Elections and Appointments Committee April 9 , 2012 Conference Room 3:00 PM

Elections and Appointments Committee
April 9th, 2012
Conference Room 3:00 PM
Chairman: Sen. Joel Versace
Call To Order- 3:00 pm
Roll Call- quorum is established with 6 voting members
Approval of the Minutes
a. Motion; Sen. Galanti: to approve the minutes from April 2nd, 2012, seconded, no
objections, passes
Approval of Agenda
a. Motion; Sen. Stromquist: to table set dates for the fall election, seconded, no objections,
b. Motion; Sen. Galanti: to approve the agenda as amended, seconded, no objections,
Chairman Report and Remarks- I am very sick today as you can tell. We are just going to
discuss the revision to the appointments and ways to promote the election.
Guest Speakers
Old Business
New Business
a. Introductions and goals
i. Andrew Salem, junior, communications and minor in PR- chose E&A because
Sen. Versace is a good guy and thought it would rub off in the committee
ii. Christina Bennett, sophomore, undecided- chose this committee because it is
iii. Brittney Stromquist, junior, public relations- people don’t realize the
importance of this committee like we do.
iv. Laurel Kendall, Advisor- SG is a wonderful organization and everything that
you want to make it. This is one of the best committees to be on and is excited
for what is going to come out of this committee.
v. Joseph Turner, freshman, Attorney General- he is in SG because he is
passionate about the students
vi. Charles Galanti, senior, psychology- he is in this committee because of having
the ability to shape the senate by letting people through this committee.
vii. Justin Jenkins, sophomore, health administration- I am here to write down what
you say.
viii. Melinda Cunningham, junior, political science- she is on the committee because
she loves elections.
ix. Joel Versace, senior, business management- chose this committee because he
has been appointed several times and he has the experience. One goal this fall for
him is to have a fall election.
b. Discuss ways to promote the election
i. Sen. Stromquist- “put a flyer in the Swoop Squad bags at freshman orientation.”
ii. Sen. Cunningham- “SG should table at freshmen orientation”
iii. Advisor Kendall- “do they still have telephone calling to people?”
1. Yes, they do that sometimes
iv. Sen. Ritter entered the room
v. Sen. Cunningham- “should get SG yo-yos to give out”
vi. Sen. Galanti- “SG koozies and croakies to give out for promotions”
vii. Sen. Salem- “How many T-shirts do you have to order?”
1. 500 for the election
viii. Advisor Kendall- “you should get dog tags to promote SG”
ix. Sen. Ritter- “put a SG brochure in each of the new freshman dorms”
x. Sen. Galanti- “put a flyer in each of the new freshman’s mailbox”
xi. Sen. Stromquist- “get some SG people to help move in freshmen”
xii. Sen. Versace- “then we can hand out flyers on move in day”
xiii. Sen. Galanti- “hand out butt cushions to promote SG”
c. Discuss SB-12S-2594
i. Advisor Kendall- “in 409.2 B-G, the language has just changed in that, right?”
1. They wanted to split up the application papers to make it easier
ii. Sen. Cunningham- “the appointees that didn’t get voted on, their applications
will sit there for 90 days if a senate seat opens up they can get one?”
1. Yes that how it would work
iii. Sen. Versace- “would you want to do run off votes?”
1. Leave it the way it is
iv. Advisor Kendall- “can you have a vote where someone says “no one” and
doesn’t vote for anyone?”
1. Yes you can say “no one” and that means that they don’t like any of the
Announcementsa. Next Senate is May 9th
b. Next Committee is May 14th
Final Roll Call- quorum is reestablished with 7 voting members
Adjournment- 3:25
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