Chapter 25 Practice Quiz

Chapter 25 Practice Quiz
Bismarck made his “blood and iron” speech as
chancellor of Prussia in response to
(A) the rise of socialism
(B) parliamentary resistance to his military budge.
(C) Austria’s aggressive statements provoking Seven
Weeks’ War.
(D) efforts to form the North German Federation.
(E) the resistance of Bavaria to joining a unified
Garibaldi and his guerilla army, the Red Shirts,
(A) captured Rome.
(B) demanded a constitutional monarchy under the
king of Sicily.
(C) conquered Sardinia.
(D) refused to compromise their republican ideals
with Cavour.
(E) were defeated by the larger royal army.
An important consequence of the creation of Dual
Monarchy of Austro-Hungary in 1867 was
(A) smoother relationships with the subject
nationalities in the empire.
(B) that a weakened Habsburg dynasty retained its
most important ethnic minority.
(C) German language and culture were taught
everywhere in the school.
(D) the king of Hungary replaced the Habsburgs as
the Austro-Hungarian emperor.
(E) Hungary ceased to have its own to have its own
parliament but joined the one in Vienna.
Which of the states listed below faced nationalistic or
independence movements of ethic groups within their
borders at the end of the nineteenth century and in
the early twentieth century?
I. Britain
II. Germany
III. Russia
IV. Ottoman Empire
V. France
In terms of their political systems, Sardinia-Piedmont
and Prussia in the 1860s
(A) were both constitutional monarchies.
(B) were not constitutional monarchies.
(C) were both ruled by incompetent kings.
(D) differed in that Sardinia-Piedmont was a
constitutional monarchy but Prussia was not.
(E) differed in that Prussia was a constitutional
monarchy but Sardinia-Piedmont was not.
Bismarck’s attacks on the socialist movement and the
ban on the Social Democratic Party
(A) weakened the socialist movement in Germany
(B) proved to be counterproductive.
(C) gave rise to ultra-nationalistic parties.
(D) spawned anti-Semitism in Germany.
(E) led to the founding of the International to aid
German socialists.
The Kulturkampf, Bismarck’s attacks on the Catolis
(A) ended when he wooed Catholics with high
protective tariffs.
(B) alienated the Catholics from the new German
state or decades.
(C) was really part of an anti-French campaign.
(D) led to an independence movement in Catholic
states such as Bavaria.
(E) was an attack on the authority of local princes
and kings in the Catholic states.
All of them
None of them
I, III, IV, and V
III, IV, and V
I, III and IV
Bismarck’s social welfare legislation was
A. Rejected by western European states until the
1930s when the depression hit
B. One factor that led many German socialists to
adopt revisionism and reject revolution
C. Rejected by the conservatives of Germany
D. Achieved its goal of weaning the German workers
away from socialism
E. Was opposed by liberals and socialists in France
and Britain
The Tanzimat reforms in the Ottoman Empire sought
A. Increase the power of the sultans
B. Reorganize the janissaries and make them the
army officer corps
C. Westernize the government and army
D. Give legal privileges to Muslims over Christians
and Jews
E. Turn the Ottoman Empire into a republic.
Chapter 25 Practice Quiz
10. Political anti-Semitism, which developed at the end of
the nineteenth century, was different from previous
forms of anti-Semitism in that it
A. Called for the murder of all Jews
B. Was strongest in Germany’
C. Alienated Catholics from the church
D. Defined Jewishness as a race rather than a
E. Was highly unpopular
11. Theodor Herzl’s call for a Jewish state
A. Was based on biblical prophecies
B. Reflects despair about the possibility of
assimilation and true acceptance
C. Denounced the Arab takeover of the Holy Land
D. Was a response to recent programs in Russia
E. Won immediate support from Great Britain
12. The conflict over the Peoples Budget in Britain
A. Led to the loss in real power of the House of Lords
B. Pitted the liberals who opposed it against the
Conservatives who proposed it.
C. Was about home rule for Ireland
D. Pitted the monarchy against the liberals
E. Was a misnomer in that the budget called for a
reduction in taxes for the rich
13. Napoleons III’s regime in France
A. Would have been overthrown by revolution had it
not been for the Franco-Prussian war
B. Was popular only with the middle classes
C. Became progressively more authoritarian
D. Combined economic success with authoritarian
E. Resisted industrialization in an effort to preserve
traditional French society
14. Which was not one of the modernizing reforms of
Alexander II in Russia?
A. Emancipation of the serfs
B. Establishment of the zemstvos
C. Promotion of public education
D. Building of railroads and industrial factories
E. Establishment of the Duma
15. In the period after the assassination of Alexander II in
1881 up to the 1905 Revolution, Russia
A. Was a constitutional monarchy
B. Strongly discouraged anti-Semitism and
liberalized laws relation to Jews
C. Promoted industrialization with Western
D. Ended the redemption payments former serfs had
to pay for the land thy got on emancipation
E. Focused on internal development and avoided
foreign entanglements.