Total No. of Pages: 2 8022 Register Number: Name of the Candidate: B.Ed. DEGREE EXAMINATION – 2012 (SECOND YEAR) (PAPER – XII) 808. CONTENT AND METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING HISTORY – II (Common with New Regulation with Maximum 75 marks) May) (Time: 3 Hours Maximum: 80 Marks SECTION - A Answer ALL questions in about 70 words each. (10 × 2 = 20) 1. Define e-mail. 2. What do you mean by E.T. Lab in Education? 3. What are the four important elements of democracy? 4. Explain the uses of television for teaching of History. 5. Explain the skill of explaining and its components. 6. What way history club is helpful for teaching History? 7. What is internet and its uses for teaching History? 8. What is “Chamacheer Kalvi”. 9. Write a note on values in Education? 10. When “Children’s Day” is celebrated in India? Why. SECTION - B Answer any FIVE of the following in about 250 words each. (5 × 6 = 30) 11. Draw “one of experience of Edgar Tale” and its level of experiences with a diagram and explain the retention of memory? 12. Explain the skill and stimulus variation and its components in History teaching. 13. What are the qualities expected for a good history teachers? 2 14. Write a note on the importance and its uses of Library in teaching history. 15. State in what way a field trip to historical places is considered as part and parcel of History teaching? 16. What is museum and how it will be helpful for teaching history? 17. What is action references? Explain its uses. 18. What is Case Study? Why it is included in the syllabus of school level? SECTION - C Answer ALL questions in about 750 words each. (2 × 15 = 30) 19. (a) Explain about the Dalton Method in the teaching of History. (OR) (b) Why Autographical history considered most important in history? How it will develop the patriotism among the pupils by teaching history? 20. (a) List out the Audio-Visual Aids and explain how those Aids can be used for the teaching of History with suitable illustrations. (OR) (b) Write in detail how the national movement paved the way for the freedom of India? %%%%%%