MINUTES Wednesday, February 23, 2005 Osceola Campus, 2-223 Present: Linda Anthon, Andrew Alexander, Nick Bekas, Kira Bishop, Karen Borglum, Mike Bosley, Philip Bishop, Helen Clarke, Aida Diaz, Jackie DiMartino, Suzette Dohany, Emily Hooker, Will Johnson, Pat Nellis, Melissa Pedone, Louise Pitts, Ann Puyana, Cheryl Robinson, Allison Sloan, Roberta Vandermast Regrets: Maryke Lee, Shawn Robinson, Barbara Shell Session Objectives: 1. Discuss a marketing plan for TVCA presented by Joan Andrek 2. Discuss progress reports of LET work teams 3. Brainstorm ideas for Draft White Paper on Improving Access to Data Marketing Plan for TVCA The LET has requested support from Marketing to design a suite of materials to promote the core competencies overall and the emphasis we plan for THINK this year. Joan Andrek asked us to think about a variety of issues that relate to our internal campaign. Services from the Marketing Office include: printing support, coordination with LifeMap owners, copywriting, design services, interface with graphic services and OIT. The LET communicated to Joan that we are interested in a campaign similar to the LifeMap initiative that would include banners, posters, and web promotion. Joan will take our ideas back to her department and present their plans at our next meeting. Judi, Mike, Kira, and Suzette volunteered to work with Marketing on this planning process. Information Clearinghouse/Website Report The webography plan is being coordinated with Priscilla Yamin and will incorporate the existing Destinations website as a base. Additional material and activities will be added and the search topics will be increased to reflect the emphasis on THINK. Banquet Work Group The Banquet work group has focused its attention on sources of funding. Once the details of the THINK initiative are more clearly defined, details of the banquet can be considered. So far, it appears that the Foundation may be able to help with a portion of the banquet expenses. THINK Work Group (Rubric and Evidence) The THINK work group presented their draft rubrics for the Think Indicators and their plan to validate the rubric using student work. Concern was expressed with the use of student work generated from communications courses and regarding the participation of communications faculty in testing the rubric. Further, there was interest expressed in looking at the rubrics developed and currently in use by speech and writing faculty for assessment purposes. The THINK work group will meet before the next meeting and consider these concerns and revise the plan as necessary. The LET will vote at the next meeting to endorse, or not to endorse, the revised plan. Draft White Paper on Improving Access to Institutional Data for Faculty and Staff As time ran out, brainstorming was postponed until the next meeting. Work Group Meetings will be held: Wednesday, March 9, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm Osceola Campus, 2-223 or as determined by team Next full LET Meeting Wednesday, March 30, 2004, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm Osceola Campus, 2-223