December 13th, 2010

Absent (3)
Professional Staff Leadership Team
Un-Adopted Meeting Minutes
December 13, 2010, 11:00 a.m.
Elizabeth Jusino’s Home
Debi Jakubcin, Elizabeth Jusino, Joe Nunes, Mariann Swenson, Todd Hunt, Akos
Delneky, Shauna Anstey, Jeff Hogan, Donna Kosloski, Johnny Aplin, Joe
Sarrubbo, Shelby Fiorentino, Patti Riva
Keith Mizelle, Dwayne Smoot, Elisha Gonzalez-Bonnewitz
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 11:30 A.M.
Approval of
The November, 2010 regular meeting minutes were approved.
Present (13)
Report on PDD
Joe Nunes will send questions as an attachment. Joe reviewed the questions
and answers.
o How do we find out about new employees?
 Currently the bulletin is too brief. Vicki Nelson creates a
detailed report and it is shared with the Bulletin.
 A distribution list can be created but a need must be
justified to be on the distribution list.
 The list includes existing employees who went
through the interview process and were hired into
another position.
 Suggestion: publish monthly.
o Include position title.
o How do we get new people on more quickly to computer systems
(ex. Banner)?
 Solution: new employee orientation where a VID is
 Banner needs OIT to add access.
 Issues with documentation.
 State Auditor – only have employees access computer
systems (no early setup).
o Time off requests
 Leave balances were discussed. A discussion of whether
supervisors should have access occurred.
o What is the status of the Manager/Supervisor Training and
Succession Planning?
 Amy Bosley is working on this.
o How do we make HR have a visible presence on campuses?
 Solution: Have an HR representative at meetings.
o Can supervisors see exit interview forms?
 This is being worked on.
o PDD Reviews:
 Some speakers were better than others.
 Overall, it was a success.
 Food was just right, not many leftovers.
SPD Committee Update – Joe Sarrubbo
 First charge is to update funding guidelines.
 February 14, 2011 meeting – Amy Bosley will be at the meeting.
o Review funding guidelines prior to February 14, 2011.
 This has been vetted by entire college.
 Amy Bosley is going to Councils to talk about changes.
 Membership on the SPD Committee was discussed.
o The membership and flowchart were shared and reviewed.
o A discussion about Sonya Boles-Melvin staying on the SPD
Committee occurred. A decision was reached to ask Sonya if you
would like to stay on this committee.
Smoke-free Campus Committee – Todd Hunt
 Website for comments will end. It will be replaced by a public forum in
o The form will be for public Valencia discussion.
 No anonymous comments will be allowed.
 Smoke-free tobacco was discussed.
 A discussion of how Valencia currently does not enforce current smoking
policies occurred.
o What happens when you see someone violated the smoking policy
 Get with the person’s supervisor.
 Procedures of how to enforce a smoke-free campus were discussed.
 A January date will be the first step:
o Cessation plans.
o Wellness Committee.
o Posters.
o Discussion of President’s goal to be smoke-free
o University of Central Florida is tobacco free.
 Four tenets – recommendations to President from Bill Mullowney:
o Fully implement and clearly communicate our policy.
o Enhance and fully communicate cessation programs to everyone.
o Timeline established (18-24 months).
o Continue this dialogue throughout.
 A question was raised whether the campuses should begin now.
o Should there be disciplinary action if time for smoking is beyond
breaks and lunch?
o A discussion occurred about the number of cigarette butts, how they
were toxic, and decomposing after years.
o Helen Loiselle is in favor of tobacco-free campuses.
o Additional discussion took place:
 Smoking versus obesity.
 Obesity hurts the individual. Second-hand smoke is a
primary reason for the smoke-free campuses.
 Donations to the college was discussed:
 Do we care who donates regarding tobacco-free?
for the
How do we
want to
to Professional
PSLT Chair
Wendi Dew leads the Sabbatical Leave Committee.
o Revised policy online.
o Date has been adjusted. It is later this year.
o First meeting is 1/21/2011 at CJI from 1:00-4:00 pm.
o We need two volunteers.
o Professional staff is eligible for this.
Read leave policy (get leave policy attachment or show link).
o 1/21/2011at CJI from 1:00-4:00 pm
o 3/25/2011 at CJI from 1:00-4:00 pm
o Review applications
o This is a two-year term.
o Joe Sarrubbo and Patti Riva volunteered.
Internal communications to professional staff – college wide and campuswide.
o What is the best way?
o Pertinent information?
o Targeted groups?
o A general area to access information leading to specific areas to
answer questions.
Liz requested ideas from all PSLT attendees.
o Does everyone need to have all the information?
o Is there a need for college wide information?
 Solution: marketing – news, blog, easier to search for
 Solution: chain of command – getting communications from
your supervisor.
 Solution: monthly Dean Meetings – what is going on in the
 Expectations: Do people read their e-mail?
 Solution: place information on the bulletin boards
 Planning – get the word out on what is happening.
 Solution: Use Atlas Group for Professional Staff.
 Shelby Fiorentino will clean this group up.
 Solution: a newsletter for the Professional Staff only within
the Atlas Group.
 PSLT Chair elect will take care of the newsletter.
Met with Dr. Stone to go over the matrix of outstanding issues. Dr. Stone
will get back to us regarding responses.
Midpoint discussion occurred. This will be reviewed when there is enough
budget available.
o New hires are paid almost as much as supervisors.
o Reclassifications: This can result in an increase or decrease in
 The March forum – we need to discuss the planning of the forum at the next
meeting on February 14, 2011.
o Send ideas for what type of event to Liz.
College Learning Council - CLC (Donna Kosloski):
 See last report turned in.
College Planning Council - CPC (Akos Delneky)
 November meeting cancelled.
College Operations Council – COC (Elisha Gonzalez-Bonnewitz)
 Elisha was not present to give the report.
Learning Day was discussed. The idea for community work was driven by
Amy Bosley. She is very excited about it.
o Buses will take us to UCF for an opening speaker.
o Buses will then take us to Moss Park to do clean-up work.
o Debi read the leaders’ document that she sent to us.
o Debi asked for PSLT volunteers to be Team Leaders.
 Mariann and Shauna – Green Thumb Leaders
 Patti – Safety Leader
 Akos – Happy Campers Leader
 Liz – Trailblazers Leader
 Joe Sarrubbo – Playtime Leader
 Debi – Back up (Joe Nunes helping)
 Donna – Kids Leader
Wellness information is back from Cigna.
o The Wellness Committee meets this week.
o Planning wellness activities for the entire year.
o Cigna incentive program:
 Details will be discussed to get the $100 gift card.
 Part of it is participation in workshops.
 Workshops will be offered.
 If you are insured by the College (health insurance), then you
can participate in the wellness activities.
o Communication was discussed about wellness activities.
 Awareness of programs
 Are people reading information and e-mail?
 Dr. Stone stated at the forum:
1. Get e-mail
2. Open
3. Read
Next Meeting
February 14, 2011, West, HSB Room 211
 Who will be there?
 Do we want to take a group picture if Don is available?
The meeting was adjourned at 2:15pm.