Proposal Feedback - Dec 2015

Annually Appointed Faculty Role Design Feedback
from small group discussions at Executive Council on 12/2/2015
We learned…
The percent of faculty on annual contracts has dropped from over ½ of FT to less than 1/5 of FT.
½ of TT Faculty have adjunct have been adjunct or AC faculty first.
The conversion made employees eligible for health insurance in summer months.
No official induction or onboarding process.
Impact of changing 64 positions made us look at it deeper.
There is a flat rate for AA faculty.
For 8 month, 12 month faculty.
Need more info about differences between 8, 10, and 12 month faculty.
No specific on-boarding.
Are part of the PD plan for Assoc. Faculty - - but only for overloads.
We have lots of layers to employee class (compensation scale, induction, prof dev) to be met
We didn’t have an evaluation process specifically.
The process allows them to be able to have their contract renewed without evaluation.
Nothing is simple.
Same salary regardless of experience.
We added an annual contract category.
There isn’t a compensation schedule for AA contract faculty.
The advantages of being 8 month versus 12 month.
They are not eligible for professional development.
Change base 5 to 6 courses.
We wonder…
How can existing faculty be included in the design process without becoming “advocates”?
How do we get all the right people on the design team?
What is the goal of this initiative?
Do associate faculty get additional compensation? For overload only or in summer if teaching
How existing AA faculty can be included in the design process (improve student learning)?
If we can embrace inclusive excellence earlier in the process with AA?
Do we have the right mix on the work team that will embrace the thought, ”what will make
learning better?”
What kind of impact will this “class of 64” have on TT faculty?
Is the timeline too aggressive?
Do we currently separate these employees for on-boarding?
What will the PD requirements be?
Will we be adding annually appointed faculty to the new faculty evaluation system?
Is there an opportunity to integrate faculty to “advising”? (Title V East)
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5 hours of service to student learning at the direction of the dean.
Why have they not been eligible to participate in the PD program?
What exactly are the budget constraints?
Would a mentorship/partnership with a tenured faculty member be beneficial?
Would they have to go through onboarding each time?
What will the measure of effectiveness be once the program is implemented??
The volume of faculty and impact on academic divisions, as well as on support services such as
Faculty development.
Is there a difference between the several types of full-time positions in regard to onboarding?
What affect will it have on tenure/tenure track faculty?
Will we be adding annually appointed faculty to the evaluation process?
Is TLA going to adapt?
We suggest…
The work teams ask two questions when approaching this design project: (1) How does this
improve student learning? (2) How we do know?
Clarify the reasons Valencia has annual contract faculty in the first place.
Combining the onboarding program into one that is already in existence.
Extended induction to learn more about culture.
Review of other institutional models.
Add clarifying language to denote 8 month faculty as well as 12 month in “background”.
Keeping these faculty apprised of the work and to seek opportunities for them to offer ideas and
Create clarity in different faculty roles.
Title V stipends must be for something extra (sustainability).
3 academic deans per campus cluster.
Regardless of the length of contract, there is an evaluation at the end.
A resource class for onboarding which will help them learn resources, campuses and aid with
their adjustment to campus life.
Use existing onboarding training.
Evaluation at the end.
Be mindful of Title V.
A transparent process.
Clarify why Valencia is doing this. What is the purpose?
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