STRATEGIC GOAL TEAM 3, Objective 3 TEAM MEETING January 28, 2011, 10:00 a.m. CRIMINAL JUSTICE INSTITUTE, RM 143 DRAFT (2/18/11) Team Members Present Shauna Anstey, Anne Barreto, Karen Conn, Kimberly Foster, Debi Jakubcin, Chris Wettstein Team Members Absent Ray Enger, Erin O’Brien, Sunni Prevatt CPC Co-Chair Present Ed Frame, Susan Kelley Welcome and Review of Charge, Team Principles and Roles Meeting Convener, Shauna Anstey, called the meeting to order with a welcome and selfintroductions. The goal team reviewed minutes from the 12-1-10 meeting. It was noted that Debi Jakubcin’s name needed a correction. Ed Frame, co-chair of the College Planning Council, reviewed the charge to the team and Susan Kelley noted the tasks of the day. Review of Strategic Issues The team discussed whether any of the Primary/Secondary issues needed to be addressed and agreed on the following: PRIMARY 11. Valencia can expect delays and challenges in hiring due to the highly competitive market for key positions. The committee agreed that this fluctuates based on the economy and may not be as severe as it was a year ago. *Committee will update 12. Current faculty and staff have unrealized potential that should be developed to further the College’s goals. Cigna reports show that we still have challenges in this area. *No update needed 14. The College’s operating, technology and capital budgets do not always align clearly with the strategic plan. Operating funds have been moved from SPD to Fund 1 so it’s now part of the college budget. *Committee will update SECONDARY 5. Diversity is not fully utilized as a strength throughout the curriculum and the College. Wellness programs being offered reach out to a diverse population and is comprised of many different opportunities for varied interests. *Committee will update 8. The College lacks the human, fiscal, technological, and physical resources to meet all of the current needs of students and all who want to be students. There is still a shortage of adequate space to provide health services on some campuses. *No update needed 9. Students, faculty and staff do not always have access to up-to-date, effective technologies that support learning and professional success. This links to #8 - There is still a shortage of adequate space to provide health services on some campuses. *No update needed. 13. College staffing levels, systems and processes can sometimes lead students to feel as if they are “numbers” rather than persons to be served. Staff being out sick due to wellness issues equates to students suffering from a lack of employee assistance. *No update needed. ADDITONAL ISSUES How will we define “meaningful improvement?” “Measure of self reported wellness An increase in self reporting, passport and incentive program participation (3-5 year window).” *Committee will update. How is our commitment to valuing diversity honored through the work envisioned by this plan? This links back to #5 – “Wellness programs being offered reach out to a diverse population and is comprised of many different opportunities for varied interests.” *Committee will update. What constitutes meaningful data? “Cigna Biometric Screening reports and participation rates.” The team is free to suggest any missing issues that the data suggest should be addressed as well. Baseline Data Review Debi provided each member of the team with a packet of wellness information that included 2011 Passport to Better Health, results from Valencia’s health survey, list of current and planned wellness events, 2010 Biometric Screen results, Health Assessment Risk Profile Report, and an overview of the Incentive Points Program/ User’s Guide. Major Goal-Related Initiatives and Projects The team reviewed the list of Strategic Initiatives from 2009-10 that was generated by the President’s Staff as amended by the goal team that met last year, as well as the list of goal related work in the Weave Online report. The team remained in agreement that the new Smokefree Initiative needs to be added to the list of missing initiatives related to 3.3. Possible recommendations for Big Meeting: Look at adding a goal focused on employees having supervisor support to participate in wellness programs. There needs to be consistency across the college. Assignments and Next Meeting By the next meeting, Debi will have the Wellness plan (including smoke-free policy) updated in the Weave system after reviewing with Dr. Stone. Team members will work on updating the Initiatives Report, as well as the Strategic Issues Brief for 11 and 14 (primary) and 5 (secondary). Most of the work for the Big Meeting will be done via email before spring break, and a date for an additional team meeting will be determined through a review of GroupWise calendars, and will be held shortly after the break. (The date was subsequently set as Monday, April 4, 2011, at 2:30 p.m. at the CJI, room 148.) Team members were reminded that the Big Meeting date has been rescheduled for Thursday, June 2.