January 23rd 2014 – 2:00PM
North Star Board Room – Student Union West Room #3803
Members in Attendance: Carlo Fassi (Chair), Jay Coleman, Karen Patterson, Judy
Rodriguez, Shari Shuman, Anthony Stevens, Joseph Turner, Collin Waychoff
Members not in Attendance: Christopher Brady
Others in Attendance: Jessica Brown (SG), Erin Campbell (SG), Charlene Dawston
(Health Promotions), Rusty Dubberly (DRC), Dr. Lisa Dynan-Dobbertien (Health
Services), Devany Groves (Budget Office), Mike Kennedy (Health Promotions), Everett
Malcolm (Student Affairs), Michael Malec (Counseling Center), Christine Malek
(Student Affairs), Michael McGuire (SG), Karen McSheffrey (Health Services), Doreen
Perez (Health Services), Shelly Purser (Health Promotions), Angela Rivera (SG), Vicki
Shore (SG), Celeste Watkins (SG)
Carlo Fassi called the meeting to order at 2:07 pm.
Joseph Turner motioned to approve the minutes of the November 26, 2013 meeting. Shari
Shuman seconded the motion. Minutes were unanimously approved.
Carlo called for the presentations to begin starting with Health Promotions.
I. Health Promotions: Shelly Purser, Mike Kennedy, and Charlene Dawston
 Health Promotions has requested a fee increase of $0.05 for next year in
order to fund a full time Health Coordinator position. This position will be
responsible for providing leadership on the Healthy Osprey Initiatives
such as the Smoke Free Initiative and reaching out to all students,
including non-traditional students, by going into the classrooms and telling
more students about health promotions. They will also extend the evening
and weekend programming and continuing the partnership with Residence
Life for the Living Learning Community Program.
 Shelly Purser recapped the increases in the past and the history of how the
fee money went to fund the Healthy Osprey Coordinator Position. The
Osier Garden was one of the main missions of the past year. She
mentioned that the garden maintenance is not a 9-5 job and it includes
nights and weekends. They are funding the day-to-day operations from the
fund balance as suggested by the committee last year.
 The committee asked about this position affecting current OPS Positions.
Shelly clarified that this position will make some impact on the OPS line,
but the coordinator will be a more stable position and will have a better
positive impact on the students.
 Shelly also explained that they do track volunteer hours and student
volunteers and employees will be important in Health Promotions and
promoting things like the Smoke Free Initiative, but they still feel it is
necessary to have the coordinator position. She also explained that this
position is on track with their 5 Year Plan.
 Shelly and Mike also explained that there will be a lot of signage and
promotions requirements for the new initiatives. They visited other
schools to see what they spend on promotions. They priced out
comparable advertising and they came to about $27,000.
II. Disability Resource Center: Rusty Dubberly, Director
 The Disability Resource Center will not be requesting an increase for the
2014-2015 year.
 Rusty Dubberly explained what the DRC’s goal is on campus. He said
their goal is to create a level playing field and to provide access to lead to
success after the University setting. He shared that the DRC impacts all
areas of campus with 5% of the overall UNF population registered with
the Center.
 He reviewed that the DRC is currently receiving $0.40 per credit hour.
This money goes toward Student Assisted Positions such as Interpreting
Services, CART Services, Educational Aids, Note takers, Readers,
Proctors, Scribes and Assisted Technology Needs. He explained that he
feels the Center is using what they currently have effectively. Rusty shared
the DRC graduation statistics for the past semester. They use the entire
E&G Budget before expending the student fee money.
 The committee expressed some concerns that what they currently receive
may be too much. Christine Malek and Rusty explained that they planned
to build up some of the fund balance due to the high fluctuation of needs
for CART Students. Christine also explained what has been spent so far
and gave projections for what will be spent by the end of the year.
 CART Services are only provided when necessary and the student is in
attendance and pricing is up to $7,200.00 per student per class. The
committee suggested that the fee was put in place for a contingency for the
CART Students. Christine also suggested that they received less E&G
Funding this past year because they did not have the non-recurring carry
forward funding that they had last year.
 Carlo asked for a list of Cart and Interpreting Services Students so they
can see the fluctuations between semesters.
