Welcome to the Cross-Cultural Rhetoric Workshop

Welcome to the Cross-Cultural Rhetoric Workshop
Uppsala University, Sweden  Stanford University, USA
Professor Patrik Mehrens and Dr. Alyssa O’Brien
May 4, 2009
Focus on Intercultural Communication:
How can we best communicate across cultures and
across diverse rhetorical situations?
Focus on Intercultural Communication:
Keys for Global Collaboration
C- A - L - L
• Consider assumptions about
rights, values, & needs
• Avoid stereotypes & prejudice
• Listen actively
– Be sensitive to a culture's perception
• Learn language care:
– Resist using slang and idioms
– Respect local communication styles
– Remember a few words of the
Focus on Intercultural Communication:
Case Study on Activism for Global Poverty
Focus on Intercultural Communication:
Case Study on Activism for Global Poverty