CPC Goal Team 3-2 Minutes 012510

Goal Team 3-2 Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2010
Present: Patti Smith, Brent Nakagama, Amy Bosley, Angelique Smith, Julie Corderman, Carolyn
McMorran, Joanna Branham, Jeff Hogan, Joe Nunes, Tulio Bushrui
Absent: Michelle Foster, Ilia Cordero, Silvia Zapico (we’ll miss her)
Career Growth Definitions from Organizations
Averting a Talent Void (Daytona State College)
Sample template for Reporting Goal Team Outcomes
Review of last minutes
3.2 Career Growth was our first question from the plan.
Career Growth – does this mean promotion? Maybe not if we only have a 3% attrition
Valencia doesn’t have a lot of upward mobility opportunity
See Carolyn’s handout “Career Growth Definitions from Organizations”
o The group discussed what they liked and disliked about the statements
o From last time (growing skills from current job, candidate to other areas of the
college, work together to achieve goals.
Each individual sets goals and works with their manager to achieve those goals as part
of their professional development plan
We need to define career growth.
Define Career Growth:
Valencia puts people at the center of everything we do. As an individual, a leader, and part of a
team, you are encouraged to take the reins to drive your career along your chosen path.
Specifically, career growth includes:
Continuous learning and development to enhance current on the job performance,
Enabling employees to keep pace with rapid changes ensuring we are prepared to exceed
the students needs and expectations, and
Identifying and preparing for desired future job opportunities.
Strategic Issues Template:
Amy provided template for strategic issues brief and each initiatives pertaining to goal 3
The two strategic issues #11 – Valencia can expect delays in hiring due to highly competitive
Goal #12 Discussions
Current faculty have unrecognized potential
There wasn’t succession planning process or ILP for faculty at the time.
We didn’t have a systematic way to assess our own development
Many departments didn’t complete annual performance reviews
This might have been a general statement not based on any hard data
When baby boomers retire we will be hard pressed to keep “loyalty” from the next
generation since they aren’t as loyal as the boomer generation.
New professional development plan and performance appraisal process which should
be coming out in 2010
Helps people become accountable for their own growth and development.
What will it mean to cultivate “talent”? How will it be identified? Who will determine
where the gaps are? Martha Williams is currently the individual responsible for talent
management and succession planning.
Think in terms of competencies for manager/supervisors, etc…generic competencies
(see UC Berkley). Validate the competencies across functional areas. DACOM?
Facilitator to help us validate the process
How will we be able to identify the gaps in resources? We will need to identify the
structure to improve this for the college.
Will WEAVE Online be able to help us generate the needs analysis for trainings based
on departmental goals and collegewide strategic initiatives? We’ll need to rethink the
workshops offered for staff based on data which we can
GOAL 11 Discussions:
Valencia can expect delays and challenges in hiring due to the highly competitive market for key
We still don’t groom our internal candidates well enough to be prepared for positions of higher
authority. Not provided appropriate advisement and counseling on how to compete at the next higher
level. Valencia still struggles to see career related knowledge, skills, and abilities from other markets as
equivalent to skills gained working in the education field. There are ongoing concerns that external
applicants will have issues adapting to the Valencia culture.
Although the economy has increased the available talent pool, there are still problems finding qualified
people to fill positions at Valencia. (Increase in pool, not quality). Educational institutions traditionally
look outside their organization when hiring higher administrative positions rather than cultivating
internal candidates.
Internal candidates are beginning to interview better (possibly as a result of “interview for success”
workshops and competitive nature of the workforce)
Write narrative: We have observed some key issues the college needs to resolve to make process:
Some identified process for when we hire internal versus external, some identified process for career
planning and growth, etc.
Next big piece of work:
Complete “Sample Template for Reporting Goal Team Outcomes” (sample handout provided)
Create strategic plan for staff and org development
Implement a PDP system for staffing
Now that we have a definition of “Career Growth”, we need to think broadly about current key
initiatives to see how they support the work. What else is out there?
Finalize the two templates
Where do we want to go ultimately?
What can we bite off in next three years?
Identify current college programs aligned with this target.
How will we know?
Will the current activities and plans at the college move the needle on this goal?
Next Meeting (2 weeks from now) at West Campus (Noelia will schedule)
Big Meeting 3/19th – all work needs to be completed by then.