III. Counseling Center: Michael Malec, Interim Director
 The Counseling Center is asking for an increase of $0.31 for the 20142015 year to put toward a special equity pay raise for the staff. Michael
explained that the staff is comprised of very qualified masters level, PHD
level, Psychologists and other types of licensed professionals. The center
is accredited by IACS and they were reviewed last spring. The center was
given feedback that low salaries impede the services provided to the
students and they are short staffed due to low wages. This negatively
impacts the students.
 Since 2005, 19 people have vacated their positions because they saw an
opportunity to make more money in other positions. Many went into
private practice where they can make upwards of $100 an hour. The
position searches take up a large portion of the time for the center. In order
to maintain certification, the Center needs 1 Counselor per 1500 enrolled
students. The center falls below the threshold when they have vacancies in
the positions. The demand for the center is very high. They are always
very busy. Much more high profile student issues have been coming to the
 They hire people at a lower pay grade, so they have to hire people who are
not yet licensed, but they hire people who are on their way to getting
licensed. Doctoral Internships requires employees that are very high
quality. This will require salary adjustments to have comparable wages to
similar positions in Florida. They have submitted the requests to HR with
the approval of Dr. Gonzalez and Everett Malcolm
 They are also asking for a 2nd Year Approval of the Fund Balance
Initiative. They are paying for a part time Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
and for a Protocol Hotline service, which allows for nights and weekend
quality coverage for when the center is closed.
 They are also asking for $2,000 for outreach and training services as a
preventative measure and $8,000 for training for the area coordinators for
group work.
 Shari Shuman clarified that we have no authority in this committee over
the salary increases. She will check with HR and asked if they have
considered funding these increases from other sources. Christine Malek
suggested that the increase could be reduced if HR suggested a lower pay
rate. Shari will ask for the exit interview data from HR if the employees
left due to the lower pay rates.
 The committee asked if IACS recommended a pay increase and how the
recommendations of pay increases determined? Michael Malek clarified
that there was a National Directors Association Survey and that HR has a
list of salary recommendations as well. This was a compilation of national
data and was broken down by position. Michael suggested that this is a
chronic problem every time someone leaves because it puts a strain on the
Center and negatively impacts students.
IV. Health Services: Doreen Perez, Dr. Lisa Dynan-Dobbertien
 Health Services is not asking for any fee increase for the 2014-2015 year.
 Doreen explained that Health Services has seen lots of growth over the
years. They currently have 2 Nurse Practitioners, 3 Registered Nurses,
Radiology Tech, and a new MA. Students are coming in with many more
problems and the problems are escalating over time. The clinic used to be
classified as primary care, but they are realizing that they are more of an
urgent care facility. They provide laboratory and many other services
generally at or below cost.
 Health Services has lost 6 employees over the last year due to salaries and
other contract reasons. Last year they had to slice the budgets. They
conserved funding by only allowing professional staff to travel every 3
years for continuing education. A continuing education class generally
costs $12,000 total. They also hired OPS employees instead of filling a
 Doreen gave an update on the third party billing needs. They thought 3rd
Party Billing would be up and running by now, but to this day, they have
not been successful in implementing it. They are working with a
consultant and IT on getting this implemented. With this billing program,
they will still be able to offer services to uninsured students. The self-pay
rate will always be there. They will also have a contract price with
insurance companies. Then they will have the students not have to pay any
 Doreen explained that they tried to have after hours nursing triage, but
they cut it out of the budget last year. She also explained that they have
agreed to transfer $30,000 to the smoke free initiative.
 Doreen shared that they are currently fully staffed. They have 4 Providers
Every Session (Morning and Afternoon). They see approximately 40
students per day and they have not gotten any complaints about students
getting turned away. The committee inquired about the x-ray technician.
Doreen explained that he takes x-rays, rooms patients and does lab work.
 The committee asked to receive the numbers of students and services to be
provided in a summary form.
V. Future Budget Presentations
 January 24th 2014
3:00-5:00 pm North Star Board Room
VI. Budget Deliberations
 February 7th 2014
2:00-4:00 pm North Star Board Room
Carlo Fassi adjourned the meeting at 3:31 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Erin Campbell