July Financial Systems Newsletter


UMHSCons and UMHS Data Mart will conduct monthly maintenance on the days and times below. The applications will be unavailable during these times.

Sept 3 rd 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Oct 2 nd

4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

We are quickly approaching the UMHS Internal Controls annual certification process. All materials are due to be completed online and approved by AHD/Chair/Executive by August

15 th

. For additional information, you can also reference the Internal Controls webpage http://www.finance.umich.edu/controls

Pricewater House Cooper (PwC) will be onsite for their FY14 year-end testing, beginning the week of July 28 th . Questions can be directed to Sara Spicer (4-8183) or Sue Thanedar (3-9931).

Remember to check out the Change Management section on our Financial Systems website.

Reports with all the monthly hierarchy changes are located in the Change Management website.

You can also find the cutoff dates for monthly and the bi-annual changes. http://www.med.umich.edu/finance/FinancialSystems/

Formerly UMHS Financial Systems had 2 email groups. We now ONLY have one email group.

Please send emails to UMHSFinancialSystems@med.umich.edu

As part of UMHS Financial Systems goal of providing one version of the truth in a centralized environment we are transitioning the hosting of our Hyperion applications from ITS to MCIT.

This will allow all of our supported tools to be integrated and provide a single ‘version of the truth’ across all systems.

As of July 1, 2014, the ITS application/connection will no longer be available; at that time all users will need to utilize the MCIT connection.

What does this mean to me?

The URL to access Hyperion Workspace will change

The URL to access UMHSCons in the Microsoft Office add in Smart View will change

All dimensions and members will remain exactly the same between the two environments

The MCIT Application (ConsFY14) will mimic the UMHSCons you are familiar with o There are some functionality improvements with the newer software versions, which can be found in the attached document o Data will be loaded monthly into both systems for the remainder of FY14

Hyperion Workspace URL

The MCIT URL is: https://findatamgr.med.umich.edu/workspace/index.jsp

Compatible with IE7, IE8, IE9

Smart View URL

The new MCIT URL is: https://findatamgr.med.umich.edu/workspace/SmartViewProviders

See the attached document for instructions on how to update the URL on your computer.

Syntax for the shared connection in Smart View Templates:

Provider Type : Essbase

Server : uhepmappspr1.


Application : CONSFY14

Database : TrialBal

The full connection is:




See attached document on how to update an Ad-Hoc Smart View query

Smart View Version Update

A new version ( of Smart View is available for you to install, instructions are in the attached document

The new version ( of Smart View will be automatically pushed to computers on June, 23, 2014 that have the current version of Smart View installed

You can manually download the installation file here: http://www.med.umich.edu/finance/FinancialSystems/files/zip/SVC11125210.zip

Documentation for the software can be found here: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E51310_01/epm.11125/smart_view_user.pdf

The new default is to have the POV members on row 1 and when you toggle on the POV the first row is hidden.

A video that walks through all of the updates can be found here: o https://vimeo.com/98150745 o Password: training

If you have any questions/concerns, please contact UMHSFinancialSystems@med.umich.edu

As FY14 financials are being finalized, Financial Systems has granted you access to the new

UMHSCons application. The final fiscal year 2014 data will be loaded into ConsFY14. The

ConsFY14 application will serve as a reference for the historic financials. All of the

Account/Fund/Department hierarchies will remain as they were at year-end FY14, and no further updates will be made to the application after the year has been finalized.

Starting with FY15, data will be loaded into the UMHSCons application, which will also contain

5 years of historic data. UMHSCons will serve as the current year’s consolidated financial reporting application. All Account/Fund/Department hierarchy updates will be made in this application and all historic years’ data will be reflected under the current hierarchies for comparison purposes.

There are a few of updates to the UMHSCons application for FY15:

Dimension names are no longer plural o Account vs Accounts o Period vs Periods o Fund vs Funds o Balance vs Balances o Year vs Years o Department vs Departments

The dimensions Program Code, Class and Project Grant are not included

Restructuring of Total Payroll members o Payroll is no longer split into subaccounts (OT/temp/Regular/Special/JE) o House Officer Salaries and AFSCME Salaries are now children of Total Salaries

(no longer Other Salaries)

Minor changes have been made to use consistent naming conventions across the entire application o Removal of /, replaced with & (with a few exceptions) o Ordering zero-level member names alphabetically

The former numeric budget categories used by the HHC have been replaced with alpha numeric text following a standard convention throughout the Account dimension o See Financial Systems webpage for updated account hierarchy ( UMHSCons

Dimensions )

Smart View templates on the Hyperion Workspace site have been updated o Located in Workspace at UMHS Finance Workspace > SmartView Templates for


The FY15 budget will be loaded for July FY15 reporting

The Statistics in ConsFY14 will be loaded for July FY15 reporting

We understand that FY15 reporting will begin very shortly so please contact


if you would like help updating and testing any reports that you currently have.

Documentation on how to connect to UMHSCons and update your Smart View templates, including an Excel macro, are available on the Financial Systems Website http://www.med.umich.edu/finance/FinancialSystems/services/

In following with the strategy of matching reporting requirements with the most efficient tool, the primary source of project grant reporting will be Finance BI (Oracle OBIEE) going forward.

In order to provide a smooth transition to the new system we are creating an application in

Hyperion Essbase that will contain the Project Grant information. This will allow users to continue to run Smart View reports they have created and utilize the standard reports on


Information about the new application ProjGrnt

If you receive this email, then you are currently provisioned to the ProjGrnt application

Account/Fund/Department hierarchies will exactly match UMHSCons

Data will be loaded at the same frequency as UMHSCons

The dimensions Project Grant, Program Code, and Class will be included

Project Grant Beginning Balances will be included

Please email UMHSFinancialSystems@med.umich.edu

with any questions
