Data Team Basics at Valencia

Sample Slides re Data Teams at Valencia to Adapt
• 5-11-2015
Data Team Meeting Objectives
• Discuss the project and its goal
• Discuss the charge of this Data Team
• Provide overview of project objectives
• Discuss and shape the research questions
• Identify and develop items / a plan that would help answer the questions
• Discuss and propose the best way to collect the data
• Determine next steps within the timeline provided
Data Team Gatherings at Valencia College
• Data Team members support the effective use of data consistent with
a collaborative culture dedicated to inquiry, results and excellence.
Building on the lessons learned about data collection and processing
from our Achieving the Dream efforts, Data Team members enable
faculty and staff members across the college to make data-supported
decisions concerning student learning, student success and student
engagement. Along with other data-related activities, the Data Team
helps faculty and student affairs professionals collect, process, and
report data associated with the College’s Program Learning Outcomes
Assessment efforts.
• Currently we have Data Teams organized to support college-wide
initiatives (such as the New Student Experience – NSE), grant-funded
initiatives (such as the LSAMP program funded by the National
Science Foundation – NSF), and for program evaluations (also known
as Academic Initiative Reviews, such as the one focused on the LinC
Data Team Principles
• Create knowledge essential to future decision making regarding program
expansion and/or development
• Design and select research questions that will effectively guide our work
• Consider diverse methods of data collection/generation, including both
quantitative and qualitative methods
• Collaborate with each other, seeking to understand diverse perspectives
• Endeavour to identify and overcome bias based on our current
involvement in this work, seeking to guide this research objectively
• Consider formative and summative assessment
• Determine appropriate audiences for sharing our work
Project / Program Summary
Text here
Strategic Indicators
For example – in one of our projects we asked:
• Did the number of students declaring a STEM major increase?
• Did the persistence rate increase for these students?
• The Data Team also added questions that could be answered
through focus groups and interviews.
Research Questions, Evaluation Plan, Timeline
Text here