VISION MISSION, CORE VALUES STRATEGIC INITIATIVES and OBJECTIVES VISION 2012: Centralia College will be recognized as the best community college in the State of Washington. The college will be a driving force in the local economy and be the intellectual heart and cultural soul of the community. MISSION: Improving people’s lives through life long learning. CORE VALUES: RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY and RESPONSIVENESS Respect: We value the worth and dignity of the individual, affirming that the learning process includes appreciating the diversity of human experience. Responsibility: We value the unique contributions of college individuals by recognizing that each performs an essential role in responding to the educational and service needs of the community. Responsiveness: We value effective collaboration as the college responds to the changing social, political, economic and technological needs of our community. STRATEGIC INITIATIVES and OBJECTIVES Institutional Integrity Build an institution whose vision, mission and strategic initiatives drive its daily operations, provide for continuous improvement, and result in the highest ethical interactions with all its stakeholders. a. Incorporate VMSIs (Vision, Mission, Strategic Initiatives) in decision-making process through committee work plans. b. Develop an institutional personnel professional development plan. Provide the highest quality education and services through continual analysis, assessment, and improvement. a. Evaluate and refine the 2002-3 institutional assessment tools b. Review and refine END statement evaluations for Board of Trustees. c. Investigate implementing additional institutional assessment tools. 20003 -2004 1. Institutional Integrity 1.1. Build an institution whose vision, mission and strategic initiatives drive its daily operations, provide for continuous improvement, and result in the highest ethical interactions with all its stakeholders. 1.1.1. Incorporate VMSIs (Vision, Mission, Strategic Initiatives) in decision-making process through committee work plans. 1) 1.1.2. Develop an institutional personnel professional development plan. 2) 1.2. Provide the highest quality education and services through continual analysis, assessment, and improvement. 1.2.1. Evaluate and refine the 2002-3 institutional assessment tools 3) 1.2.2. Review and refine END statement evaluations for Board of Trustees.4) 1.2.3. Investigate implementing additional institutional assessment tools.5) Institutional Integrity 2004-2005 1.1. Build an institution whose vision, mission and strategic initiatives drive its daily operations, provide for continuous improvement, and result in the highest ethical interactions with all its stakeholders. 1.1.1. Incorporate VMSI’s (Vision, Mission, Strategic Initiatives) in decision-making process through committee work plans. 6) 1.1.2. Develop an institutional personnel professional development plan. 7) 1.2. Provide the highest quality education and services through continual analysis, assessment, and improvement. 1.2.1. Review findings and make recommendations from institutional assessments 8) 1.2.2. Review and refine END statement evaluations for Board of Trustees.9) 1.2.3. Investigate implementing additional institutional assessment tools.10) Institutional Integrity 2005-2006 Objectives for 2005-2006 1 2 1.2 3 4 5 Progress to date Incorporate VMSI’s (Vision, Mission, and Strategic Initiatives) in decision-making process through committee work plans. Review results from standardized assessments, including Noel Levitz, CCSSE, monitoring reports, program review and ARF’s; modify planning based on information from these analyses. Annual Develop an institutional personnel professional development plan. On hold Suggestion made to have this objective become a policy/procedure. All areas to incorporate review of objectives at all quarterly cabinet meetings and EMT do a review of all objectives twice a year. Chris Bailey, VP, Human Recourses to begin work on designing campus leadership program. Could be offered as a course. Provide the highest quality education ad services through continual analysis, assessment, and improvement. Review findings and make recommendations from institutional assessments Work with faculty across campus to integrate learning objectives related to information literacy skills into course outlines . Review and refine END statement evaluations for Board of Trustees. Investigate implementing additional institutional assessment tools. Institutional Integrity Annual on going on going Sue Kennedy and Stephanie Carter completed phase I of an IL assessment project with three members of the English Department. They identify learning outcomes related to IL for ENGL 098, 101 and 102. Phase II will involve identifying teaching strategies and assignments that best allow students to achieve these outcomes. End statement number 4 has been recommended for revision and will be presented to the board at their yearly retreat in August. Using Noel Levitz data collection, the college has made improvements; bike patrols and lighting. All areas are to review the Noel Levitz data and use it to analyze whether or not to make changes to their area/ programs. CCSSE will be administered spring 06 and is funded through Assessment. EMT reviews the enrollment report on a weekly basis. Committee meeting minutes reflect issue specific assessments. 