Chapter 23- Sections 1-3 Review Sheet

Chapter 23- Sections 1-3 Review Sheet
1. Influential figure who engineered German unification under Prussian control-______________________
2. Who becomes the leader of unified Germany? ____________________________________________
3. What is the German term for leader? ___________________________________________________
4. What is the German term for prime minister? _____________________________________________
5. Who is Prussia’s biggest rival? _______________________________________________________
6. After Prussia and Austria successfully defeat Denmark, how do they split up the land they gain?
Prussia- ________________________________ Austria-__________________________________
7. Prussia defeats Austria in the Austro-Prussian War which is also known as the
8. What land does Prussia gain from the Austro-Prussian War?
9. After their victory in the Austro-Prussian War, Prussia controls most of northern Germany and thus now
calls the territory they’ve united so far the ______________________________________________
10. What were the two causes of the Franco-Prussian war?
11. What territory did Prussia gain from the Franco-Prussian War?
12. The now united German empire also becomes known as the _________________________________
13. Bismarck's success was due to his policy of realistic politics also known as _______________________
14. Give two examples of Bismarck’s use of realistic politics
15. The upper house of the German legislature is called the ____________________________________
16. The lower house of the German legislature is called the ____________________________________
17. Kaiser who dismissed his prime minister who had become known as the Iron Chancellor ___________________
18. Once unified how/why is Germany able to become an industrial power
19. Bismarck's foreign policy goals for Germany
1. _____________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
20. Name the two groups Bismarck targeted as part of his domestic policy
21.How did Catholics react to Bismarck’s policy of Kulturkampf?
22. William II shocked Europe by
23. Prime minister of Sardinia- _________________________________________________________
24. Leader of the Red Shirts-liberated Southern Italy- ______________________________________
25. Founder of Young Italy, a secret society that worked to unify Italy- ____________________________
26. Kingdom that led the struggle for Italian unification- _______________________________________
27. Name given to the struggle for Italian unification-_________________________________________
28. List three reasons why Italy should be united
29. Sardinia was able to defeat Austria and annex Lombardy with the help of _______________________
30. Why did Cavour get involved in the Crimean War?
31. With the help of Cavour, Garibaldi and the Red Shirts were able to take control of
32. Who became king of unified Italy? ____________________________________________________
33. What made it difficult to unite Italy as a single country?
34. The last two areas needed for a united Italy were
35. Italy would finally be united for the first time since the