History of Photography a.
Read “From Blurs to Big Business” packet.
1) Write a 10 sentence paragraph summarizing & your reaction.
(Conventions do count.) 10 points
Composition a.
Read “What is Composition” packet
1) Write a 10 sentence paragraph summarizing what makes a good composition. (Conventions do count.) 10 points
b. Define each of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design. 10 points
1) Take 2 each of the 12 elements of art and principles of design.
2) Label (on the computer) & Print both on one piece of copy paper in black and white, place in plastic protector sheet in 3 ring binder. 100 points. Only the photos for “color” should be printed in color.
Camera Action a.
Choose a feature of the camera from my list, research & photograph it and create a power point presentation of a minimum of 10 slides of this documentation explaining the feature. 50 points. b.
Present feature to class. 20 points c.
Research f stop, shutter speed, aperture. Write a 10 sentence paragraph explaining their functions, examples of how they are used and why a photographer must understand how to use them.
People/Portraits a.
Do an Art Revue of Margaret Bourke-White. 20 points b.
& c. Take 25 portraits of people and contact sheet in b & w.
Choose 5 and print in black and white one per page, place in plastic protector sheets in 3 ring binder. 100 points
Landscapes a.
Do an Art Revue of Ansel Adams. 20 points b.
& c. Take 25 photos of landscapes and print contact sheet in b & w.
Choose 5 and print in black and white one per page, place in plastic protector sheets in 3 ring binder. 100 points
Buildings/Architecture a.
Do an Art Revue of Helen Binet. 20 points b.
Take 25 photos of buildings/structures and print contact sheet in b & w. Choose 5 and print in black and white one per page, place in plastic protector sheets in 3 ring binder. 100 points
Action Photos of one subject a.
Do Art Revues of Henri Cartier Bresson. 20 points b.
& c. Take 25 action photos and print contact sheet in b & w.
Choose 5 and print in black and white one per page, place in plastic protector sheets in 3 ring binder. 100 points c.
Write a 3 sentence artist’s statement explaining who you are and what you are depicting, print and place in plastic protector sheet in 3 ring binder. 10 points
Photo Shop That a.
Choose six photograph and explore at least 3 different artistic applications.
Label & Print all four on one sheet of paper including the original and the 3 variations. Label. You will have used a total of 18 different applications. Place in plastic protector sheets in a 3 ring binder.
100 points. b.
Choose one photograph to apply photoshop elements. Print in color. Mount on black pasteboard. 20 points. Enter in art exhibit. 10 points
Photographic Careers a.
Do an Art Revue of Jim Richardson. 20 points
Create a brochure explaining possible careers in photography. 100 points c.
Write a 10 sentence paragraph explaining libel, privacy, copyright and counterfeit
laws as they apply to photography and image use. Include freedom of the press and the photographer’s rights and responsibilities including the consequences of photo manipulation.10 points
Still-life Photography a.
Set up a still-life of your personal interests with lighting and background. b.
& c. Take 25 action photos and print contact sheet in b & w.
Choose 5 and print in black and white one per page, place in plastic protector sheets in 3 ring binder. 100 points c.
Write a 3 sentence artist’s statement explaining who you are and what you are depicting, print and place in plastic protector sheet in 3 ring binder. 10 points
Take a Closer Look a.
& b. Take 25 photos of a subject or subjects with a closer look and print contact sheet in B & W.
Choose 5 and print in black and white one per page, place in plastic protector sheets in 3 ring binder. 100 points b.
Write a 3 sentence artist’s statement explaining who you are and what you are depicting, print and place in plastic protector sheet in 3 ring binder. 10 points
Fall Leaves/Spring Blossoms a.
& b. Take 25 photos and print contact sheet.
Choose 5 and print one per page, label and place in plastic protector sheets in 3 ring binder. 100 points b.
Write a 3 sentence artist’s statement explaining who you are and what you are depicting, print and place in plastic protector sheet in 3 ring binder. 10 points
Nocturnal Views a.
& b. Take 25 photos and print contact sheet.
Choose 5 and print one per page, label and place in plastic protector sheets in 3 ring binder. 100 points b.
Write a 3 sentence artist’s statement explaining who you are and what you are depicting, print and place in plastic protector sheet in 3 ring binder. 10 points
Cultural History a.
Art Revues of Gordon Parks and one of his artworks. 20 points. b.
& c. Take 25 photos and print contact sheet.
Enlarge 5 photos, print and place in plastic protector sheets. 100 points. c.
Write a 3 sentence artist’s statement explaining your cultural history.
Concentration Evolves a.
Art Revues of Dorothea Lange and one of her artworks. 20 points. b.
& c. Take 25 photos and print thumbnail.
Choose 5 and print one per page and place in plastic protector sheets. 100 pt. c.
Write a 3 sentence artist’s statement explaining who you are and what you are depicting, print and mount on black poster board. 10 points
Photo Project 100 points. Rubric will be provided.
Photo Paired Projects 20 points each. Handout will be provided at the time.
Portfolio Revue a.
Using dividers and labels organize your portfolio. b.
Write an artist’s statement for each section. c.
Turn in portfolio. 100 points
Extra Credit Opportunities:
Watch Dewitt Jones’ videos and write 10 sentence paragraphs about video…Up to 3 videos and 30 points.