The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey Monitoring Health Conditions, Nutritional Status of Adults in the Russian Federation 1994-2001 Anna M. Safronova, Mikhail L. Starovoitov The Institute of Nutrition, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) is a series of nationally representative surveys of the Russian Federation implemented between 1992 and 2001. This report is based on surveys conducted in 1994 (Round 5), 1995 (Round 6), 1996 (Round 7), 1998 (Round 8), 2000 (Round 9) and -2001 (Round 10). Data from all rounds have been weighted to comparability of the information presented herein. To date, the RLMS (of Rounds 5-10) were handled by the Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, headed by Drs. Polka Kozyreva and Mikhail Kosolapov, slog with Dr. Michael Swafford, Paragon Research International. The Institute of Nutrition, Russian Academy of medical Sciences, headed by Drs. Alexnder Baturin and Arseni Martinchik, coordinated and carried out the collection and processing of health and diet data. The University of North Carolina team that coordinated of the RLMS includes: Barry Pipkin, Principal Investigator, and co-investigators Namvar Zohoori, Barbara Entwise, Thomas Mroz, and Lenore Arab. The antropometric measurement results have been used to evaluate and analyses the nutritional status. For all respondents were offered to answer the questions about health and they were exposed to measur height and weight. The height were measured by portable equipment "Seca Bodymeter 208'' and weight were measured on portable electronic scale "seca'' The nutritional status of adults were estimated by the body mass index (BMI). The following criteria have been to estimate the BMI value < 18,5 - underweight; 20-25 normal body mass; 25-30 overweight; > 30 obese The statistical analysis of data have been carried out in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS - 9.0). The have been analysis data of adults population 18-58 years in 1994 - 2065 males and 3274 females', in 1995 - 2607 males and 3052 females', in 1996 -2550 males and 3002 females; in 1998 - 2627 males and 3053 females; in 2000 -2701 males and 3253 females', 2001- 3019 males and 3716 females. We were analysis next data: nutrition status and type of settlement, nutrition status and indicate of education, nutrition status and health self - assessment; nutrition status and chronic diseases: myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus, stroke', nutrition status and ethical problem. The nutrition status all adults among round there has been differences: Among the all adults mean BMI have been counterweight - 2-3%,. overweight 28- 32%., obese - 16-17%. Among the men mean BMI has been underweight near 2%, overweight - 30-34%, obese- 8-10%. Among the female mean BMI has been underweight near -3,3 - 4,3%, overweight - 27 - 30%, obese- 20 -23%. There are differences in the anthropometric characteristics between urban and rural population. Among man highest BMI has been found in P.G.T., in all round. Among female highest BMI has been found in rural, in all round. There are differences by gender, BMI and value labels diplom.rxmong man highest BMI has been found who has at least complete higher, in all round. Among female highest BMI has been found who has incomplete secondary (7-8) only, in all round. There are analysis health self-assessment. Among man has been 40%, who complain of their health', 50% who estimating of their health as satisfactory and near - 7% who estimating of their health as poor. Among female has been 26%, who complain of their health, 60% who estimating of their health as satisfactory, near - 1 1%, who estimating of their health as poor. Man and female who estimating of their health as "good'' and "satisfactory'' had BMI - norm. Among adult who estimating of their health as (spooler, BMI had been 24-28. The nutrition status (mean BMl) all adults and chronic disease (myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus, stroke) have been certain relation. Among respondents who had in anamnesis chronic disease, mean BMI have been over norm. Therefore, in the surveyed all round there have been revealed relation nutrition status and next factory (type of settlement, indicate of education, health self - assessment, chronic diseases). It has also been note ethical problem among respondents were who did not answer questions about of health and same of them refused antropometric measure. Because of they were ills, if were very busy and other.