Mesa Public Schools Nut Allergy Information

Mesa Public Schools
Nut Allergy Information
To Parents/Guardians: Nut Allergy Alert!
A student in this class has a severe allergy to peanuts and/or tree nut products. An
allergic reaction could be fatal. It can be triggered not only by nuts themselves, but by
other products that are unlabeled or have “traces” of peanuts or nuts from processing.
The reaction can also be triggered by small amounts of nut residue left on desks,
computer keyboards, or coming into close contact with a child who has eaten nut
In order to provide a safer environment for this student, we request that no
nut products be sent into class for snacks, party treats, or class projects.
It is fine to send these products for your child’s lunch which are kept in
his/her lunchbox and then are eaten in the cafeteria.
Please understand that a child cannot help having a severe allergy.
If you have any questions, please call Jan Weld, school nurse, at 480-472-7804. Thank
you for your help and diligence in this health/safety matter.