we celebrate Bible week
during this time [January 24-28, 2022]
➔ We are asked to allow the word of God to
be the light in our lives
➔ This celebration holds ecumenical value,
which refers to the significance of worldwide
Christian unity because it is through learning
the Scriptures that listeners may find the path
to authentic and firm unity together.
Favorite Bible Verses
● Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
● Deuteronomy 31:8
The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never
leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
“Lord, make us people of living faith, prophetic and engaging,
empowered by prayer and study”
“Panginoon, gawin Ninyo kaming sambayanang may masiglang
pananampalataya, propetiko at huwaran na binibigyang lakas ng
pagdarasal at pag-aaral.”
“Danos, Señor, una fe viva y una presencia profética y dialogante, fruto
de la oración y el estudio”.
➔ Living faith: Doing what is right and good
➔ Prophetic and Engaging: Speaking on God’s behalf and being ready for
National Bible Day: January 31, 2022
January 24, MONDAY
Virtual background making
January 25, TUESDAY
Prayer Intentions Padlet
January 26, WEDNESDAY
Reflecting on Bible Passages [Jesus Heals a Paralytic (Luke
5:17-26); Jesus Heals the Royal Official’s Son (John
4:43-54); The Healing of the Blind Beggar (Luke 18:35-43)]
January 27, THURSDAY
Women in the Bible [Ruth, Deborah, Miriam, Esther, Mary the Mother of Christ, Elizabeth, Mary Magdalene]
January 28, FRIDAY
Reflection on Bible Week activities padlet
January 31, MONDAY
Praise and Worship Concert!
“If you only knew what God is offering…” ~Maite Uribe Bilbao
“…the experience of the pandemic and its aftermath has helped us become aware of
deep changes happening in people and society”
“…how we relate to God, creation and other people”
“…a living faith that is embodied and reflective and that commits them totally”
“…the wisdom to know how to study and reflect on the world today so that we can
have more understanding of the emerging changes”
“First comes faith… Then, or rather together with faith, virtue; for if faith is alive, it
works, and its works are the virtues. You must also bring in knowledge, for without
knowledge you cannot have virtue, because the fulfilment of your duties demands
knowledge, as you cannot teach if you do not possess it”. ~Saint Pedro Poveda
➔ Any attempt to go back to our previous lives will result in disaster
◆ Masks will not be going away
◆ Kyoto Gakuen students wore face masks if they had cough or colds
even before the pandemic
Her experience at the well challenges us. Where is it that we look for living
water? What well do we go to in order to find answers to our deepest quests:
for happiness, love, hope, joy?
➔ The pandemic is a result of our neglect to
1. Creation
2. The Poor and everyone else in need because the chain of infection
will continue due to crowded homes (squatters)
◆ Faith that is translated to works
◆ To continue studying and reflecting on what is happening to us
because there are so many changes and we need a stable center
which is our faith
◆ We need to be equipped with enough knowledge to process what is
happening around us
Don’t lose hope. See beyond the bad things happening around us.
The Samaritan Woman
had 5 husbands and none of them took her as their wife
rejected by society, her partners, so she thought God would reject her also
Samaritan: mountain; Jews: temple
It doesn’t matter where you worship as long as you worship God in spirit
and truth
Accept whoever God sent
The relationship she had to establish is with God himself
After realizing this, she went to the village and told them that the Chosen
One knows everything she has done and been through
Her encounter with Jesus allowed her to change focus and leave behind
her fears, hurts, frailties and her past, and to move to a deeper level.
It is when you empty yourself, that God can feel you. When you can’t rely on
anyone else, is when the strength of your faith will help you stay strong.
As partners in Poveda’s dream we are asked:
★ To be committed to our own preparation and formation
○ Preparation will allow us to function at the level required of us
★ To be competent in searching out suitable and inclusive language and
○ Education
○ Culture
★ To study, to research
“Make a stand to exclusion and discrimination” ~Pope Francis