ADP Steering Committee February 23, 2011 PRESENT: Casella, Ladendorff, Perry, Tiberio, Waters

ADP Steering Committee
February 23, 2011
PRESENT: Casella, Ladendorff, Perry, Tiberio, Waters
Marcia Ladendorff opened the meeting at 11:05 a.m. She welcomed new Student Affairs representative
for the ADP committee and coordinator for the Women’s Center, Chantell Waters. She said Chantell
would be taking Ryan Miller’s place on the committee.
Talk of the Times
Marcia discussed recruitment concerns for residence hall Talk of the Times sessions. She said she would
contact Dwayne Peterson to see if the ADP could advertise and recruit students in the Fountains
residence hall for each session.
Marcia suggested that faculty members be invited to bring their classes to Talk of the Times discussions.
It was determined that Martina Perry would email targeted faculty members about this prior to the
March sessions.
Fall Planning
Marcia asked the group to brainstorm ideas for fall Talk of the Times topics. It was determined that
Martina Perry would email faculty members before and after Spring Break, requesting their participation
in leading relevant sessions. Marcia said dates would be determined based on faculty leader interest
and availability.
Ideas for future topics were discussed:
Legal drinking age / drinking on campus
The role of Facebook / social networking in world events
The “new normal”: post-recession economics
College graduate employment struggle (title suggested: “New Grad, No Job”)
Cyber-bullying / hate crimes
Distracted driving cell phone laws being proposed (title suggested: “Driving While Stupid”)
Race relations on campus
Student Government practices (title suggested: “SG: In Your Wallet?”)
Redefining rape / relationship violence (title suggested: “Take Back the Night”)
The future of higher education in Florida (title suggested: “Are we Flori-DUH?”)
Risky student behaviors (sex, alcohol use, etc.)
Does pornography lead to higher violence against women and sexual addiction? (title suggested:
“Foreplay or Rough Play?”)
Student athlete issues
Green jobs / environmental issues
Meeting adjourned at 12:05 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Melody Taylor.