LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 M.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION - SOCIAL WORK THIRD SEMESTER – APRIL 2008 CQ 9 SW 3805 - COUNSELLING Date : 25/04/2008 Time : 9:00 - 12:00 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks SECTION –A (10 X 2= 20) ALL the questions. Answer to each question should not exceed 50 words) (Answer 01. Name any four types of Counselling. 02. Give any two characteristics of non-voluntary clients. 03. Name any four defense mechanisms in Psychoanalysis. 04. What is Reinforcement? Give an example. 05. What is Empathy? 06. What is PRISCO? 07. Write any four components in attending skill. 08. Define Crisis. 09. What is Family Schism? 10. Give any two codes of ethics of a Counsellor. SECTION –B (4x10=40) (Answer any FOUR questions . Answer to each question should not exceed 300 words) 11. What are the goals of Counselling? 12. Describe in detail the Qualities of an effective Counsellor. 13. What does it mean to be Psychologically Healthy? Give the criteria in detail. 14. Write on Client- Centered Theory. 15. What are the steps in Counselling? SECTION–C (2x20=40) (Answer any TWO questions. Answer to each question should not exceed 600 words) 16. Discuss in detail the Psychological and Social issues to be dealt by a Social Worker in Suicidal Counselling. 17. Discuss in detail the Transactional Analysis Theory. 18. Write on Counselling Techniques with suitable Examples. ************** 1