E&A Minutes 2-20-12

Elections and Appointments Committee Minutes
February 20th, 2012
Conference Room 3:00 PM
Chairman: Sen. Joel Versace
Call To Order- 3:00
Roll Call- quorum is established with 6 voting members
Approval of the Minutes- Motion; Sen. Galanti: to approve minutes from 2/6/12,
seconded, no objections, passes
Approval of Agenda- Motion; Sen. Stromquist: to approve the agenda for tonight,
seconded, no objections, passes
Chairman Report and Remarks- We are bringing a constitutional referendum to the
floor tonight dealing with how the graduate seats can only be voted for by other
graduate students.
A. Advisor Kendall- You might want to look at the section about how you
can’t add any requirement that isn’t already there (section 1.G).
Guest Speakers
Old Business
VIII. New Business
A. SB-12S-2579
1. Sen. Pres. Fassi- It was President that went to ITS to request this
for this election and they said they couldn’t do it by this election,
but then they actually produced it after we made the legislation.
Now we just have to change the legislation to match the new
2. Advisor Kendall- “Is this ballot different from the sample ballot
that you posted?”
a. Yes it is. The sample ballot is in compliance with
the statute that we have as of now before these
changes. So now we are able to use the ballot we
had originally wanted to use.
3. Motion; Sen. Stromquist: to approve SB-12S-2579, seconded, no
objections, passes
A. Joel Versace, Business Management, Senior
1. Sen. Galanti- “What leadership experience do you possess?”
a. Chaired the E&A committee and will be chairing
the Elections Commission
2. Sen. Pres. Fassi- “What Student Government experience do you
a. Helped in the elections commission, helped re do
title 6 and chairs the E&A committee
3. Motion; Sen. Galanti: to approve Joel Versace, seconded, no
objections, no discussion, passes 6-0-0
Elections Commission Meeting Wednesday February 22nd, 6:30 PM, Senate Chambers
Final Roll Call- quorum is reestablished with 6 voting members
Adjournment- 3:16