06/07 New Objectives 2006-2007 Objectives for 2006-2007 1 2 Progress to date Incorporate VMSI’s (Vision, Mission, Strategic Initiatives) in decision-making process through committee work plans. Annual Promote institutional personnel professional development plan. on-going Developed on-line (using moodle) training; adding career development training; Developed Safety Plan Done by Institutional Effectiveness Committee each fall qtr. 3 Review findings and make recommendations from institutional assessments Annual Noel Levitz and CCSSE done on alternate years; monitoring reports 4 Review and refine END statement evaluations for Board of Trustees on-going Revised End 4 - re: 4.3 & 4.4; Continue to restructure reporting components; on-going Implemented CCSSE 5 Investigate implementing additional institutional assessment tools. Institutional Integrity 07/08 New Objectives Chris to develop personnel development plan. add sustainability END 2007-2008 Objectives for 2007-2008 Progress to date 2 Promote institutional personnel professional development plan. (Chris to develop personnel development plan.) 3 Review findings and make recommendations from institutional assessments 4 Review and refine END statement evaluations for Board of Trustees Institutional Integrity 08/09 New Objectives on-going A Personnel Development Plan developed and approved by the President. END 6.2 reports to the board all professional development by faculty and staff On-line Safety training using Moodle developed Facilities and Grounds Crews participated in safety training. The Leadership Development Program (LDP) course began focusing on career development. (60 people have completed program) Chris attended WELA Steve Ward attending WELA Annual Per recommendations from the Noel Levitz data analysis safety and security issues were addressed per the following: Security: Parking lots are well-lighted and secure; Campus is safe and secure for all students. Other recommendations addressed included Student Services cabinet saw a presentation which included information on financial aid. Tuition pay plan developed and implemented Instruction revised class schedule to enable more classes being scheduled at convenient times for students. CCSSE administered in 2007/2008. monitoring reports Noel Levitz to be administered in 2008 Recommendations from the 2007/08 CCSSE survey to be addressed. Results for the 07/08 CCSSE being analyzed for action in 2008/09 Mary Ann to present data analysis of CCSSE to EMT for recommendations. The data analysis for monitoring Reports END 4 revealed need for clarification of the math requirement for students. Detailed plan developed and recommendation presented to all advisors. Proposed a subsection to END 6 on sustainability to the Board of Trustees at annual retreat. Approve and adopt sustainability end 6.5 END 2 and END 3 reporting date moved to Sept. on-going 2008-2009 Objectives 1 Incorporate VMSI’s (Vision, Mission, Strategic Initiatives) in decision-making process through committee work plans. 2 Promote institutional personnel professional development plan. (Chris to develop personnel development plan.) 3 Review findings and make recommendations from institutional assessments 4 5 2008 - 2009 Objectives Done by Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Committee and each council/committee that serves on IE each fall qtr. Workplans tied to Strategic Initiatives and Objectives Steve Ward attending WELA Steve attended WELA Completed 4th LDP with 93 total graduates to date Annual Noel Levitz to be administered in 2008 Recommendations from the 2007/08 CCSSE survey to be addressed. Results for the 07/08 CCSSE being analyzed for action in 2008/09 Mary Ann to present data analysis of CCSSE to EMT for recommendations. MaryAnn to present Noel Levitz and CCSSE data to EMT on 9/15/09 Review and refine END statement evaluations for Board of Trustees on-going Approve and adopt sustainability end 6.5 END 2 and END 3 reporting date moved to Sept. Adopted End 6.5 - baseline data being gathered. Combined 4.3 & 4.4 Investigate implementing additional institutional assessment tools. on-going Institutional Integrity Annual 2008-2009 Progress on-going 2009-10 Activities 5th LDP to begin Sept. 09 Proposed 4.7 e-Learning