Edison Elementary Eagle’s Nest

Edison Elementary
Eagle’s Nest
Edison Elementary – Mesa Public Schools
Office Phone 480-472-5300
Cafeteria 480-472-5246
Health Office 480-472-5283
Attendance 480-472-5282
FAX 480-472-5281
Welcome Back Eagles!!!
Calendar Notes
Curriculum Night- Aug 28th
@ 5:30-7:00
Bus Evac Drill – Sept 11th
PTO Meeting- Sept. 11th
@ 6:00 in Media Center
Early Release – Sept 12th
@ 12:15
Picture Day- Sept 26th
End of 1st Quarter- Oct 8th
Early Release @11:45 a.m.
Fall Break - No School
October 11-15
Parent Conference Week
Oct 15-18
Popsicle Sales - Friday afternoons.
PTO sells these for 50 cents a piece
Look Who’s New at Edison…Welcome to our new staff members:
Alexis Soloff- 3rd Grade
Maureen Witt- 2ndgrade
Allison Schneider- Speech
Lydia Donahue- Primary SLD
Jenni Gramstad - Kinder
Tracy Green- Reading Coach
Irene Valenzuela- FA
Joleen Wheeler- Nurse
On behalf of the staff at Edison, we would like to welcome your family to
a new year of learning and fun. Since the end of last year, there have
been a series of construction projects and repairs to campus to get
things ready for the start of school. Our staff has been working hard to
finalize these changes and teachers have worked diligently to have the
rooms ready.
One of the changes we hope you will find useful this year will be more
web based school news and information. Newsletters, announcements
and staff contact information will be updated regularly. Please use this
site as a resource for your family. If you have ideas for the web site,
please send them in so we can build a site that works to meet the needs
of our community.
Each teacher has an email link and voicemail in the STAFF section of
the Edison web page. If you have a classroom question, you can
contact them directly. Our CALENDAR section has up to date
information about dates and times for our special events and activities
this year. Thanks for your support.
Good habits will help carry your child through all levels of their
education. We hope to reinforce the areas of personal responsibility and
Visit the Edison Elementary
achievement. We want to help your child make progress on their goals.
Web Site…
Completing school assignments when they are assigned and to
the best of their abilities lets us see how to best work with your student.
Skills will become stronger with regular practice.
When students arrive unprepared for school, it keeps us from
Help us complete our Title 1 Needs
them maximize their potential. We need your help to make sure
Assessment by completing this Google
rested and ready to go. Breakfast is at 7:15 each day in the
Form for Mr. Macdonald – It is also on the
Improving school attendance is an Edison goal. We need
Edison web page to access…
your student(s) here on time daily. Students that have problems with
https://docs.google.com/a/mpsaz.org/spre tardies will be making up missed time during their breaks.
Appointments are another challenge we face. Please try to
schedule these around the school day as much as possible. We know
this cannot always happen and students should not come to school
A short survey will be sent from the
when they are sick, but new attendance policies put the duty of
Title 1 Department to help us target our
goals for the future. We need a minimum of notification on the family. Please call in all absences to avoid truancy
issues. Families can be cited to court at 5 unexcused absences by law.
10-12 families to respond.
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Eagle’s Nest
(sample code- not active)
QR Codes
If you have
a smartphone
we will have
periodic announcements
that are posted through
the website with a qr code.
These are like barcodes
to store information and
22, it2008
to be captured
your phone.
Issue 2
Check our website for
these codes to collect
contact information for
the school.
-------------------------------------Debbie Wolf, has been
awarded a MVP award from
Debbie Pangrazi MPS PE
director for her outstanding
role and leadership for the
Edison Jogging club. She
was awarded a $200.00 Visa
card to spend on "anything
healthy" that involves her
students here at Edison
Elementary. She is
choosing to use her money
for a Health Fair for the
2012-13 school year.
Our Edison students really
ended the year on a great
note. We received
compliments for our students
from the program sponsors
and leadership teams.
Thanks for all you do to
teach your students how to
represent themselves and
our school. It really makes it
nice to hear such good
things from people that visit
a lot of different schools.
Tips for a Successful Year
Check calendars and web site for upcoming events.
Designate a space for homework and important school
Pack at night for the next day.
Locate resources and supplies early for projects. Know
the due dates and required elements.
Communicate your questions/needs with the school.
Check the web site, use email or voicemail with contact
If you are planning a trip, there will always be work that
will have to be made up. Give the teacher notice (more
than 2 days) to compile work for your student.
Get a library card for your family. Make reading a habit.
Get plenty of sleep and a good breakfast at home or at
school to get your day started.
Students that ride a bike or scooter to school
should be reminded to follow all traffic laws and should be using a
helmet. Students also need to bring a lock each day.
Please talk with your students about their route to and from school.
Remind them not to make plans at school without going home to
check with a parent.
Students learn best by doing. Teachers rely on homework to
practice building skills they started in class. Families should make
the completion of homework a daily event and have a designated
space to help establish the routine.
Students should read every night. Our school library is open daily to
allow students to have books to bring home. The Main Branch of the
Mesa Library can be used for additional books. Parents should read
as well to set the example for their kids. Older siblings can read to
their younger brothers and sisters which helps both groups improve
their skills.
Accuracy with math facts is another easy way to help your student.
Flash cards and asking math related questions help students
improve their skills. Students who put in the practice will be
surprised how much they can improve in each area.