MINUTES Wednesday, March 30, 2005 Osceola Campus, 2-223 Present: Nick Bekas, Kira Bishop, Karen Borglum, Mike Bosley, Philip Bishop, Helen Clarke, Aida Diaz, Jackie DiMartino, Emily Hooker, Will Johnson, Maryke Lee, Pat Nellis, Melissa Pedone, Shawn Robinson, Allison Sloan, Roberta Vandermast Regrets: Linda Anthon, Suzette Dohany, Louise Pitts, Ann Puyana, Cheryl Robinson, Barbara Shell Session Objectives: 1. Review assessment-related work by communications faculty 2. Review of LET Charge 3. Discuss progress reports of LET work teams 4. Examine CCSSE results for evidence of THINK Assessment-related work in Communications Karen Borglum distributed a packet of rubrics that have been developed by communications faculty to assess speech, writing, and portfolio assignments. Aspects of the core competency THINK are embedded in the rubrics. Review of LET Charge Given the variety of worthwhile projects on which we could spend our time, it was helpful the remind ourselves of the most critical goals and purposes assigned to us as part of our charge. While we have made progress on many of our goals, we must continue to focus on documenting evidence of student learning. THINK Work Group (Rubric and Evidence) A Holistic Scoring Workshop is planned for May 13 to validate the THINK rubric. An invitation will be sent collegewide to all full-time faculty, including counselors and librarians, next week. Four faculty members volunteered to gather student work based upon an appropriate assignment. This distribution of courses is likely to provide a cross-section of levels of thinking and performance related to the rubric. A follow-up study may be conducted by matching students' credit hours with their level of thinking. Banquet Work Group The Banquet work group is considering a Celebration of Think Project Kickoff in mid-June 2005. This would be followed by a celebration/showcase of work and awards in June of 2006. Some funds have been secured for the first event. A brand name for the events is needed. Evidence of THINK and CCSSE Results After examining selected CCSSE questions, it was determined that our CCSSE results might provide indirect evidence of the core competencies. For example, 68% of the students who took the survey, reported that their experience at Valencia contributed to their skills related to thinking critically and analytically. Further analysis of our CCSSE results is needed. Work Group Meetings will be held: Wednesday, April 13, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm Osceola Campus, 2-223 or as determined by team Next full LET Meeting Wednesday, April 27, 2004, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm Osceola Campus, 2-223